One for each class. Will start with a human warlock as my main.
I am too, as well.
Awoken Female Titan - Scout Rifle
Human Female Hunter - Auto Rifle
Exo Male Warlock - Hand Cannon
One for each class. Will start with a human warlock as my main.
That gif is freaking creepy.
I don't think I'll sleep tonight.
It's going to be interesting to see how many people will be playing at 12am tonight. 7.5 hours to go!
I'm imagining every Destiny player acting like this while it's installing.
Dude raining magic spacebombs to suppress while you clear area of the large ones as well as energy draining melees for close encounters and void grenades to clear up the scraps.
Warlock, the master race.
white ps4What platform are you playing on? I'll be on PS4, would be cool to play with someone from GW2. Haven't been active there because I can't keep interest in most games since the Destiny beta x.x
Dat skull helm.Warlock, the master race.
They're so gorgeousYESS!
those Gifs doe.
Dat skull helm.
I wish you could set the amount of time the PS4 grabs footage backwards. You could set it for like 30 secs and then just hit it when something amazing happens, that way it wouldn't include an extra 14 and a half minutes of bullshit.
inb4 that feature is already in and I just don't know how to enable it
Am I missing out on something here? Why are you guys talking about 7.5 hours???
Am I missing out on something here? Why are you guys talking about 7.5 hours???
Servers go live. So anyone with a disc can play, and if the whole "change your Xbox/Playstation region to New Zealand" thing works, than a lot of digital folks can play as well. It only takes two seconds for someone who can play to tell the world if there are beards or not, and that's one of the deciding factors as to how I create my character.
So. I'm hyped.
In 24 hours imma be losing it.
Ah, gotcha. Might as well do the same, doesn't hurt to try.things[/IMG]
In 24 hours imma be losing it.
The similar feature is you can record every 5 minutes instead of 15 by changing the settings.
Awoken - Warlock
EXO - Titan
Human - Hunter
This is the only right combination as it's destined to be. Any others are just wrong.
Dick Smith have shipped mine, wooo! I was getting worried as I'm taking tomorrow off work!
I need some help, I played all classes up to Lv 8 in the beta (well I only got Warlock up to Lv 6 before it finished).
I'm torn between Titan and Hunter! Warlock...just don't even look at me mate...just look at the ground please.
First 3 replies of the a class and I'm going it! Help meee!
Uhg, I wanna be a Voidwalker Warlock, but I imagine that it'll be a little too popular (not wanted in groups).
So what kinda weapons do I want as a Lock? Abilities have a long cooldown no? So I gather I won't just be sitting back shooting spells, as traditional class convention dictates.
white ps4
It' Destiny!You better lose yourself in Destiny, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to play
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
I knew I was missing something, thanks. Better than nothing I suppose.
Hunter. Bladedancer is best (INVISIBILITY!!!!). Golden Gun is pretty good, too.Dick Smith have shipped mine, wooo! I was getting worried as I'm taking tomorrow off work!
I need some help, I played all classes up to Lv 8 in the beta (well I only got Warlock up to Lv 6 before it finished).
I'm torn between Titan and Hunter! Warlock...just don't even look at me mate...just look at the ground please.
First 3 replies of the a class and I'm going it! Help meee!
I feel if you are a Defender Titan EVERYYONE is gonna be all over you to help them, especially for the Raid
That drive home from Gamestop at midnight with the game will be the longest ever.
And I will get home just in time to see PSN crash and burn.
I feel if you are a Defender Titan EVERYYONE is gonna be all over you to help them, especially for the Raid
whatever fuck people im a lone wolf
So how does the preload work? I got it off PSN today and it downloaded two files - both of which weren't very large...
So I got a PS3, is it worth picking up on there? I looked up some comparison videos quick and the frame-rate skipping around would drive me nuts coming from a beast PC if that's how it is. :/
EDIT: Also, would I need PS+ for all the online content on PS3? Can't seem to find a clear answer. That's definitely a deciding factor as to wether I cave.
Nice!One more shift tomorrow and I got three days off in a row. So. Ready.