Been asking this question for a few days, haven't gotten an answer yet
EDIT: Been looking it up, apparently it's tied to the store you buy it from.
Anyone mind weighing in on why they went digital for Destiny?
Ummm..doesnt this come out tomorrow? Or is it tuesday?
Up to date...I think
I can say that I didn't notice any framedrops on the PS4 version, seemed pretty much perfect to me. Can't speak to the PS3 version.
Never had a framedrop, if I recall correctly. If I did, it was so miniscule and rare that I literally have no recollection.
Guys, stop being masochists, Amazon will not ship your order until Monday. Patience my young Padawans
I wasn't aware of the JAMS arbitration case over the stock until your post. It's separate from the lawsuit. I'm reading the 8/11 arbitration order now but wow, Bungie made the wrong move letting Marty go without having their shit in order, and his stock is probably worth quite a bit to Bungie, or Marty, if he's able to sell it. Marty won both rounds, apparently. Still not sure if I agree with the whole "justice is served" thing.
Will they fix the fact that you have to go back to orbit to advance the story, even if the next mission is right next to where you are? I guess it's a old-gen limitation, but it feels so dated to me.
If Yang Wenli tells me,I can believe it.
I can overlook the blurriness as long as I get a steady framerate,so I think I'll be fine.
"Go back to orbit" is in there to give players a sense of finality. It's not anything to do with the Xbox 360 or PS3.Will they fix the fact that you have to go back to orbit to advance the story, even if the next mission is right next to where you are? I guess it's a old-gen limitation, but it feels so dated to me.
It's still the same game. Blurriness or not, if your option is PS3 or nothing, PS3 is definitely the best option.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
Can I board the train?
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
I just had mine shipped from Amazon UK
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
"Go back to orbit" is in there to give players a sense of finality. It's not anything to do with the Xbox 360 or PS3.
It's probably still in there.
lol it's okayOh my stars, Daxuigi is back, sorry about the lockity-lock of your withdrawal thread, I needed my Hula Girl to send us off right into the |OT|
Also sorry for the first few pages were we missed you and joked on ya >.>;
We're up to around 75 passengers!
Welcome back. It just didn't feel like a Destiny thread without good ol' dax.lol it's okay
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
It's happening.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.
Magnifique!Up to date...I think
If Yang Wenli tells me,I can believe it.
I can overlook the blurriness as long as I get a steady framerate,so I think I'll be fine.
It's happening.
What is everyone getting? Ghost edition? Limited edition? Standard? Digital guardian?
Im getting the limited edition.