Well A1i wasn't giving me the drops I needed to get to A2i so the AH became the game for me.How did you even get 30 to 60 million.also thats kinda a broad span...
Did I miss something? Where's the All Resist and VIT? Is DPS Barbarian the only way to progress through act 3 and 4? How do you stay alive for more than like 1 hit with this gear?
I'm really not sure how much vitality is going to help me since it's unlikely I'll be able to maintain my STR and add on VIT but that's probably the first thing I'm going to try (start dumping STR for VIT). I have +20% HP bonus so getting up to 45-50k HP isn't going to be hard. The only thing this is going to do is allow me to get more HP from revenge, overkill, charge though and I'm not sure if it'll even be enough.
Some of the hits I'm taking now @ close to 40k hp are NASTY. I'm not sure what the numbers are because I just look at my skill bar waiting for revenge to proc when I get into some situations but single htis are hitting me for ~40% of my life at times. Not even a 10% revenge proc would keep me alive where I'm at. The second thing that people don't really emphasize is that life on hit is VERY VERY important. I only have 300 and I'm struggling. A lot of barbs who post their stats gloss over it but most of them are in the 800-1200 range. I've been trying to maximize the LOH I do have by getting IAS but it isn't helping at least not at 300-500 LOH.
The 3rd option is to stack even more defenses. I still don't have a String of Ears but it's not really only melee giving me a ton of trouble right now so I don't know how much of a difference that will make. As far as getting more resists, I don't have a lot of room to work with anymore. Before I was wearing mostly 50-60 resist gear, now I'm wearing mostly 70+ resist gear. I guess I could strategically plan on getting phys/fire/arcane on pieces monk-style to try to boost some of the potent elements up past 1200 but it seems expensive for very little gain. I also only have 36% block which I think is a lot but maybe getting to 41% will help (or ~50 w/ helm of command) but again, these options are very cost prohibitive (5-15 mil for good storm shield over 28% block, I don't know how much for command but a lot since it is crafted) Keep in mind that my shield is blocking a higher damage range than stormshield though so I'm blocking 3706-4704 at 36% instead of 2XXX-3706 at 40%. I doubt it'll be a game changer.
Hrm. How many hits can you take in like Act 3 or so?
I'm taking about 16k dmg per hit, so around 4 if I get lucky with revenge procs.