That chest is almost perfect. Worth a million to me if the prismatic resist was above 55 with an additional resist to physical stack.
I think most go with Earth for the additional HP and the taunt. I actually don't use the ally all that much myself.
5% Life is pretty good though. That's the lower millions, though I'm starting to question if it's just because people are bad at math (+5% at 40k ~= 58 VIT and I've seen ~60-100 VIT Tal's cheaper than the Life% one).
Fucking EU authentication servers are still messed up. Can't play.
It's really starting to piss me off. This shit should not happen two weeks after release, it's ridiculous.
Actually I may be wrong on the ally I picked, Air does the chance to restore 100 spirit right? If so that's what I've been using. Earth has a taunt? What? Doesn't say it in the description for it...
He'll be there waiting for you when you when you come back saying F act II.
Butcher will welcome you with open arms after you get your arse kicked.
What?! That is incredibly overpriced. You can't put anything in those sockets that will give it more resist to all... and that's far better than whatever + stat you're going to put in it. Unless all the rest of your gear is just top notch then I could see that.
I mean good luck and all, but I highly doubt that will sell.
GAF down.
D3 down.
Act 3 Fields of Slaughter is the most fucking annoying zone in the game.
Ok I'm on it!Play FF14. I just started it back up yesterday in the down time and wow a lot has changed for the better. I'm on Excalibur because of an old FFXi buddy, but will probably merge to GAF server come 2.0.
Lima Lomnia, Highlander Male, Marauder. Let's play that during down times Yoshi
On a second thought... fuck thatCHIIIIN!
Probably a few mil. Shame the stats and set bonus don't match.
A few milj I reckon 5 at least.
Glad I read this. I was not aware +%life was applied to vitality. I thought it was applied to HP. Not sure how much of a difference that makes. I haven't delved into much math in D3 yet. When I get to 60 then I will be all over it, especially when PvP comes out.
Edit: Actually after reading again it is applied to HP. Right?
Actually I may be wrong on the ally I picked, Air does the chance to restore 100 spirit right? If so that's what I've been using. Earth has a taunt? What? Doesn't say it in the description for it...
Nice. This is the best item I have found so far, and it was only like 10 minutes into inferno. The money will help me gear for inferno.
I was just wondering guys.... by what we already know, what is the most rare unique we can find ?
Ok I'm on it!
On a second thought... fuck that![]()
GAF down.
D3 down.
Or give it to me for my WD for like my first born in trade?![]()
AH is full, but the dagger is a bit ridiculous with that int and life after kill. Nothing else like it on the AH, maybe get 3-4m if I'm lucky.
Yeah, it's multiplied by your total HP. I was just saying that +5% at 40k HP is "only" equal to around 60 Vitality. The way people view some bonuses is silly :x
Granted, +5% scales with your HP so it's worth around 120 Vitality at 80k HP but ... that's still "just" 120 Vitality.
Earth description does say it taunts on hit with it's skill.
It's all about kiting, Splinters, 2.00+ Attack speed, 20k dps and some items with about 20 +mana regen. Here's my build:
Actually I may be wrong on the ally I picked, Air does the chance to restore 100 spirit right? If so that's what I've been using. Earth has a taunt? What? Doesn't say it in the description for it...
Okay Earth it is then.
New question based Scy, what should a Monk put in sockets, amethysts for extra VIT and even on weapon for the life steal or?
How did you guys know?I took out 2/5 attempted elites.
Those wasps? Elite, invulnerable minions, fast, mortar and vampire health. BULL FUCKING SHIT.
Same for Wizards, in my opinion. 25% Movement Speed, 2.5+ Attacks Per Second and get to kiting oh boy.
If you can score a good Lacuni Prowler (+Movement, +Attack Speed Bracer) and a really good Unity (+Movement Ring and it can roll +Attack Speed), that will help a lot.
I didn't know Unity could roll Attack Speed. Arg. I just bought one for 150,000 for the +Movement.
My lvl 55 monk is getting wasted in Act 2 Hell...most likely because I'm massively underequipped. Anybody have some good farming spots or sections for Hell-ready equipment?
Also, walking away from an enemy attack/desecrator pool just to warp back in right after and die is awesome. Definitely a unique gaming experience.
Great stuff and very similar to what I finally wound up landing on.Great WD Post
Gawd, got home from work just over an hour ago and all I'm getting is the goddamn error 73. I'm not even counting the 37's, they are fine by me, never takes more than a few tries to get past that one, but the 73 is the goddamn cancer... Are people actually playing on EU and I'm a miserable unlucky 1% or is the Bnet actually down? It says it's down on the breaking news in the login screen, but the server status says it's up...
I know that feel bro.
The year of 37.
Am I seriously going to get greeted with an error when I get home from work again?
Are people still defending this?
What the fuck, maintenance issues again? Servers disabled?
Gawd, got home from work just over an hour ago and all I'm getting is the goddamn error 73. I'm not even counting the 37's, they are fine by me, never takes more than a few tries to get past that one, but the 73 is the goddamn cancer... Are people actually playing on EU and I'm a miserable unlucky 1% or is the Bnet actually down? It says it's down on the breaking news in the login screen, but the server status says it's up...
Fucking mess of a game. I keep trying to PM a friend who's already pissed off at me, and now he thinks I'm ignoring him - which makes him even more infuriating. He can PM me but when I PM him, it says "Player is offline". Later on I get an error that d/cs me out of the game, and it informs me that "The PM could not be delivered". Like what the hell is this, Hotmail 1999?
Fuck off Blizzard, you incompetent piece of shits.
I was in the same spot as you last night. I just went to the AH and dropped a bit of money to get my gear up to par. I didn't pay more than 20k for any one piece and it helped tremendously.
Haha. Loot gathering game where you just run to the AH to get what you need. Ugh.
Haha. Loot gathering game where you just run to the AH to get what you need. Ugh.
Haha. Loot gathering game where you just run to the AH to get what you need. Ugh.
Anywhere there are soul rippers is the worst part of the game. I do not think the Fields of Slaughter have soul rippers. used to think of the Auction House as a curiosity, a backdrop of microtransaction static that, after the still-missing real money version goes live, could serve as a way for me to make small sums of cash by selling any absurdly rare items. Through Normal, Nightmare and Hell difficulties I found I developed a resentment of the Auction House, as it undercut the powerful sense of reward associated with finding items on my own. When a legendary Fjord Cutter dropped on my screen, it wasn’t some random Fjord Cutter, it was my Fjord Cutter. Even if it wasn’t as powerful as the epic fiery club I was using, I stored the Cutter in my stash. It was a trophy, proof of my growing heroic legacy, and not something I wanted to throw out for others to bid on, to turn my success into an unremarkable sum of gold that lost its identity as soon as I combined it with the rest of my funds.
So I interacted with the Auction House sparingly, tossing magic items up for sale for in-game gold, but staying away from obsessively searching for reasonably priced items with Barbarian-appropriate affixes, and snatching any absurdly low priced items to flip for a profit. Then I hit Inferno, and my self-reliant approach to item acquisition was no longer possible.
Even the starting area zombies hit hard, and the first wretched mother killed me in a flash. The armor I’d accumulated through drops in Hell difficulty suddenly seemed like napkins. I still had a level 32 chest piece, my helmet had higher intelligence bonuses than strength, and my shoulders didn’t even increase vitality. I was a mess, doomed to cycles of death and ceaseless repair penalties. I could have returned to Hell to farm better items. Maybe I’d find them in five minutes, maybe five hours, maybe five months -- such is the uncertainty of randomness. Perhaps I’d find a sword with higher damage, but to have a chance of fighting anything aside from the standard enemies in Act I of Inferno, I needed the higher damage and exactly the right stats.
There was no way around it, I needed money. Alongside a dozen or so rare items, I sold my Fjord Cutter. From the Auction House I picked up a new spear with life restore on hit and big strength and vitality buffs. I upgraded to a double-socketed level 60 chest piece with life regeneration and a helmet that gave extra resistance against physical damage. It cost nearly all the gold I had, and suddenly I was able to hop right into the middle of a zombie pack and whirl, slice, kill and repeat with little downtime. I was back in rhythm, but my victories weren’t as complete, as it felt like I bought my success. I didn’t deserve to make progress.
The disappointment of the near-mandatory use of Auction House interaction at Inferno difficulty setting lingered, but several new mechanics presented themselves to offset the sense that I’d somehow cheapened my experience by buying relevance. Elite-level champion packs and unique monsters, for instance, were still immensely challenging even with a few upgraded pieces of gear. On Inferno they have four unique attack modifiers, so they can be fast with extra health, leech health and periodically drop frozen bombs all across the battlefield. These modifiers can sometimes arrange themselves in combinations that make the elite monsters seem invulnerable. Even though I’d upgraded myself, there was still so, so much room to improve.
10 minutes into inferno and I found a unique chest piece. Any ideas on how much it's worth?
I just found the same thing, my first legendary/set item.
To be honest, I'd rather have the AH than not; there's a certain point where farming endlessly for an upgrade is just disheartening. Unfortunately, the AH has been flooded with items, prices are all over the place, and items not leaving circulation so it's a bit too effective.