Kinda off-topic, but this seemed like the most relevant place to raise this issue as i'm not able to create new threads yet.
The problem is, the codes contained in at least the European version of the Destiny Limited Edition set are no longer valid, as they expired on the 9th September. As someone that played the game heavily at launch but never found time to redeem the DLC and jump back into it when the expansions launched, I was pretty pissed off to find that they wouldnt work when I tried them the other day.
Seen as the Limited Edition is still available to buy in the shops AND the DLC is still available to buy on the PSN store, this is a pretty shitty move by Bungie and/or Activision to have the codes expire so quickly.
I know people will say The Taken King includes the content anyway but thats not really a solution. 1. I wanted to try the other expansions before committing to but The Taken King and 2. Owning both of the prior DLCs enables you to just buy The Taken King cheaper than buying a new physical copy.
After this, may just not bother with Destiny at all now. Its got to be one of the most anti-consumer releases of recent times, right?
Posted about this on my website yesterday, but given that i don't want further people possibly wasting their money I thought Id highlight the issue here to raise awareness.