So I haven't really been following this game that much, but I do like Bungie when they focus on exploration and huge worlds, so I'm definitely looking forward to this. I decided to check out some videos on YouTube, and the GameSpot "final thoughts" on the beta were pretty worrysome. Are the classes really that negligiblein terms of differences? I guess Bungie have their reasons for not wanting to to adhere to MMO standards, but WoW can easily be soloed no matter what you play like.
This kinda bums me out, as everyone is basically the same except for some small differences. Maybe they come into their own later on, but since the level-cap is 20, it seems strange that a level 8 Warlock doesn't feel that different from a level 8 Hunter. The WoW equivalent would be level 40, where you've been experiencing the very essence of that class for quite some time. Maybe I shouldn't compare this to WoW, maybe it's not an MMO, but then why even have these classes and miniscule differences when they don't matter? I'm confused.