I really hope PSN can handle the extra load on 9/9.
Between the PSN, XBLive, and Bungie Net i expect the PSN to collapse first.
I really hope PSN can handle the extra load on 9/9.
While I respect BeardGAF, I would love a fuzzy sash.
Are the character customization options the same as the beta? Or are there more faces/hairstyles and junk we haven't seen?
yes you can customize their junk now.
PSN is under maintenance at the moment.Well right now; specifically for Destiny.
I did pre order last light, so it's worked before.
I'm yearning for yarn
Hit me with a big neon scarf Bungie!
Be careful what you wish for...muahahaha!
to many downloading minecraft
god knows what it will be like on tuesday, its not gonna be pretty at this rate.
Like I said in another thread this live action trailer was way too cheesy for my taste. Would have liked slightly more serious tone on this one, but then I'm maybe biased because I really like Halo's live action stuff.
Good song choice tho!
Just imagine the alternate reality in which this is a ship in Destiny.
Oh guys
PSN will explode on tuesday
Between the PSN, XBLive, and Bungie Net i expect the PSN to collapse first.
Going to trust psn more then gamestop on this and it still says pre-load on 9/7. I pre-ordered through psn, but not sure why it would make a difference with digital. I guess this would be a cruel joke on me since the whole reason I went digital was the small chance I would be able to play early, due to the story going around the internet about bungie opening servers when clocks strikes midnight somewhere in the world.
Between the PSN, XBLive, and Bungie Net i expect the PSN to collapse first.
What is that guy from? It's hilarious and I've always wondered.
I'm a little perturbed by the errors people are having after purchasing Minecraft(PS4).
A little worried about getting a Digital copy now,
When starts pre-load ?
friday ?
Digital copy will be fine, you buy it now, it downloads on the 7th and ready to open on the 9th at 12:01am PST. I would wait till tomorrow or late tonight for things to cool off on PSN though if you're paranoid.
When starts pre-load ?
friday ?
Hopefully.Xbox Live will hold. We will be like the last city, after most of the planet (PSN) collapses, and the Traveler (based Bungie's servers) will protect us.
Sunday the 7thWhen starts pre-load ?
friday ?
But all other designs stay the same. Just this one ridiculously rare yarn ship. I would grind my butt off for that thing. LOL.
I'll add you later too, another Titan and I remember you often from the ME3 multiplayer thread. Or you can add me, Xevren11
Xbox Live will hold. We will be like the last city, after most of the planet (PSN) collapses, and the Traveler (based Bungie's servers) will protect us.
PSN is god awful coming from someone who primarily gamed on an Xbox 360. Was it this bad on the PS3? I rarely played online.
What is your PSN dude, the Order of the Titans need to stick together while the Warlocks and Hunters play around. The city won't protect itself.
PS4 PSN is waaaaaaaay btter than PSN on PS3 from my experiences.
Sending you a friend request after PSN is back up.My PSN is StrikerCodex. I only add people I know, so just shoot me a message saying you're from GAF and I'll add you when I get the chance.
The PSN is the same, PS4 is just better suited for PSN than PS3
Bummer.Gonna be the same. I doubt they'll pull beards out of their ass
Well Yea... I'm talking stricly performance here when comparing PS4/PS3. Everything is better on PS4. Download times, etc.
I called my local indie game shop today and they seemed pretty sure they'd be getting it in stock tomorrow. What are the chances of the servers going up before the weekend? Would suck to physically own the game and not be able to play it.
I called my local indie game shop today and they seemed pretty sure they'd be getting it in stock tomorrow. What are the chances of the servers going up before the weekend? Would suck to physically own the game and not be able to play it.
I called my local indie game shop today and they seemed pretty sure they'd be getting it in stock tomorrow. What are the chances of the servers going up before the weekend? Would suck to physically own the game and not be able to play it.
I called my local indie game shop today and they seemed pretty sure they'd be getting it in stock tomorrow. What are the chances of the servers going up before the weekend? Would suck to physically own the game and not be able to play it.
"Whenever it is 9/9 in the world" is the official word from Bungie, meaning 9/8 sometime in the morning if you're in the US because of NZ time.I called my local indie game shop today and they seemed pretty sure they'd be getting it in stock tomorrow. What are the chances of the servers going up before the weekend? Would suck to physically own the game and not be able to play it.
Anyone have beta pics of their char/gear screen ? Curious how you all looked![]()
Here's my Titan from the beta:
Anyone have beta pics of their char/gear screen ? Curious how you all looked![]()
Yes yes and yes. Destiny's super self-important Be Brave Darkness shit has been a bit much. This lighthearted team vibe is much appreciated and welcomed.I applaud Bungie's decision to go for a more jovial tone for this trailer, from what we've been shown for many months be it teases, alpha or beta gameplay cut scenes it has all been all serious and a little hokey at times
I didn't want another "The darkness is coming Guardian, you're our only hope" vibe.
Great song choice too.