Great, was two feet from a Resplendent Chest and on an amazing run (got a decent Nat ring and a voodoo mask legendary I'd never seen) and I got disconnected from the servers and can't sign back on now due to high volume.
Got a six crit chance str. Mempo of twilight sold it for 1.4b last night
Got a six crit chance str. Mempo of twilight sold it for 1.4b last night
Did two a3 runs, finally got the keys on both. Too bad I only had one legendary. A wizard hat or something. All I could remember is that it rolled sub 100 in all four primary stats.
Got a six crit chance str. Mempo of twilight sold it for 1.4b last night
jesus H.. duuude cash out. its that like $1000+
Storm Crow is alright. I use one. If it rolled crit or socket (or maybe all res) you might be able to get millions out of it.
Got some tips on leveling paragon, and my oh my how much quicker it is now. I'm only level 17 (maybe 18) and a level used to happen once a day. I just raised a level in 40 minutes or so. 100 here I come!
Not broke but my current bow is about on par with your new one with a little less raw DPS but more dex and also a vit roll.Losing the Vit fucking hurts bad, took me down to 30k HP, or 32k HP if I'm running Perfectionist which I'm currently debating on. But at a point I couldn't pass up getting a goddamn 21k unbuffed damage boost, and with Steady Aim active and my Follower it's something like 26k. Also skyrocketed me past the 200k unbuffed damage barrier I'd been aiming for, I'm at 211k without Steady Aim active or the Scoundrel buff, and about 265k with those both active. I'm pretty fucking stoked. Now I just need to see what I can get for the old Manticore; there's only a couple on the AH that have higher Vit or Dex, but mine's the highest damage. Based on the other ones I tossed it up at an 80 mil buyout, will see what happens. I actually "only" paid 35 mil for it, so I might actually turn a profit, maybe. This is too pricey for me to throw away for dirt cheap, but I'll go lower than the 80 mil obviously if anyone here is interested I guess? Seems like most of the DH's here are broke, and everyone else is playing a barb lol.
Not broke but my current bow is about on par with your new one with a little less raw DPS but more dex and also a vit roll.
I found a beautiful amulet last night. If it rolled just one more stat it would have been so godly.
136 Dex
129 Vit
10 CC
88 CD
Arcane Resistance
1277 life after kill
I'd give up both those last two for one all resist! Still was a healthy increase in both DPS and life for me though.
Just take a break.I'm thinking about finally giving up on this game. I've been finding mostly crap the past few days and every substantial update seems to cost so much that even if I got lucky I'd have to play for weeks to afford them. It's just kinda frustrating really.
It's as if the game is just out there to troll me. "Here, have a Zunimassa mojo...with the worst rolls imaginable, mwahahaha!"
I found the boar to die to quickly on MP2+ and then the Regen you get is laughable what is it 350hp? Lol. Meanwhile frogs are litterally leaping across the map digging 20k-30k chunks of damage out of you.
I dunno I didn't really like using the defensive boosts on DH they felt so weak compared to the damage buffs that you can choose. A bit more evening out would be nice. Along with a Gloom that counters damage at the reflect damage level, I was using Gloom and still taking damage when hitting RD and that was kind of...unfair.
Dex/GF gear is bot gear. Sockets aren't what they're looking for. Neither is MF, but you can usually adjust the price a touch higher if it has it.I found this ring:
I went to price it, and except for two very low-level rings I can't find any rings that have any amount of GF/MF/Dex/Socket/AS
Dex/GF gear is bot gear. Sockets aren't what they're looking for. Neither is MF, but you can usually adjust the price a touch higher if it has it.
The triple digit Dex, GF, and IAS should push this to just under 1M. The GF is a bit low but bot runners aren't paying a premium for higher GF% now. Search similar, remove the Str and Socket, blank out MF, and price 30% lower than lowest buyout. Relist 100K less every 12 hours until it goes. It will go.
Hm, OK. I haven't sold a GF ring for more than 2M in some time. It's probably priced that high because of the very high dex roll. Kick that to 100 Dex in the search perhaps. 6% IAS is the minimum, so it shouldn't be driven up that much because of that. In that case, maybe try 3M and knock down 500K the first two relists then 250K thereafter? There is a definite market for it regardless. Similar rings which I acquire from bids I usually have to spend 500K on at minimum.
I haven't looked up how bots work, but my assumption was that DH is the bot class because of the range, mobility, and the ferrets which act as a pickup radius and increases GF. More reports I've seen on bnet lately mention Monks as the primary bot class. I find that dubious but there is a definite premium and market for gear, or at least jewelry, that has Dex and GF. A ring with 20gf/70dex/4cc/7ias will still go for something like 1.5M, but change that 70 dex to 70 str and you're lucky to sell it at 150K.
Well the Boar is mostly useful for the 15% on your resists; that combined with Perfectionists's 10% boost could actually be potentially pretty useful. The life regen is shit (I think like 150/sec?), but I think that's sort of a non-issue either way. Going from running neither to running Boar + Perfectionist I definitely noticed a difference, but the inconsistency of the Boar presents the problem.
And yeah, on a RD mob even if I have Gloom up, I can only use Hungering Arrow; Elemental Ball on more than one enemy causes me to kill myself in 1-2 seconds even with Gloom up, it's retarded. Honestly if they want to leave RD as-is, they should just go back to pre-nerf Nether Tentacles, problem solved. But it's ridiculous that I completely faceroll entire acts excluding a single affix, and that affix is responsible for 90% of my deaths. I have something like 450 LOH and with that and Gloom I still one-shot myself from RD mobs if they're offscreen and I don't see them in time. It's stupid.
mp7 can suck a fat one
Seems like this Monk will be the first to cross the 400k DPS barrier unbuffed by legit means. I just watched a video of him playing on MP 10... it's insane.아란/3484537
My monk splurged all over the screen looking at his two weapons.
You mean without passives or what? Either way, isn't this guy over 400k even afer removing Glass Cannon?
Monk. Not Wiz.
I'm having a hard time pricing this amulet because all the similar amulets on the EU AH (which there aren't many) have 8 or 9% IAS. Any ideas?
I don't think anyone even searches for an amulet without Crit Chance.
Ok DH gaf, why hasn't anyone told me about 1h xbows before? I found this calamity about a week ago and just got around to trying it out today. Even though I lost some dps on paper going from 2h + quiver to 1h + quiver the increased attack speed and extra 10% crit chance more than make up for it imo. Speed farming just seems so much faster now. I'm anxious to give it a shot in ubers, since I'm running a stun build the extra aps should come in handy with that as well, plus the built in marked for death means I don't need to waste a slot on that skill. Too bad this didn't roll a socket instead of str:
Also that is a pretty ridiculous 1h xbow. My vague understanding was that when the game came out, in theory 2 1h xbows would out damage a 2h setup, but it would require near perfect rolls on both of the 1handers. I'm not sure if with the legendary weapon changes if they changed or not, I kinda assumed that the 2-slot Manticore sorta destroyed that theory, but maybe not?
I spontaneously uninstalled the game the other day. Can't muster up the will to reinstall now
Guess I'll wait for the next interesting development
Damn. I signed in to give you all my stuff but I didn't see you on. Makes sense now =(
I haven't played since 1.01... I feel way too behind to start again. Am I just crazy? All I have is 100% DPS gear from when demon hunters just tried to one shot everything. None of the DH changes excite me either.
Give me some inspiration, GAF!
Hooked again after experiencing the joy of archon mob melting.
I haven't played since 1.01... I feel way too behind to start again. Am I just crazy? All I have is 100% DPS gear from when demon hunters just tried to one shot everything. None of the DH changes excite me either.
Give me some inspiration, GAF!
Hehehe.Why would you want to give me all your gear when you could cash out for $4?