32 and 64 player battles, please bungie. We need some destiny style war zone.
I might as well play it on the switch
i love my switch 
Edit: top of page..damn
32 and 64 player battles, please bungie. We need some destiny style war zone.
Oh yes this is really important, I guess that thanks to their new engine this will be possible. If not then I really wonder what's going on down there in their minds.A static balance on weapons between PVE and PVP has always been a huge pet peeve of mine. Hope they rectify that in the sequel.
That can't be their reason.
Titanfall 2 is 60fps across all platforms, and Destiny 1 wasn't​ at the cutting edge of graphics by any stretch. In fact I was comparing textures and enviros, and Wolfenstein TNO pushes around the same level of visuals at 60.
This time there is no PS360 to consider, so the lowest common denominator should provide pretty awesome graphics in their engine's current stage.
Oh yes this is really important, I guess that thanks to their new engine this will be possible. If not then I really wonder what's going on down there in their minds.
Nothing to do with their engine, it's simply a design decision. They want your gun and character to behave consistently between PVE and PVP. I hope they change it, but I have no hopes for that either.
I'm on the other side of this. I want my guns to feel exactly the same in both PvE and PvP. It's one of the unique aspects of Destiny that I love.
Yes, it has led to issues at times and I think they can balance it better (specific perks that act a bit differently depending on the mode, for example) but overall I do not want Crucible to separate from the main game.
I'm on the other side of this. I want my guns to feel exactly the same in both PvE and PvP. It's one of the unique aspects of Destiny that I love.
Yes, it has led to issues at times and I think they can balance it better (specific perks that act a bit differently depending on the mode, for example) but overall I do not want Crucible to separate from the main game.
Zoba is legit one of the best Destiny PvP players in the world. He knows what he's talking about.
Zoba is legit one of the best Destiny PvP players in the world. He knows what he's talking about.
That's even worse, really shows Bungie really stands behind their crazy bone headed decisions. People have requested the balances to be separated since the first patch dropped back in 2014...Nothing to do with their engine, it's simply a design decision. They want your gun and character to behave consistently between PVE and PVP. I hope they change it, but I have no hopes for that either.
I agree with you on that. I hope they introduce more ways to spice up PVE actions without sacrificing PVP balance. Like you said, mode-specific perks could be the way to go, but they can't overdo it on that front.
Destiny's world didn't feel good to run around in or rewarding enough to explore. I hope with Destiny 2 they try to recapture Halo's sense of spectacle and bring in some feeling of adventure.
It was so weird to me that this shooter with RPG elements and pretentious fantasy/sci-fi mythology had these underdeveloped zones and hub areas full of invisible walls and no context or set pieces whatsoever. I hope they make me care about the world this time, and make it fun and exciting to live in.
I admitted that the game is slow and I didn't argue that Bungie has changed those things that were mentioned.
However, whether or not the game "feels clunky" is strictly an opinion and nothing more. he can "know what he's talking about" all he wants. Attacking someone for having the opinion "I don't agree that this video game is clunky" and insulting them is absolutely uncalled for.
He can be the best Destiny player in the world. That doesn't make insulting people any less immature. Even if I kind of agree with him about the way the game ended up going barring the hyperbole he tends to have.
I sincerely hope they've gotten rid of The Director from orbit. I hope I never see my Destiny 2 character sitting in orbit ever because it's basically a glorified loading screen between activities and it takes away control of my Guardian. With last gen limitations gone, I hope this is the first thing they rebuilt.
Auto Rifles
Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
Slightly reduced effective range
Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
Reduced high-end range values
Damage falloff starts sooner
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Reduce starting damage falloff to match melee lunge ranges.
Low range stat falloff starts at standard melee lunge.
High range stat falloff starts at Blink Strike lunge.
Final damage falloff distance extends 0.5 meters longer for a smoother drop.
Slower ready/stow times for all shotguns.
Additional recoil across the entire Stability stat range.
Slower reload speed across the entire Reload stat range.
Slower time to Aim Down Sights for all shotguns.
Slower base movement speed when Shotguns are the active weapon (Walk, Run and Aim Down Sights. Sprint is unaffected.)
Add 2 frames delay when firing out of sprint.
Shotguns no longer deal precision damage
The Chaperone and Universal Remote are unaffected by this change
Note: Universal Remote only deals precision damage when ADS
Shotguns now have significantly less magnetism when fired from the hip
Shotguns now have significantly less in air accuracy
Shotguns no longer have a movement penalty
Shotguns now deal 20% more damage to combatants
Rangefinder on Shotguns now increases ADS time by 25%
Reduced Universal Remote's Magazine Size to 3 from 5
Universal Remote now takes longer to reload
Bladedancer mobility, particularly the ability to quickly relocate, is proving to be a bit too advantageous. We made some changes to try and reduce this. The Blink ability now has a recovery tradeoff and Blinkstrike doesn't lunge as far.
Blink now incurs a -1 Recovery penalty
Blinkstrike lunge distance decreased by 0.4 meters
Added a 0.8 second cooldown between Arc Blade swings while airborne
Energy cost per swing increased by 20%
Energy cost on hit decreased by 20%
Kevin: Special Ammo will spawn less frequently, it will take longer to pick up, there will be less crates located on the map, and the bricks you find will provide you with less ammo.
Reduced the total Ammo Inventory for all Sniper Rifles by roughly 5-7 rounds (exact amount depends on a given weapon's Magazine and Inventory stats)
Increased base zoom distance on the lowest Zoom scopes
Medium to long range scopes remain untouched
Added 2 frames of zoom time to sniper zoom
Reduced Snapshot perk's zoom time benefit to 20% benefit (was 30%)
Reduced Stability across all Sniper Rifle stats so that re-acquiring a target after firing requires more care
Zen Moment: Removed perk from all Rare and Uncommon Sniper Rifles
I feel like there has to be some version of the director in the game if you're going from planet to planet or jumping into a Nightfall.
It would be cool if instead of "returning to orbit" you simply could access the director no matter where you are in the game. Select where to go, your character then flies directly from one planet to the next.
Would be cool if that would cause your ship to appear in the sky on planets too but that might be too complicated.
He can be the best Destiny player in the world. That doesn't make insulting people any less immature. Even if I kind of agree with him about the way the game ended up going barring the hyperbole he tends to have.
I feel like there has to be some version of the director in the game if you're going from planet to planet or jumping into a Nightfall.
Of course, I realize that undermines the effort and makes me look like a prick, but I frankly don't consider opposing points of view relevant having already backed up my perspective. It's impossible to argue that the game is not slower, or that Bungie went around their elbow to get to their ass when it came to balancing it.
I admitted that the game is slow and I didn't argue that Bungie has changed those things that were mentioned.
However, whether or not the game "feels clunky" is strictly an opinion and nothing more. he can "know what he's talking about" all he wants. Attacking someone for having the opinion "I don't agree that this video game is clunky" and insulting them is absolutely uncalled for.
I agree. It is impossible to argue that the game is not slower. Whether or not that is objectively worse is something completely different. Calling people mean names because they don't agree with your opinion about facts is still silly. It doesn't make you look like a prick - more like a grade schooler. And it hurts your whole argument - which if you aren't trying to convince anyone about anything, is pretty pointless in the first place.
There are cooldowns in every action a player can perform, and some were extended, that's a fact. Whether or not one describes their current state overall as "smooth" or "clunky" is extremely subjective, and is not a matter of fact.I was Top 30 in PvP from June 2014 - June 2015, so I know the mechanics inside and out. But that's irrelevant - I can produce numerical data showing each and every weapon and ability that they slowed down and I can tell you which patch they did it in.
I don't care whether or not anyone still likes the game, but saying that it's not clunky is willful ignorance when the numbers say that it is literally less responsive than it was 3 years ago. I believe those are called alternative facts.
Where did you get Cayde for $5?I want this but 20 bucks is a steep ask when I got Cayde for $5.
I want this but 20 bucks is a steep ask when I got Cayde for $5.
only $5? you got him for free.....with $60 purchase.
Where did you get Cayde for $5?
My comment was definitely uncalled for. I apologize. I responded abrasively because I did not feel it was a matter of opinion.
The game is slow because they lengthened the kill times and made player inputs clunky. If you're hung up on the strict definition of the term "clunky", then that's fine. The term isn't really relevant. A player can observe for themselves that the game has become less responsive overall than it was when it launched based on reductions to handling, equip animations, stability, aim assist, etc. Nearly every action the player inputs into the game is returned slower than it was when the game launched.
It is objectively worse though. If you replaced responsive with 60FPS and clunky with 30FPS, this would be no different than someone saying they disagree that 30FPS is clunkier.
I'm not trying to convince you to like 60FPS. I'm just telling you that it's more responsive, and there are enough tests that prove it for me.
Where did you get Cayde for $5?
only $5? you got him for free.....with $60 purchase.
Pre-order from a Gamestop (or GAME? depending on the area - I don't know) and you get one while supplies last. You can cancel and keep the figure.
Yeah, he was a nice surprise when I tried to reserve a CE today and failed.$5 down on a Pre-order and they give him to you on the spot. I'm not required to buy it to keep him. Though I will buy the game anyways, so it's not even $5 cost, just $5 up front.
Exactly. People do this for Beta codes and such all the time. This time I get a cool figure and I'm going to buy the game anyways, so I'm not even going to cancel.
Pre-order from a Gamestop (or GAME? depending on the area - I don't know) and you get one while supplies last. You can cancel and keep the figure.
$5 down on a Pre-order and they give him to you on the spot. I'm not required to buy it to keep him. Though I will buy the game anyways, so it's not even $5 cost, just $5 up front.
Exactly. People do this for Beta codes and such all the time. This time I get a cool figure and I'm going to buy the game anyways, so I'm not even going to cancel.
well shit. had no idea theyre being given now. im sure i missed the boat.
Yeah, he was a nice surprise when I tried to reserve a CE today and failed.![]()
well shit. had no idea theyre being given now. im sure i missed the boat.
I'll add onto this more when I have time, but here are some of the changes they've done that have made the game "slower and clunkier". Note that some of these were replaced with other patches, but many of them remain intact, or were taken further:
All of these have made Bladedancer's super slower and less consistent than it was in Year One. "Balance" should not be the result of making something less responsive.
Special Ammo changes
This is probably the worst patch in my opinion, when they made Sniper Rifles slower.
Here's the patch for The Taken King when they basically nerfed everything except Pulse Rifles. The patches afterwards have not brought anything listed here up to its Year One value (except Hand Cannon accuracy)
The most important thing to take away from this patch are the stability penalties, as they have largely remained intact since.
I'm not going to argue whether the game is "balanced" or not, but these changes and many more have contributed to slower response in player inputs, a smaller player skill gap, and less aggressive play as a result. It's fine if people prefer the slower time to kill, but that really doesn't correlate with response times.
I remember listening to a podcast and the lead developer of weapon balance said he wanted each patch to higlight new weapons like pulses or hand cannons so they could have their season to shine.
I can't think of a worse way to balance a game...
I really hope he didn't say that because wow, that's bad.
He did. Surprised you've never heard of it.I really hope he didn't say that because wow, that's bad.
He did. Surprised you've never heard of it.