My god guys.
I think I got my avatar down.
How are they balancing pve when people are gonna be different levels?
One game type balances out weapons and player levels so everybody is at an equal footing, Iron Banner though is a gametype where you fight people regardless of your level so they'll probably try to pair down people to not fight peeps who are way higher up in level.
Other game types should work the same
My god guys.
I think I got my avatar down.
It needs to be the digital edition.
damnit I just ordered this on the PS4 last night lol
I would have done PS3 to get it on both
How are they balancing pve when people are gonna be different levels?
PVE, tho. Do enemies scale, I think he means?
Enter now into Bungies code area. You won't be disappointed.
One game type balances out weapons and player levels so everybody is at an equal footing, Iron Banner though is a gametype where you fight people regardless of your level so they'll probably try to pair down people to not fight peeps who are way higher up in level.
Other game types should work the same
My god guys.
I think I got my avatar down.
Pre-loading new thread worthy?
Pre-loading new thread worthy?
Finally threw together the video from beta last night.
Most Important Discovery in DESTINY
Appearances by Somnium986, Gray-Fillabuster, Jeramii, EvilSouffle, Killthee, mgviperman, LollipoPReapeR, and ruthlesbarbarian
I'm more concerned about the supers in PvP at this point.
I was just about to purchase and pre load the digital version of Destiny on my XBO, now, I can purchase the cheaper 360 digital version and get a free upgrade to XBO.
Thank you Bungie.
Oh shit lol sorry, I derped.
Enemies don't scale, you could find low level enemies and high level enemies in Old Russia, high level enemies could kill you in like 1 shot, but they usually keep to specific areas. Low level enemies you can kill as much as you like but after a point they give you little to no experience. Maybe once we reach a high enough level we'll kill low level enemies fairly quickly.
Just checked in from work on the PSN store and had a download button next to the big D. Clicked and got waiting while my standby PS4 spooled up at home. Downloading Now!
Heh, Destiny is downloading for me. I guess that explains the lag I was having in Diablo 3.
Oh shit lol sorry, I derped.
Enemies don't scale, you could find low level enemies and high level enemies in Old Russia, high level enemies could kill you in like 1 shot, but they usually keep to specific areas. Low level enemies you can kill as much as you like but after a point they give you little to no experience. Maybe once we reach a high enough level we'll kill low level enemies fairly quickly.
happy 100th page
Vanguard Armory Cannot Download . Anyone?
Also I bought the Digital Guardian Edition , and there's no Expansion pass downloading.
Thats how it was in the beta.So say my friend is level 20 and I'm level 5.
Will he just steamroll everything if he's with me?
I bet it'll turn into a hater thread. That seems to happen with this game.
Vanguard Armory Cannot Download . Anyone?
Also I bought the Digital Guardian Edition , and there's no Expansion pass downloading.
Vanguard Armory Cannot Download . Anyone?
Also I bought the Digital Guardian Edition , and there's no Expansion pass downloading.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. If I'm 2 and my homie is 13, does the surrounding enemy set change?
So say my friend is level 20 and I'm level 5.
Will he just steamroll everything if he's with me?
They already showed us that supers work fine in PvP. They're a cheap way to get kills but they don't charge up so fast it'll become annoying. If you're grouping up with like more than 1 person in an area as you capture it though you're practically begging to get Warlock'd or Titan'd though.
Not as far as I saw in the beta. Enemies spawn around the same level, and after some time they'll respawn/get dropped off again and they always spawned at the same levels as before. If you're going into an area with high level enemies and you're two, you will get obliterated while your buddy might stand a fighting chance.
aka specific areas hold and respawn specific level enemies, they didn't change depending on your strike team's level (as far as I saw in the Beta and there's a point I just farmed enemies)
Thanks math!
Thank you Based Cup head!
Now to drink this weekend away and make time go by fasteri.e. blurrier
Oh I forgot to throw out my Gamertag.
Xbox people add me.