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Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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Early resistances offer a very large % buff so you get them whenever you can fit them.
Can easily go from 1 to two hits or even 2 to 3 smaller hits.

Good amount of VIT, 10 dsc is very good, +50 is a high res all number, 3 sockets is beast.

I'd sooner make a build that never gets hit, and does 100k damage on critical hits. Going from one to two hits doesn't mean a lot when things like Tongue Lashers gang up on you, or the phasing enemies/rakanoth (who's really one hit in any case, who are we kidding)/vipers/etc.

The key to playing an Inferno DH has been risk mitigation for me. Aggroing things one or two at a time and getting them lined up in a row. Slowing them with caltrops, and then dumping my hatred as fast as I possibly can. The thought of trying to make a build around the idea that I'd ever get hit is...ehh..

(I should mention that I don't even have close to the gold needed for that 100k damage build. I'm getting there though...when these exalted grand crag hammer plans finally sell. Currently at 1.5m, hoping for 2)


I don't remember FFXIV being unstable or finicky at launch, it ran pretty solid for me, it's problems were mostly surrounded by the fact that it was just a completely jank mess with no content
which is still is to this day, a year and a half later =/


What criteria do you guys use when searching for armor for a barbarian on inferno?
I'm this close to make a DH/Wizard and forget about my barb, act 2 is so ridiculous



even with 600+ resist and 3.6k armor and ~29k life, I still get 1 shotted by a fireball from a fallen shaman in act 3 inferno =_=;



even with 600+ resist and 3k armor and ~29k life, I still get 1 shotted by a fireball from a fallen shaman in act 3 inferno =_=;

Yeah. I mean your vit isn't very good, but A3 has some pretty high standards for getting hit.

It's the first thing they're nerfing about Inferno though, so I would still continue to gear for survival.


Yeah. I mean your vit isn't very good, but A3 has some pretty high standards for getting hit.

It's the first thing they're nerfing about Inferno though, so I would still continue to gear for survival.

It's the best I can do without sacrificing too much int.


Discipline and resistances are the bee's knees in inferno

Nah, disc is always worth it, 10 is max and 3 sockets are necessary in a dh's chest to stack dex gems. It's way overpriced and a silly buy really. The guy who bought it will prolly realize it after reaching act 2/3 and getting oneshot in act 4, even with very high @ res. Chest would have been much better with a high dex roll instead of vit/res.


Hey guys, anyone else having problem with a patch? When I log in it tells me there is a new patch and the game will re-start and dl/apply the patch (why doesn't it do this on boot?) Then diabloIII.exe crashes every time telling me the game is already running and nothing else happens. I can't find a place to manually download the patch and apply either (another always online feature?) Is any one else having this issue?

Cheers folks :)

Quoting myself. Looks like I'm not the only one not able to patch and getting stuck in a loop. I'm trying hard not to be bitter, but fuck me, Diablo 3 must be about the worst online experience I have ever had. It makes BF3 and origin look like a well oiled machine lol.


Make me an offer. I'd rather it go cheaper to a Gaffer.


These seem pretty damn good, what say you Gaf?


These seem pretty damn good, what say you Gaf?

Very nice monk boots. Gloves would have been sick with an ias roll since most people with dex classes like that.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
lying in bed for how long now? cant fucking sleep cuz i keep thinking bout this game. god damnb it...
Alright I'm bored as fuck with this game, I knew it would happen eventually. I'm solo clearing the pony level in Inferno, making cash, spending millions, but I'm just plain bored. I can't make trade games and sit there, I can't fight outside of town and camp bodies.

I want to keep playing but I'm honestly bored as fuck with the game. Don't hate me too much... Keep in mind I've got a TON of hours into it, I might just be all played out.

Back to steam.. I'm going to try and leave D3 off for at least a couple of days.
I must have been pretty lucky with elites n stuff to get to Belial on inferno.

DH with 18k dps Kulle was easy. Can't kill Belial though, not even close, phase 2 just isn't possible. I did some cheapo shopping got my dps up to 20k with a 40% crit chance but my best atempt was about 1/3rd of his health in phase 2.

Reckon another 3-5k dps will do it. Probably going to farm Kulle's archives. Compared to all of act2 before it, it was a breeze.

Definitely want to stick with hand xbows too.


10 max discipline is no joke, that's a whole extra smoke screen. A lot of vitality and a lot of resistance as well, and just to top it off, 3 empty sockets. Easily worth TONS.

Discipline and resistances are the bee's knees in inferno

I mean I realize why it's expensive, sure. But I just don't get why the 3.7. That seems crazy to me. I've got almost an equivalent monk armor, and some pretty damned great pieces on my guy, and I have yet to pay over even a mil for anything. If that armor had 50+ Dex on it in addition to the fit, sure then I'd see over a million, possibly 2, since that is a lot of vit and resistances. Without that, though, and it seems kind of sub par to me. And yes I do realize the 3 sockets means they can put in dex. I do value those quite a bit. That's why my armor set has 'em.

I suppose my problem might just be that I lurk the AH a lot and get some good deals. I've tried to look for upgrades to some of my stuff and I can't get anywhere near what I've got for the price I paid anymore it seems.
Someone should make a chart with what each class is looking for in terms of stats on gear and put it in the OP cause I'm having a horrible time figuring out what to keep, what to try and auction and what to vendor


Is using a follower absolutely necessary for Inferno? Does using a follower affect the enemies like having a second person playing with you?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is using a follower absolutely necessary for Inferno? Does using a follower affect the enemies like having a second person playing with you?
A templar is even better than playing with a friend, since followers don't ramp up the difficulty :lol


Is using a follower absolutely necessary for Inferno? Does using a follower affect the enemies like having a second person playing with you?

It does not affect the enemies and provides benefits. While they're not absolutely necessary, it's silly to not use the extra tanking/healing/dps/cc since there is really no downside. Also, if you don't really need their help with mobs, you can just stock them up with gold find or magic find gear and increase your drops.


Hey guys I just completed Normal and i"ve got a question. If I choose to go back and "change quest" to go play a part of normal over again will it overwrite my progress that I've made in either Normal or Nightmare? Maybe I"m confused.
Is using a follower absolutely necessary for Inferno? Does using a follower affect the enemies like having a second person playing with you?

Don't see why you wouldn't bring them, having someone distract enemies is always a good thing. I believe 20% of their MF and GF stats are added to yours. At the very least bring the enchantress for the armor and attack speed buff


Grinding for a while. Not many good drops. Here are most of the "ok" ones. The rest I unlisted cause I'm using them :p

Items List! <<- Click, large image.

LMK if anyone can use anything. I'll give away most of the blues free. Add GoldenSun#1944 and msg me so I can lend you something.
I have had a couple items vanish from the auction house. That's not cool. Put them up before the update today, just logged back on, two of the three are gone. Not in my completed listings or my inventory, no record of them in the completed section either.

EDIT: And I'm getting an error message saying I'm at my max listings. "Only 0 Auctions are allowed at one time." Hmmm...

EDIT 2: Yep, a thread on it on the forums. Hope they get it fixed. I was hoping to log on tonight and find an extra 100,000 gold.
Grinding for a while. Not many good drops. Here are most of the "ok" ones. The rest I unlisted cause I'm using them :p

Items List! <<- Click, large image.

LMK if anyone can use anything. I'll give away most of the blues free.

Any chance that 806.4 1h sword still available? Im still gathering loot for my Act II inferno run on my barb. Thanks.

- Kevsthumbs#1417
I'm kinda curious what skills you guys are using in Inferno as a wizard. I've been running Frost Nova (CD reduction), Wave of Force (w/ the stun), Diamond Skin (the amount absorbed doubler), magic weapon with the DPS increase, and magic weapon / Blizzard. I'm having trouble dying/not enough DPS and wondering if there is something I could switch out that might help me with that.


Gold Member
I'm listening to Piano Sonata No. 14 while playing. It's awesome.
And music from Immediate Music such as Lacrimosa.

I feel epic.


WTF? Is this a joke?

Attack speed is clearly not working...ugh.

Any item that can't normally get IAS as a random property has to roll "Attack Speed Increased" for it to function properly. If it rolls "Increased Attack Speed" it won't do anything.

There's even a fucking legendary belt (Goldwrap) that has a chance to pick from 1-2 properties as a set property and it's those two properties! It's like they invented this problem for no reason other than someone working on itemization was a fucking idiot.


Any item that can't normally get IAS as a random property has to roll "Attack Speed Increased" for it to function properly. If it rolls "Increased Attack Speed" it won't do anything.

There's even a fucking legendary belt (Goldwrap) that has a chance to pick from 1-2 properties as a set property and it's those two properties! It's like they invented this problem for no reason other than someone working on itemization was a fucking idiot.

Well that was a big fucking waste of 590K.


I don't even understand how a bug like this makes it into the game. This is some amateur hour bullshit.


I'm kinda curious what skills you guys are using in Inferno as a wizard. I've been running Frost Nova (CD reduction), Wave of Force (w/ the stun), Diamond Skin (the amount absorbed doubler), magic weapon with the DPS increase, and magic weapon / Blizzard. I'm having trouble dying/not enough DPS and wondering if there is something I could switch out that might help me with that.

I'm using:
Q - Venom Hydra
W - Diamond Skin (2x Absorb)
E - Force Weapon
R - Force Armor
LMB - Arcane Missle (Seeker)
RMB - Arcane Orb (Tap the Source/Celestial Orb)

Passives: Glass Cannon, Astral Presence, Prodigy

But I have ~60k dps, so I'm not sure if this skill build fits you. Maybe switch E - Force Weapon with Blizzard or Frost Nova for a nice CC skill.

edit: Diamond Skin and Force Armor are a MUST HAVE (imho)


Black Canada Mafia
Uh... getting to act 4 on that seems pretty remarkable to me, since I get about that much armor and resists (though with a little buffing), and still get worked in act 2 Inferno (as a monk)

Same here, I mean I can MANAGE in act 2, but 2/3 rare mobs are just game over for me.
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