While a bit rude, just want to say, IN YOUR FACE!
I'm quitting the game.
Cleared cow level inferno 6 times and didn't get a useful or sellable rare.
Gotcha, I didn't realize that.
But I would still say that is the reason they didn't give you more defensive tools. They've said in blue posts they want to give the pets more survivability.
Okay I can't help it anymore..
What the hell is wrong with the stuttering/lagging/whatever?! This stutter-shitfest happens when I'm running away from mobs and I can't understand what the hell is the problem.
| <- me, ||| <- pack of elites, |||| <- me between the fuckers, ||| | <- me running away from the fuckers, HUGE FUCKING STUTTER EVERYWHERE and my char just warps all over the places.
My ping is good, around 40-80. My computer is good and I'm running W7. I can't be only one with this fucking problem.
No, you're right. Best items you can get in Hell are items slightly better than the items you already got in Hell and hadn't replaced on the AH yet. And you're spot on with 100k/hr.As far as I can tell, farming items in Hell is kind of pointless. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The only reason you should be in there is if you just want to pick up gold, but even at the fastest pace, I don't think you can make more than 100k/hr or so.
No, you're right. Best items you can get in Hell are items slightly better than the items you already got in Hell and hadn't replaced on the AH yet. And you're spot on with 100k/hr.
So where do you farm if you're new to Inferno?
So I'm late to the Inferno party. Just trying to find out where I should start farming. I notice a lot of people farm the Dark Cellar in The Old Ruins. Isn't this the thing that got nerfed? Or is that still a viable farm spot?
Do I need the normal plans for the staff of herding? I have all the pieces and the hellish plans ... I can't make it. I'm assuming once i get the normal plans, I'll be able to upgrade it to the hellish staff?
You need the Normal plans to drop offDo I need the normal plans for the staff of herding? I have all the pieces and the hellish plans ... I can't make it. I'm assuming once i get the normal plans, I'll be able to upgrade it to the hellish staff?
Do I need the normal plans for the staff of herding? I have all the pieces and the hellish plans ... I can't make it. I'm assuming once i get the normal plans, I'll be able to upgrade it to the hellish staff?
In Inferno? I feel you. It took my Witch Doctor about an hour just to get to him, and then I spent another 30 minutes trying to kill him, but I could only get to phase two. Him with the snake is too much for my 24.9K damage to down before they overwhelm me.Fuck Belial and his snakes.
Bosses dropping only blue stuff is depressing. It wasn't until level 60 and nephalem valor x5 that I began to see rated off bosses again after normal. And last night I made a hardcore character, killed the Skelton King and got two blues! My buddy got 3, and 2 yellows. Beginning to feel like my acct is cursed or something.Man, big chests dropping only blue stuff is depressing.![]()
Yeah, people underestimate what melees will pay for +life on hit equipment. Add crits stuff in there and it's pretty good.
Thanks. Though farming normal sounds boring. I've gathered all the pieces in hell.Yes. But you'll need the Nightmare plans as well before you can upgrade to the Hell one - they're off the vendor in Act 4.
Man act 2 inferno is complete garbage. Snakes that stealth but also go invunerable? I'm sorry, damage breaks stealth. Objectively shit design.
Man, those elite lickers in Act 3 are a pain in the ass.
just wait until theI am that close to reroll a range. This will still be bullshit, but at least I'll have a chance to survive. With 45k hp, 8k armor, 8k dps and 550 res, I am getting smashed like a bitch no matter what I do. I've even tried playing with a throwing axe build, but it feels ridiculous.
I just can't abandon my barb.
well yesterday passed the buthcer in inferno with my wizard, right now starting act 2 everything kills me with one hit, the poisons from the bees, the mortar from the imps or whatever they are...
dont have a lot of money but I awnt to buy better equipment to help me about those... what stats should i be looking for?
my resistances are 182, def about 3200
Do I need the normal plans for the staff of herding? I have all the pieces and the hellish plans ... I can't make it. I'm assuming once i get the normal plans, I'll be able to upgrade it to the hellish staff?
Act 2 inferno just isn't fun man. I cant' fucking stand how champions and elite monsters get their life back if you leave them alone for 6-7 seconds.
I will give you 30k for them!I love the AH sometimes. Just bought this for 20k buyout.
I'm not sure what the system is for this, or if it's a bug. Normally they regenerate if you're not close to them at a pretty slow rate. But sometimes you can leave for a few seconds and they'll be back at full. It seems random to me.
I'm not sure what the system is for this, or if it's a bug. Normally they regenerate if you're not close to them at a pretty slow rate. But sometimes you can leave for a few seconds and they'll be back at full. It seems random to me.
So Wizards out there, have you been using force armor or prismatic armor for inferno? I've found that (in Act I at least) I'm not getting 1 shotted so much as simply getting overwhelmed by elites with horde or fast or mortar and lots of consecutive hits. Thus I've been using prismatic armor to try and boost my resistances rather than have force armor block 1 shots. Anyone else using this, or is Force armor the way to go?
While a bit rude, just want to say, IN YOUR FACE!
IIt looks like it's probably going to take 20+ million to properly gear a Barbarian for solo Inferno.
Gotta love being a melee and having to buy overpriced gear just so you can make piss progress.
Fix melee Blizzard.
So how did Diablo 2 have "years of content?" And did it really or was it just a niche group of hardcore players who just played it over and over? It seems like Diablo 3 has a decent amount of content but after you've beat it on inferno (which some have already done, 3 weeks after release) you're just farming equipment to sell on the AH?