Cup, I'm surprised you're still a junior. I thought it was 300 posts?
Does anybody know if the gamestop digital preorder gives you the key right now to preload?
I'm talking about this
If you didn't order digitally through the PSN store, pre-loading is not an option as you need the code from the retailer to download and you won't get that until the 9th.
anyone looking for someone to play with on xbone please add me: dusktildawn24
im down to play anything, my friends are getting this but i cant rely on them to have people to play with. i was really hyped for this game but now i'm concerned ill be playing by myself most the time.
I think I've gotchu
also: 111
I think I've gotchu
also: 111
I've seen this picture like a hundred times in this thread. So what's it for, again?
Just curious.
hunter and warlock exchanging approving glances. even in the dev environment titans are left out. poor guys. no swag.
I've seen this picture like a hundred times in this thread. So what's it for, again?
Just curious.
I think I've gotchu
also: 111
hunter and warlock exchanging approving glances. even in the dev environment titans are left out. poor guys. no swag.
Holy crap, I go to play Watch Dogs for 15 minutes, and this thread has just blazed on ahead.
What are those two things next to the Titan? never heard of them before.
It's the hype ship. Everyone that's hyped about the game gets their avatar on the hype ship.
There is some good stuff in there but man are there some cringeworthy "vidya gaeme musick" parts too
Joke post right? Warlocks and Hunters looking at each other wishing they had the swag that the Titan does.
I want her to have my curly haired brown children.
bungie, can i have space leopard?
Taylor isn't marrying a non-white, but wow would that be a shitstorm.
It's the hype ship. Everyone that's hyped about the game gets their avatar on the hype ship.
Sorry y'all. Forgot about the 3 months part. I thought it was whichever came first.
i guess in the future its again cool to kill small animals for their fur?
Taylor isn't marrying a non-white, but wow would that be a shitstorm.
I think I've gotchu
also: 111
bungie, can i have space leopard?
Seriously, I was quite disappointed to learn that there were no space tigers in Destiny. Maybe for Destiny 2 though.
Oh man i would love to be in this.
Here's mine. xD
Can someone explain the pre-load? I was prompted to install very small files once I pre-ordered on PS4 and that was it.
Was THAT the pre-load? Will I have to go through that super long install around midnight like I did in the Beta or am I just missing something?
You have a PS4 stacked on another? Been wondering if it's okay to stack my slim (not super slim) PS3 on top of my PS4.
Taylor isn't marrying a non-white, but wow would that be a shitstorm.
Can someone explain the pre-load? I was prompted to install very small files once I pre-ordered on PS4 and that was it.
Was THAT the pre-load? Will I have to go through that super long install around midnight like I did in the Beta or am I just missing something?
You have a PS4 stacked on another? Been wondering if it's okay to stack my slim (not super slim) PS3 on top of my PS4.
This thread took an interesting turn.