A full game + DLC is more than a demo/trial, though.Really they should just call these type of deals what they truly are and that is a demo/trial play.
A full game + DLC is more than a demo/trial, though.Really they should just call these type of deals what they truly are and that is a demo/trial play.
Maybe it’s not a scam, but it’s scummy of them to trick me into buying both the Osiris season pass and the Forsaken expansion. And now I have to pay more for Shadowkeep?
Y’all better play some more f2p games before defending this leeching business practice.
Edit: Crap, I just remembered I bought Destiny 2 at launch too. That’s a triple bamboozled right there!
The only thing that i think is that all the new content should be free, like most other f2p games, if they want to monetize, they could find other ways, without locking expansions behind a paywall. Look at warframe as a good example.
People want looter shooters so fucking badly they can't.Just let it die.
Stop you are being too fair and reasonableI did not have access to destiny 2 before. I spent hours having fun in destiny 2 for free last night. I can see tons of content available to me without having to pay anything. Not seeing the scam here...may I recommend a dictionary.
I mean they basically have everything except two paid dlcs. From what I read if you have shadowkeep you don't even need forsaken unless you want the story parts. So realistically they gave a ton of stuff free and you can buy the current dlc to be current...This is what I heard: "Destiny is going F2P in October".
What I think that means is everything in Destiny, the expansions, raids, etc, all free. You pay for cosmetics and weapons and stuff.
In reality, not that way. They didn't lie or cheat me, they just rolled out something that is different than I picture F2P. I will never touch another Destiny game.
I don't know what to tell you but, that seems like a failing of the PS store/OS.
Give it a reboot in case something is messed up in caches/store config.
Any particular reason you're dead set on getting Forsaken right now?
Most Expensive Warframe Items, Mods and Skins - Odealo
Check out what are the most expensive items in Warframe including Mods and Skins. You can find most of the items on sale on our website. Just check our market section for cheap Warframe items and
If you can't buy Forsaken it will probably become free but in US everything works fine... you can buy Forsaken.Forsaken is delisted from european psn, including the uk.
I called ps support. Guy told me since it doesn't exist, buying physical copies or codes is not guaranteed to work.
That's why the eververse link to the Forsaken buy page leads to a dead psn screen.
If you can't buy Forsaken it will probably become free but in US everything works fine... you can buy Forsaken.
I can buy it thought PSN.Standard Bungie procedure is that will become free september 2020.
You cannot buy it through psn but it is availablle on steam in the same regions. It looks like they fucked up their transition and sent euro psn a wrong manifest.
I can buy it thought PSN.
It is $24.99.
Destiny 2: Forsaken
Following years of strife, what remains of the Reef has fallen to lawlessness. You and Cayde-6 are sent to personally investigate the recent unrest. Upon arrival, you soon discover the most-wanted criminals in the Prison of Elders have organized an escape. Beyond the Vanguards authority,
Destiny 2 ingame link sent you to that page to buy Forsaken.
I'm not sure what this is meant to prove. There are people privately selling useless crap you could get for free at some point for silly prices. Big whoop?
They're not just cosmetic, they improve your game. The in-game store sells stuff for exorbitant prices, too, including if you want to play as more than 2 different Warframes of the 30 without deleting a whole char you need to spend money or grind like crazy/hope someone will trade. The point is there's things about D2 that would need to massively change to be as F2P as Warframe is.
They're not just cosmetic, they improve your game. The in-game store sells stuff for exorbitant prices, too, including if you want to play as more than 2 different Warframes of the 30 without deleting a whole char you need to spend money or grind like crazy/hope someone will trade. The point is there's things about D2 that would need to massively change to be as F2P as Warframe is.
Bullshit. Primed Chamber is adorable, but you waste an entire mod slot for a single shot. It works with one gun (the single shot Vectis), which isn't even meta anymore. The second is for the Artax, a sentinel only weapon. It's a gun for a pet, not a player. Pet weapons sport shitty stats because they're not player guns. That mod is a collector's item, not an actual gameplay improvement. The other 3 of your 5 point list are skins.
And fuck off with the misinformation: it's blatantly obvious you've never played the game you're bitching about. A Warframe slot costs 20 plat. You make more than that rolling your cat over the keyboard for 15 minutes during a random relic unlock.
Yeah, that's why there's threads all over the net of people complaining that plat is the only way to get a new slot. You're also being disingenuous with your nitpicky argument about my link, you can pay for things that give you a gameplay advantage in Warframe, it's 100% true, even articles defending the game's free to play practices admit it's possible to "pay-to-win" or pay to get an early advantage. It's not strictly cosmetics.
Destiny 2 is strictly cosmetics and it doesn't have DLC bundles that add zero new zones but cost 140 dollars on Steam. The ability to "easily" earn all this in-game is a non-argument, this stuff exists to support the game and take advantage of whales, most Destiny fans are fine with them not having ridiculous MTX in the game and instead charging us for new DLCs.
DLC bundles that add zero new zones but cost 140 dollars on Steam.
You can find a complaint on the net about every single subject in existence. You keep throwing smoke when your bullshit is called out, and now you're trying to defend yourself with random google results while deflecting like a bitch. "Nitpicky"? Grow the fuck up. You posted a clickbait article and then clung to it while displaying that you knew nothing about the game you're so dead set on moaning about.
Are you high? You literally have to pay for Destiny 2 expansions. Warframe expansions are completely free. How on earth does your tiny little mind classify the ability to earn content for free a non-argument in a literal argument about free 2 play models? I'll tell you how: because it doesn't fit the moronic hill you've chosen to die on.
Post your goddamn Warframe playtime. I want a screenshot showing that you've even played the game.
The top section is 100% not an argument against anything said.
Yeah, and I just said most Destiny players would prefer paid DLCs to aggressive MTX. Whether or not you think they're smart for that is kinda besides the point, no?
My GODDAMN Warframe play time, huh? What a pleasant guy you are...
Good on you for reaching out and I appreciate the update post.Forsaken is delisted from european psn, including the uk.
I called ps support. Guy told me since it doesn't exist, buying physical copies or codes is not guaranteed to work.
That's why the eververse link to the Forsaken buy page leads to a dead psn screen.
Twelve hours and you couldn't even get right the number of warframe slots you are given when you start the game.
Guess that explains a looot of things about you.
Twelve hours and you couldn't even get right the number of warframe slots you are given when you start the game.
Guess that explains a looot of things about you.
And again, you can get everything in game except the cosmetics. Just like Destiny... oh no, because Destiny makes you pay for quests and battle pass and so on.
You don't care tho, you're just here to troll to defend Destiny. You're such a fanboy you can't even tolerate the fact people are talking about things they don't like about your toy.
You tried arguing the only new free content in Destiny 2 is Warmind and Curse of Osiris in this very thread despite a literal infographic listing everything people get for free, not sure you should be coming at me for being off by 1 slot.
So where's the forsaken campaign for f2p players then eh? where!
Meanwhile you have a pile up of unanswered questions about your garbage attempts at shooting down warframe only because the guys behind that game are doing a better job at making videogames than bungie. Weren't you trying to argue that a pc only skin that was player made, not even sold by warframe was an aggressive microtransaction?
You're here to troll because you're too weak and frail to tolerate people criticising your toy.
The only way your comments become true is if campaign is the only real content to you.
The point with Warframe is it can give free expansions because of the money they make off MTX. You guys have been engaging in pedantry because I don't know the game in and out
Autism in full effect here.
What a buffoon
Sorry. But facts...
You buy the older campaigns in eververse...
The old skus should all be gone.
This was you, two pages ago.
Massively wrong about what was happening in reality, so you didn't even attempt to reply.
And here you are now.
Another frequent poster of the Destiny OT here to shitpost and whiteknight.
Bro you’re an idiot . They outlined everything and used specific language. You just don’t understand.
Go beg for money in the street. Jabroni.
That's because without known anything about the game even tho you supposedly played it for 12 hours, you posted clickbait shit that was no worth whatsoever just to attempt to score points. That's not pedantry, that's calling your ignorance and bad faith.
And by the way, you seem confused: Destiny has a full fledged mtx store and it must be going well for them because everytime i even bother looking at it the store gets bigger. They just know they have a bunch of players who'll buy the mtx and also pay 60 bucks a year to play their game.
You want to play the "people say they don't like it card"? Do I have to unerath HUNDREDS of posts in the reddit and everywhere else, gaming website newsbits about all the many, many, MANY fuck ups bungie has dropped in the last 5 years?
Or perhaps you want things more current and be told that the new expansion has 6 weapon exotics and 1 exotic armor per class while forsaken that costed the same had 11 weapons and 4 exotic pieces of armor per class? Or perhaps you'd want to know how the "new" zone is 50% the SAME zone they shipped in Destiny 1? Or how one of the earlier "secrets" of the new expansion is that you can visit... the cosmodrome that was shipped with Destiny 1?
The only way your comments become true is if campaign is the only real content to you.
The point with Warframe is it can give free expansions because of the money they make off MTX. You guys have been engaging in pedantry because I don't know the game in and out while ignoring that that's absolutely how the game stays afloat. It's also been recently inundated with bad reviews, the "recent reviews" section has it at below 50% on Steam with people talking about stuff like how Veteran players are given nothing to do with the loot they grinded for with zero endgame and a game constantly focused on new players and diverting them towards paying cash. D2 is currently mostly positive on Steam with few people upset about not all content being free to play.
What scam you moron?
Destiny 2 vanilla and it’s first campaigns are free. Most forsaken content and it’s annual pass content not raids and campaigns are free.
This has all been outlined since day one and Bungie never at any point ever used the terms free to play and battle pass.
Point being... you’re an idiot
We knew it was the same zone with tweaks from the start, that's not something they hid from anyone,
Oh, now we've moved on from using clickbait articles and reddit threads to using the Steam reviews as some kind of evidence.
Stop. Just stop.
I don't give a fuck about your opinion of Destiny 2: I called you out on spreading bullshit about Warframe, which you don't know shit about and your posts on the subject are embarrassing, but I'm sure you're too busy desperately searching through Gamefaqs for a post saying Warframe sucks to give a shit.