You have to be trolling now.
There are beacons that give you missions and NPCs are on the tower because there's no need to have them on the world.
The map is everything but barren, there are tons of enemies and areas to discover.
Angry Joe says he thought it was gonna be more mmo and then complains you grind a lot. Grinding is all an mmo is. Grinding loot, rep, etc.
Angry Joe says he thought it was gonna be more mmo and then complains you grind a lot. Grinding is all an mmo is. Grinding loot, rep, etc.
Angry Joe says he thought it was gonna be more mmo and then complains you grind a lot. Grinding is all an mmo is. Grinding loot, rep, etc.
You can explore each area with no goal and find ton of those moments. Not everything is accessed with a menu.
Also, having a Strike without a menu selection would mean you had to travel to there every time you wanted to do it and that would just be boring.
But yeah, on the Patrol mode you end up finding interesting things just by wondering around. There's tons of that in the game.
he doesn't know wtf he's talking about
it's almost as if his job is to review gamesI never understood why people cared about Jeff from GB's opinion so much. He seems like a cool guy but he's always complaining about something.
I'm talking about before the beta. The speculation got the hype train already moving at high momentum. I think they were afraid that if they had straight out said what the game was going to be that people would just realize that it's like borderlands and decrease the hype. Instead, you had people during the beta saying, "Wait for the full game. There has to be much more."
Hrm. What if all my "3" guys are too high level for when my friends get it? I can not make a new one and play with them unless I delete one first? That kinda sucks.
KH2 was literally just pressing Triangle
It's been copied every since
Angry Joe says he thought it was gonna be more mmo and then complains you grind a lot. Grinding is all an mmo is. Grinding loot, rep, etc.
Maybe he thought it would be more quest or raid heavy?
I am most certainly not trolling sir.
Beacons with little collectathon missions is fun and all, but I'm talking about actual story missions.
Let's say. You do a mission in Old Russia. The next mission is also in Old Russia. You have to go through THREE loading screens if you have to go back to the tower, and then back into the game. That is just annoying as hell.
Let me just keep playing, or give me the option NOT to return to orbit right after a mission if you did it in a explorable zone.
And then, when talking about NPC's. Why are there no wandering NPC's, or NPC's who stick together in a small settlement they made in Old Russia? Where I can get some extra loot decrypted or buy some rare gear from one of the shopkeepers there. They have a different inventory then what the Tower holds.
There's no reason to fill the world up with NPC's etc? Yes there is, because if all there is is enemies shit looks pretty stupid to me. World building? What's that?
I actually do myself. I always love working towards something and getting better.I love grinding in games. Seriously.
Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
Well you know I'm talking about weapon classes Benjamin.
You know, actual diversity amongst the guns. Halo 3 had a good mix of alien weaponry and spartan weapons.
I was hoping for some weapons you don't see in real life.
Like not just
Auto Rifle
Burst rifle
Pistol ( hand cannon )
Rocket Launcher
but some diversity like a needler, energy gun ( lasers woohoo ), plasma cannon etc etc.
You know what I mean.
I need a vita, bathroom breaks are not going to hinder my play time!!
I need a vita, bathroom breaks are not going to hinder my play time!!
Angry Joe says he thought it was gonna be more mmo and then complains you grind a lot. Grinding is all an mmo is. Grinding loot, rep, etc.
Aww, thanks Dax. You're pretty cool yourselfThis lovely man speaks the truth.
I love grinding in games. Seriously.
Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
Bungie has stated that it is up to Sony when the game goes live digitally.
ok that's a great response.
lets do this.
Halo 4
every fucking mission has you doing what?
get here and press A
Hrm. What if all my "3" guys are too high level for when my friends get it? I can not make a new one and play with them unless I delete one first? That kinda sucks.
:OAww, thanks Dax. You're pretty cool yourselffor a Hunter
Yeah it really seems like people either didn't know at all what the game was or had way too high or plain wrong expectations.
I thought I had a really good idea about the game after the alpha and beta, so I am not sure how that happens.
I love grinding in games. Seriously.
Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
Just set up a monitor and PS4 in the bathroom. Or wear adult diapers.
Or you need an elaborate system of mirrors.
Level Cap? How high is it?
Nothin like poopin and Destiny'n
Nothin like poopin and Destiny'nI need a vita, bathroom breaks are not going to hinder my play time!!
I'm really curious to see the sales disparity between XBO and PS4 versions... Should be a fascinating NPD month.
So both Sony and MS decided on 3 am est? I'm calling ducktales, friends.
20 normal then up to 30 with light jazz
he doesn't know wtf he's talking about
I'm really curious to see the sales disparity between XBO and PS4 versions... Should be a fascinating NPD month.
Level Cap? How high is it?
I totally know what you mean. I don't know, man.
Nothing I've seen or heard has compromised my interest in the world here. At this point, in the twilight of my gaming life, I'm like 80% aesthetics, 20% how does this play anyway. Cada uno a su gusto. From jump street, I've just wanted to see more of this world they built. I really am not too invested in what gets me from Point A to Point B, so I might be the wrong dude to ask.
What? Like the metal leaves and stuff? I didn't see a whole lot to do in the cosmodrome... Just those beacon radio messages of go here kill stuff, and WHAM Public Event incoming.
I don't think it's too much to ask to get a proper open world FPS, that is admittedly VERY ambitious, with multiple planets, all equally as sprawling and expansive and littered with different things to do. Abilities to learn as you, etc... I'm fine with a few menu's here and there and loading times between planets.
But if we got games like GTAV and Just Cause 2 last gen, what stopped Bungie from going all out with this?
BTW, I'm pissy because of I too fell for the game's aesthetics. I gotta hand it to Bungie for creating an engrossing universe. It's just so artificial and constrained that I still feel like a toddler in a playground wondering why I can't go past these boundaries.
Because it is a first person shooter, and was designed as such. Promoted as such, marketed as such. There is nothing special about Halo 4 ( imo).
Destiny could have been so much more if they were not so held back by their own design constraints and wanting to have it on 360 and ps3 and have content parity between the versions.
The fact there is graphical parity between PS4 and Xbox One also says something.
what would I do without you guys?
20 normal then up to 30 with light jazz
THE life
Only digital is postponed until 3 am?They probably have to appease retail stores since unlocking everything at the earliest timezone would piss them off.
But man is is annoying. I see so many reasons to not go digital, especially living in EST where I can't do anything until 3am.
Ill be workin and destiny'n with my vita tomorrow all day-Nothin like poopin and Destiny'n