which is an incredible looking game
It's a game that looks good, but it's at UE5 demo levels? Obviously not, and that's the demo Epic and Sony hyped the console with, that's the bar themselves set regarding next gen games. Spiderman Miles Morales, which is a crossgen title, arguably looks better. And the fact that you can argue that a crossgen title looks better, means that maybe it's not that big of a jump as you think.
We are going to see games that look much better on both platforms as time goes by. This is just an appetizer.
Then when the hypothetical Sony game comes out, you'll say it is disappointing.
So, according to you, I'm going to say that all the future AAA games of the PS5 are dissapointing?
That's an incredible level of delusion.
Now please go back and continue to get hyped over all the next gen games on Xbox, if there are any.
I already comented on those games, like Scorn and that other crappy game that you play in two different dimensions at the same time (
whatever it's name is). I've said they look like utter trash.
Lucky for me, there isn't some crazy Xbox fanboy going after me for giving my honest opinion about those games.