I still like tech. Obviously when I buy at launch I have to buy 1 or 2 launch games, after that I go back to waiting for sales on crossgen games.
My issue is that I don't consider games to be worth 60$, no matter how "big" they are, even more now when they release incomplete and buggy. It's not than I can't afford them.
Buying at launch is paying more to beta test and having to deal with the frustrations of bugs, crashes, imbalanced content, missing content, etc.
I have a better experience playing later for 30$ than those that paid 60$ at launch.
I'm sorry, I think i didn't understand your post fully. I've been sick all day
You say you plan to buy at launch (and that's fair) and think the 60$ price tag at launch is too much, especially given the bugs (that's fair, too).
But these to concepts clash with one another, don't they? The best time to buy a new console is (historically) about 2 years after launch, exactly for the reasons you said.
You could have a much better deal by then, both for hardware and software, without having to give in to Sony's marketing shenanigans.