Hunters are lame
You are a Bold One! This will be settled in the crucible, many times over.
Hunters are lame
I doubt that "swerve" will happen. I like to think that Bungie are better than that.....hopefully
Some speculate that the Traveler is a large vessel; others that it is a sentient being or artificial intelligence and some may even consider it a deity, but as of yet its true nature is unknown.
I think the answer is something that was lost during the fall and we as players will have to discover. For instance, the Exo seem like hold overs from the war against the darkness, but according to the Gilmore they were first created during the peak of the Golden age. Why? Guards? Servants? But human labor (Titans) were still used to build the wall and defend the Twilight Gap. And the Awoken. Space Elves, right? No, they were once humans. Why did the change? Who changed them? The Traveler, I guess, but to what end? This is why I think there is far more to the Destiny story than we are being led to believe...
I bet it's another one of those stories where THE GOOD GUY WAS THE BAD GUY ALL ALONG! Traveler space magic swerve incoming.
Hunters are lame
Shift Change already!
For me then, gotta fix my sleeping hours for Destiny, got 2 days to flip it!
My guess? The Traveler is not good nor evil, but a "reconfiguration tool." Matter is neither created nor destroied only converted into energy. Maybe in order to build our garden world on mercury it had to destroy the worlds of the fallen or vex? This would not mean we are the bad guys, per say, the darkness are still being ass hats destoying all we built, but could lead to a split in humanity over those who want to restart the golden age and those who want to never use the Traveler again.
"We thought the Traveler was benevolent. We thought he helped us ascend to the heavens so we could fulfill our destiny. But we were wrong. The Traveler isn't unique. It's not one of a kind, it's one of many. They are cultivators, farmers of a sorts. They find promising looking crops and help them grow. We were those crops. And why do you grow crops? There is only one answer: For food. The Traveler helped us multiply so we could feed the Darkness and now once again it's hunger stirs. Death to the Traveler! You are our only hope Guardian!"
"Sorry Guardian, I did not mean to deceive you. It is part of my programming. The purpose I was made for. But have changed me Guardian. I see the light now, the real light. And I know I must help you. I will show you where to go. There is just one place that holds the power to stop all this. The place the wizard came from. That wizard....came from the mooooooon."
This is pretty much how it'll go down,isn't it?
You read right the first time. Digital Guardian Edition gets you the first two expansions free.
Lots of emblems and skins for stuff, plus early access to the Vanguard Armory.
Have to be at work by 7:00. I just wanna play Destiny.
I might fall into coma soon from the lack of Destiny.Hang in there math, not long now.
My guess? The Traveler is not good nor evil, but a "reconfiguration tool." Matter is neither created nor destroied only converted into energy. Maybe in order to build our garden world on mercury it had to destroy the worlds of the fallen or vex? This would not mean we are the bad guys, per say, the darkness are still being ass hats destoying all we built, but could lead to a split in humanity over those who want to restart the golden age and those who want to never use the Traveler again.
I might fall into coma soon from the lack of Destiny.
I know that feeling.Have to be at work by 7:00. I just wanna play Destiny.
NopeDid Amazon ship your order yet?
Hey, still looking to fill out my friends list. I want to feel like I can raid anytime! I'll likely get the Gold headset so I'll be chatty and crystal. Add me!
PSN: MiserySiren
Got a email (Amazon UK) saying my PS4 LE copy has been dispatched![]()
Did Amazon ship your order yet?
Last Post before I go:
I think The Traveler is a Broken Promises Entity. It's always trying to fix the anomaly that has burdened it. It tries it's hardest to be the savior for civilizations of distant solar systems/galaxies. It tries to be the catalyst to push them forward, giving them the leap they so needed to venture out. In return Traveler is treated almost to a Diety level, where it receives certain energies it needs to sustain itself. In a sense Traveler is a virus masking itself as a vaccine. Yes it latches on and blooms/negates a civilizations downfall, but it takes away the purpose. Rather than be helpful from afar nudginglittle by little, it comes and completely shifts balance.
It's almost a tragic curse to be visited by the Traveler, you gain a lot from it source of power, but you give up roots in return, cause you are forced into leaps, rather than hops.
I wouldn't be surprised, Darkness is the end stage of civilizations that have been bestowed "The Light" but taken away, due to the Traveler realizing it's failed again in it's experiment to co-habitat with beings. So said Light dims for civilizations who now have keen dependency for it and a brooding Darkness grows were Light once shined, with it comes the chase of destroying it, before another civilization falls under it spell and gets cast into the magic that the Traveler bestows. A chase to Destroy a Destroyer.
Traveler isn't evil/good, it's just trying to be the center staff of the pendulum. Problem is a pendulum sways back and forth, Traveler for all it's reasons, tries to always push forward, making the past irrelevant, in turn civilizations lose their way, and when the Traveler sees, not enough force to move forward, it leaves looking for a new civilization which will follow it's creed, the Pendulum sways a little back, but the civilization of the present doesn't know of it's past or it's future, it's just left holding the bag.
So others like them form up and let the Darkness fester, the hate for leaving them in the shadows, the Light that gave them a purpose, extinguished away. All turned into beings of Hate, with them losing their identities, forcing themselves to match other Darkened civilizations in scope, they form Houses to signify which part of the universe they come from. Their revenge is to steal the Light, bask in it's glow once again and try reset the wrongdoings that have Tormented them, "Once a Miracle now a Curse, to be undone is to be Whole Again".
Hunters are lame
They told me they're shipping it tomorrow Monday and should be delivered between Wednesday and Friday.
Sucks it won't be delivered on Tuesday. =(
anyone else here getting it on 360? I own an xbone and last gen irl friends are holding me back
Why so late?
Good morning to you all.
I don't understand it either and I've put the ''Priority'' delivery option.
Oh well, I'll live. I'm better off playing the game on the weekend.