Except that actually makes a car faster; feeding data to a GPU does not make it faster or improve it's "performance".
It increases the variety of assets that can be used within a visible area, and streamed while the players viewpoint is changing (and can handle a player "moving more quickly"). That is not "GPU performance" like many people are claiming. It is potentially making your games look better/cooler more detailed though, so maybe it doesn't matter HOW it's discussed, but car analogies don't work very well.
what i meant by the analogy is take the data to be fuel and the cylinders on the engine to be the cu units of the gpu obviously having more cus generates more power, but a fuel injection system or a turbo pumps more fuel / data into those cylinders / cu -units. If the cylinder can process that fuel efficiently it produces more power.
Obviously a gpu / computer is far more complicated, but the analogy does kind of make sense if you think about it. The turbo unit or a fuel injection system does nothing more than add fuel / air faster into the combustion - it doesnt add another cylinder to increase the power generation / it doesn't combust the fuel and produce extra power - it merely injects more fuel / air into the system, however this does make the car run faster.
this however does not necessarily mean having a faster ssd will magically improve the performance of the ps5 gpu, it will help make data more readily available to both the gpu and cpu, but the ram is a potential bottleneck, the number of cus processing if they aren't efficient at handling the data is a bottle neck etc etc.. The PS5 has had to compromise raw power for this ssd and I personally dont know if this compromise will be worthwhile.
This is what I meant by the example I gave, I saw some one get offended by the analogy call us all a bunch of fanboys and get quite irritated, it is a logical analogy though, but your right car analogies don't work very well, there is a lot more involved in rendering than just burning fuel and producing controlled explosions

Also the whole car analogy dies when were talking about electric cars