Haha man, trying to help my friend get the Act 4 plan, 5 runs on MP3. I got the plan EVERY single time and she didn't. This game knows how to troll.
Found some jewelry today.![]()
I can't get past 400K gold due to repairs...nor can I do any infernos...
Class/Link to profile? Getting a MP1 capable set shouldn't be too expensive. Certainly not at the inferno entry level prices lately.
I can't get past 400K gold due to repairs...nor can I do any infernos...
itisbeautifulcat.jpgI also made a Legendary light show - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t9Z8yms-1E
I can't get past 400K gold due to repairs...nor can I do any infernos...
I'll see if I can hook you up with something next time I'm on. Can't remember my id# but it was posted a few pages back if you wanna add me. Only have one arm available to me right now so I can't offer much advice atm.
if you need gold and exp do act 3 on mp10
I wonder when they are going to introduce more items into the game, it was really fun in d2 when they added a bunch of new items, like a whole new game.
Just clarifying for the dude that he should do Hell at MP10, not inferno
Edit: FUCK YEAH Most money ever.
Just clarifying for the dude that he should do Hell at MP10, not inferno
Edit: FUCK YEAH Most money ever.
Dude... WHAT? Those are worth A LOT more!
I sold one 2 days ago with 199 dex no vit and one soc for 15M
Those are worth....I dunno, tens of millions more
So I just solo'd ZK and Siegebreaker on MP7 with my Witch Doctor. They were the only set that gave me trouble as solo, but then I found out that ZK can be Hexed. So I just ran Hex/Jinx, and pretty much kept him as a pig the entire fight.![]()
Playing solo as my DH is annoying right now...
I can play MP4 with a friend just fine. It's not like I'm sitting there and wrecking shit up, but I get more chances to attack, so we can kill everything fairly quickly. If I play alone, it takes me forever to take out a single elite pack since I have to move and have less chances to attack, and damage I'm putting out with those few attacks is apparently not enough, even tho my DPS/CC/CD are decent
Let him enjoy is payday
.Let him enjoy is payday
Found my second legendary of 1.05.
And its garbage
I got my innas 2pc yesterday, pretty happy with that.
Now I have 60 mill sitting my my pocket, trying to think about what my next upgrade should be.
Thanks! I was sitting on 300k. Already got a couple nice cheap upgrades for my barb. Sadly working on the IK set is about 20-200 million out of my price range..
Grats kennah. It's easier to try to maximize your auction sales price once you already are pretty good with your gear and have extra money on standby. Enjoy your windfall!
Let him enjoy is payday
One thing I found that helps with a DH solo is to use the scoundrel and put a windforce with as much knockback you can find on him, also give him the attack that fires 3 arrows at a time. It helps keep distance between you and everything else. I run solo mp5 all the time and can do mp6 and I actually find I can clear stuff quicker solo usually than with a group. The exception of course is the bosses, I need to have a group for them as I don't have the survivability.\
Edit - The boar companion can also help out a lot, he will often tank one of the elites keeping them off you. Works well with the key wardens too.
Let him enjoy is payday
Any Vile Ward experts have an opinion on these?
200 STR ones were going for around 3m but my roll isnt GREAT.
I got bored of the regular old monk build so I started a build with:
1: Serenity
2: Crippling wave/concussion or deadly strike/foresight( depending on survivibility)
3: Way of the hundred fist/+atk and move speed
4: Conviction/overawe
5: Fist of thunder
6: Sweeping wind
Passives: resolve/ OWE/ combination strike
I'm having a ton of fun with it not to mention it boosts my DPS to about 70k from 45k while in combat. Survivibility takes a small hit but it definitely doable.
So theoretically I'm reducing incoming damage by 40% from the things I hit if there isn't some hidden diminishing return. Any one know of any?