I've leveled my barbarian up to leve 60. Any advice on an upgrade path for Mr. Basher?
Thanks in advance fine folks of NeoGAF.
Thanks in advance fine folks of NeoGAF.
Made 68 Mil and now i'm looking to upgrade. Can you guys recommend what I should upgrade first and would have the largest effect on my stats?
I am terrible at estimating value, but I think this amulet could be worth a ton. Any estimates?
26% lightning resistance
Attack speed increased by 6%
Critical hit damage increased by 55%
Critical hit chance increased by 7.5%
Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 9%
That kinda sucks, oh well. I'm at the point where upgrades cost a ton, but I'm happy farming MP3 so it's not too bad.
A lot better that's for sure. Nevermind the server issues at launch, game was broke at inferno. Everything felt cheap and you either exploited or zerg rushed to progress in the game. People just ran chests/goblins since NV didn't reward elite kills that much. Act 2 was legitimately broke and, melee class were damn near unplayable. WD class was a joke. Legendaries were a joke, outclassed by even blues. Good loot was extremely difficult to come by, it was super hard to gear yourself for inferno without using AH.Simple question, how much better is this game than when it launched? On track to be a sweet game y/n?
Simple question, how much better is this game than when it launched? On track to be a sweet game y/n?
You need to get more vit and life per hit(even at the expense of dps i do 42k unbuffed and i can farm mp5 without any problems) its a must with mp on, as enemies last longer and can get you good.
you can use rend, charge and vengance as health aid its works for me.
More armor (around 6000 if you can) and vit for sure. Aim closer to 40k life than 30, it helps a lot. You might be focusing a bit too much on resists, especially if you're still running with the +20% armor/res shout. And for your amount of damage, LoH would be more beneficial than life steal. Life steal is the way to go once you get closer to 100k damage, not 50k.
I'd say a bit more vitality and LoH would help you the most.
with the amount DPS you are doing, lifesteal is worthless for you. get life on hit. lifesteal only works when you have 100K unbuffed DPS.
your vitality needs a improvement as well, since you can't kill mobs quickly, you should invest enough life to withstand more punishments. total HP should be at least 40K. life % bonus on gear is a huge HP boost.
please check out my MP8 uber farming barb. not the best, but doable:
this is my friend's barb. a successful barbarian should look like this, this should be your goal:
Welp, I guess my account is gone. I have the mobile authenticator on my htc incredible. My phone went buggy last night and erased all my apps. I reloaded the app and tried to do a restore. I can't use the battlenet restore option, it tells me my serial code and restore code don't work. Should I make a support ticket? I can't even access my account on battle.net website.
Yea, call Blizzard.
I found one of those just this morning and was thinking the same thing. Neat stats, but I didn't expect much money at all out of. I usually just put stuff I'm not sure about with a low initial bid and no buyout and just hope that there's some demand for it.Are people still buying rings without AS or CC/CD?
That's a good defensive ring but these times people are going full damage instead of defense, but what do I know, still that's a nice ring.
Can someone please give me some recommendations? I feel like I can finally survive most encounters but it takes 5 years to kill anything elite. How are my stats and what sort of things should I get to improve? since having like 28k damage unbuffed pretty much blows when im reading about people having 200k
I found an upgrade bow for my DH just now. Almost put it on her but then got greedy and put it on AH for 5 million. I have gone full Monk now... and not a single fuck was given.
Welcome to the dark side. Of people who switch their mains. I've switched about 8 times now, always selling pretty much all my eq from the previous main on AH, which means I'm on a DH who does 70k dps with ~32k life, 3.7k armor and 400 allresists, with about 400 hours of game time split evenly across all 5 classes and 10 being my highest paragon level.don't fall into this trap
Main hand only.A question for the Barb Gaf
Does weapon mastery only take into account your main hand? If you were dual weilding with say an axe and mighty weapon.
If I transferred my Monks gear to my DH and used that bow I found she would do around 100k dps easily (no SS).
I dunno. I wouldn't wish a DH onto anyone.