Nunez and "Make America great again" hat at the democratic debate?
*short circuits*

Nunez and "Make America great again" hat at the democratic debate?
*short circuits*
I think Hills and Bern are both doing fine. Bernie has an interesting way of changing the subject though.
If that bothers you, don't bother watching the general election.I turned it off when they brought up Benghazi. Completely loaded questions.
When the Arab Spring was happening, we didn't have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight.Shit, if all it takes is people asking, we got a laundry list of countries to liberate.
Not really sure Bernie should be hanging any anti-war hats on Libya. The Libyan people were getting slaughtered by Gaddhafi's forces and they asked for the help of the west. Obama responded, and rightly so. The failure was in thinking they could then just walk away and leave a power vaccuum in the country.
I didn't know these hats were a thing haha. I thought it was the original.
Not really sure Bernie should be hanging any anti-war hats on Libya. The Libyan people were getting slaughtered by Gaddhafi's forces and they asked for the help of the west. Obama responded, and rightly so. The failure was in thinking they could then just walk away and leave a power vaccuum in the country.
Her, Ben, and Vince are in the sky talking about the murderess.He tried to warn her but..... oh god bless her soul.
It's getting stale. I wish he'd stop that.Bernies likes to go back to his talking points whenever possible. But yeah, this isn't that bad for either one but the questions are brutal.
If that bothers you, don't bother watching the general election.
If you going to help remove a dictator - you also need to invest people, money and time into rebuilding a society that only knows dictatorship. Especially in the Middle East it was just additional fuel in the fire
When the Arab Spring was happening, we didn't have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight.
Clinton didn't wreck the middle class. His two terms created 23 million well paying jobs. What wrecked the rust belt was a combination of lot of things but not limited to globalization (markets like China, India and Vietnam rising middle classes) and also partly due to automation. One assembly line robot can do the job of 10 unionized workers.Not as classless as wrecking the middle east like Clinton kind of did.
Clinton didn't wreck the middle class. His two terms created 23 million well paying jobs. What wrecked the rust belt was a combination of lot of things but not limited to globalization (markets like China, India and Vietnam rising middle classes) and also partly due to automation. One assembly line robot can do the job of 10 unionized workers.
That was a weird boo clap.
Bernies likes to go back to his talking points whenever possible. But yeah, this isn't that bad for either one but the questions are brutal.
hm, did Clinton just do an All Americans Matter
You mean Hillary answering a question about Gaddafi asked of her, and not butting in on a response about a terrorist tragedy?
Hillary bout to hit Sanders on gun issues
hm, did Clinton just do an All Americans Matter
Clinton didn't wreck the middle class. His two terms created 23 million well paying jobs. What wrecked the rust belt was a combination of lot of things but not limited to globalization (markets like China, India and Vietnam rising middle classes) and also partly due to automation. One assembly line robot can do the job of 10 unionized workers.
She didn't give a direct answer to the question til he asked it for the 4th time. She danced around it.
Are you going to keep saying that?Terrible answer by abuela