Exactly how I feel. Love the game and its mechanics but I think I may break until a balance patch comes out.
I'll most likely hit up Torchlight 2 when it comes out. xD
Exactly how I feel. Love the game and its mechanics but I think I may break until a balance patch comes out.
I'll most likely hit up Torchlight 2 when it comes out. xD
Well I just missed the perfect weapon because some douche decided to list a buyout of 26m instead of 25 (seriously!?!?!?!?) and I was 500k or so short. Of course after this enough of my stuff sells to afford it. FML
Well I just missed the perfect weapon because some douche decided to list a buyout of 26m instead of 25 (seriously!?!?!?!?) and I was 500k or so short. Of course after this enough of my stuff sells to afford it. FML
F*ing eccentrics and their odd prices.![]()
These boots seem semi-ok, what should I ask for them (if I don't use them)? My other pair gives movement speed and magic find so I'm in a bind
260 armor
+32 dex
+ 163 intelligence
+ 34 physical resistance
+ 60 resistance to all elements
+ 16% extra gold
+melee attackers take 461 dmg on hit
Was it hard in act 2 ?
BTW are people using nether tentacles with life leach reduced in Inferno?
those are nice numbers, check the AH
Cool checked them out for Resist All, Resist Physical, and Intelligence and they were 50k at the lowest 1-2 mil with other stats, couldn't find any with gold find.
make them 100k because of the gold find :S
Was it hard in act 2 ?
BTW are people using nether tentacles or frozen arrow with life leach reduced in Inferno?
Anyone on US want to come smoke belial for me on Hell? kefkaMayDie#1825
I feel like most of the gear I paid out the ass for getting into inferno has now dropped in value significantly. So I'm paying a ton to upgrade, and can't sell my stuff for even pennies now. The market on all resist gear has just dropped beyond belief.
What sucks about that is that those are the things that Butcher runs seem to drop... at best. I'll get excited seeing an all resist, main stat piece only to look it up and I can only get like 5,000 gold for it at most. Even with vit on there unless the all resist is 60-70 it seems to be worth peanuts. I kind of fear I won't be able to get through Act 2 and farm soon enough to hit that bubble and make anything.
I use MS with the Discipline-gainer to enable Vaults and Caltrops, which I use fairly often. I don't have any +run speed, so I rely on vaulting and snaring to create distance. I hear what you're saying about MS and Spike Trap being redundant, but the traps do amazing damage and MS is good for gaining discipline. I'll give Smoke Screen a try as suggested, never really played around with it much and didn't know about the anti-stun/jail effect. I do run Impale with Overpenetration, and Mark is also paired with the Hatred-generator. My greatest difficulty is managing Hatred & Discipline levels since the attack speed on these crossbows are shite, making it hard to re-fresh MS stocks and, therefore, easy to run out on Discipline. I'll mess about with one of either MS or Spiked Trap and see how that works out for me. I'm leaning toward Spiked Trap due to the damage, and the fact that it's really only a few instances where MS can be used to refresh Discipline enough to be useful.If you want to continue using Multishot then you need to pair it with Suppression fire or the low cost rune. If you go with the Suppression fire, I recommend getting the tactical passive (the one that looks like a black dude holding a knife) so that you have ample Discipline all the time and you get Hatred from picking up globes. Mark of Death is good, put it on the one that generates Hatred as Multishot is a big Hatred sink. I would seriously replace Vault with Smoke Screen, it gets you out of jailers, stunners and other stuff. Vault's delay makes it hard to use in harder difficulties because of the occasional lag. There is no reason to use Spike Trap AND Multishot as they are both AOE damage dealers. You want a single target damage dealer, Impale with Overpenetration is nice and once you get it... Impale with Greavious wound. Sharpshooter passive is a staple, no reason not to pick it. If you do pick it, then start gearing for critical damage+. Your weapon should be 300-400DPS range at least.
Once you reach LVL60, you can replace your Hatred moves with Nether tentacles... it's seriously OP. Great for big target single enemies and large numbered mobs.
I'm not a fan of the slowness of bola shots, even when dual-wielding, but maybe I'll give it another go. I'm running into more and more people running this as their Hatred-gen, and I guess there's a good reason for that.Roll with bola shots. I prefer the first rune. But I've upgraded to the arcane rune since I just unlocked it. Also try impale with over penetration. With 2 handed you want to get your crit damage up. And use the passive that raises your crit % every second
After about 10 hours of attempts I've finally defeated Diablo on Inferno. I'm sure having better gear would have helped tremendously, as with some of the elite packs (Soul Lashers) that have taken a couple hours worth of trying to kill but at long last Diablo has been defeated.
I probably should have remembered to take a screenshot over the body but here are a few screenshots of my stats/gear. Monk obviously.
how viable is crit chance/damage OVER Attack Speed for DH's?
Currently I'm at 1.54 attacks per second.
Should I focus on getting more Crit Chance (currently at 16%) or Crit Damage (currently at 137%) or more Aspd?
I'm at 37k damage (without sharpshooter)
So whats the best voice chat option? I tried skype and everything lagged.
We don't have a large enough data set to know for sure yet, but I don't think this is the case for Barbarians. Given 3-6 months of consistent Act I/II farming, I'm quite confident that the loot would have dropped in order to progress to III/IV. It's exceptionally rare in acts I/II, but it exists.
The AH simply accelerates this process from 3-6 months in to 2-3 weeks instead.
Think I'm finally getting the hang of Inferno... Made quite a bit of progress into Act 1 and then spent a while just farming a couple random dungeons with 5/5 Valor and didn't have too much difficulty with the champion packs.
With my Witch Doctor I'm up to about 20k Damage, 36k HP, and roughly 200-220 resists. It seems as though switching to a strong single-target build has helped, tonight I was playing with something like: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/witch-doctor#agUXek!VfW!aaZaZZ. Basically Darts, Spirit Barrage, and Haunt for damage; Zombie Wall and Horrify for CC; and Spirit Walk for escaping/kiting/mana regen. With passives to help control my mana and survivability.
Getting a Champion pack stuck behind a Zombie Wall and then absolutely massacring one of them in a couple of seconds from across the screen with darts, haunt, and spirit barrage is pretty satisfying. It does involve a lot of kiting though in general and I do miss Zombie Bears and Firebombing everything to oblivion.
Yey, my next friend got hacked today ...
Yey, my next friend got hacked today ...
Were you the one that kept telling your friends to get authenticators? If so... congratulations, enjoy the moment!