Posted his pw in the username field on the stream. Hamburger is all he had after he got the account back.Wait, did Athene seriously get hacked?
edit: and what's up with the hamburger?
Posted his pw in the username field on the stream. Hamburger is all he had after he got the account back.Wait, did Athene seriously get hacked?
edit: and what's up with the hamburger?
Wat. Blizzard PR mole discovered
Wait, did Athene seriously get hacked?
edit: and what's up with the hamburger?
Not at all... just someone who has experienced lots of MMORPG launches.
Reasons to delay your stream #1337
Not at all... just someone who has experienced lots of MMORPG launches.
I remember Shadows of Luclin (EverQuest expansion) launch month. Good times.
Mostly since I didn't get to play for the entire month.
Except .. this isn't an MMORPG. That's the problem.
Not at all... just someone who has experienced lots of MMORPG launches.
And he didn't switch password fast as living fuck? Whaaaaat?
It's just an ambiguous sentence. You can substitute MMO launch for crap launch.Diablo is a MMORPG now?
Diablo is a MMORPG now?
Not at all... just someone who has experienced lots of MMORPG launches.
Holy shit, latest rumor says it was Kripparrian was behind it!
It's only like 5 bucks, that's a sandwich.
"You can take my stuff, but you can't take my skills!"
*dies in one hit to Diablo*
Actually, this is fucking heart breaking... I feel bad watching this.
Actually, this is fucking heart breaking... I feel bad watching this.
Starting to think that Athene is trolling maybe. Doesn't check the AH Auction Tab, Recent players or mentioning about Blizzard's rollbacks.
after that second death, he damn near cried (again?)"You can take my stuff, but you can't take my skills!"
*dies in one hit to Diablo*
Has to be a troll right? Who leaves a person that many legendaries? He has more than I do, and he was hacked.
Yeah so have I but this company is enormous, this game is enormous and if this another game wed be calling for money back or free time and telling the company to go fuck themselves. Pisses me off as its not even supposed to be an MMO and that I cant fuckgin play anytime I try and get on two weeks after launch!!
Need to calm down abit but fuck is it annoying.
Actually, this is fucking heart breaking... I feel bad watching this.
Actually, this is fucking heart breaking... I feel bad watching this.
Yes... I like Athene, a lot. Been following him since the first video he put up, I hope this is fake.
his account was locked. I saw it. his shit was gone when he got back in. I saw that too.Yea I think people are saying hes just trolling the stream right now. Not going to do a roll back or check his auctions. He's def playing it up for fun. Surprised people don't know Athene by now.
Yea I think people are saying hes just trolling the stream right now. Not going to do a roll back or check his auctions. He's def playing it up for fun. Surprised people don't know Athene by now.
Kripp plays US.I bet Kripparian would share some of his leftover gear with him. Kripp is good people.
Or this is all a hoax, whatever.
You'd be surprised how many people use the same username/password everywhere they go and never bother changing it. Taking steps to block brute-force attacks isn't going to stop accounts from getting hacked if your users are that negligent.
There was at least 10k people watching and he said within a minute almost every single account he had for everything (youtube, LoL, all that) had been logged into and fucked with.
Internet personality. I spent 24 hours with the guy and he's completely different in real life. He's really a funny and amazing person.Wow...what an insufferable douche. Is that actually him or just his 'net personality' to get more hits? Either way I don't really care and can't really say I'm upset about what happened.
I'm dying here.