I'm at 2.89 APS now so I think I should be good. Could even pick up a trifecta ring to bump that up to 2.9+.
@ Fenderputty where are the gems? looks like you are ditching the monk too? lol
there are whole lot of articles out there why monk is bad.
I can list a few here, see for yourself.
- expensive gear, very expensive
- Dex is inferior than Int and Str
- lack of offensive steroids. good luck surpassing the unbuffed 100K DPS mark
- only few defensive options and blizzard is itching on nerfing one with everything. there's a great chance that you might lose millions of gold. remember the attack speed nerf?
theres a reason why monk is way less popular than wiz and barb, I ignored all the facts and wasted hundreds of USD only to prove the facts about the monk is true indeed.
Aren't they both shouts? I could be wrong. Guess I never tried.
Completely disagree. We have monks on the top of paragon ladder reaching almost 400k dps at this point.
Are they on par with barb and wizz levels at this point? No.
But if you have the right build, you can make very effective runs with a monk and gain upwards to 60m+ exp an hour, and get tons of goodies.
Right now I think the classes that have the short end of the shtick IMO are DH and WD =P but truth be told, all classes are able to get good stuff if they know the right MP to play at.
WD have more options (and synergies) now. The Acid Rain/Grave Injustice build is quite fun. I'm too invested in my Barb to switch back to my WD, but they're a lot more viable now.Right now I think the classes that have the short end of the shtick IMO are DH and WD =P but truth be told, all classes are able to get good stuff if they know the right MP to play at.
The APS breakpoints are 2.74 and 3.
Having 2.99 is functionally the same as 2.74, for purposes of WW tick rates.
I think part of the problem with the DH as compared to other classes is just the speed at which they can kill, especially when you're rolling with a good group. With my DH and Steady Aim active (which it is about always) I'm at like 251k damage, but I still often feel like a third wheel in decent groups.
I think part of the problem with the DH as compared to other classes is just the speed at which they can kill, especially when you're rolling with a good group. With my DH and Steady Aim active (which it is about always) I'm at like 251k damage, but I still often feel like a third wheel in decent groups.
Talking of Monks, my friend who quit and went back to WoW chucked some gold my way so I followed the advice and took a look at Apollo's gear set and built around that with not as good stats.
I'm pretty happy with it but anything I could improve? : http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Affixlol-2209/hero/5542112
Edit: I guess my Vit is pretty shitty? Also the gloves are super bad :<.
Talking of Monks, my friend who quit and went back to WoW chucked some gold my way so I followed the advice and took a look at Apollo's gear set and built around that with not as good stats.
I'm pretty happy with it but anything I could improve? : http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Affixlol-2209/hero/5542112
Edit: I guess my Vit is pretty shitty? Also the gloves are super bad :<.
The cool kids play WD anyway.
MF is more of a garnish affix for players' gear, and amulets are one of the precious few places where affixes like CC, IAS, and LOH are commonly found. That this amulet has none of those hinders the value. That said, it's a pretty good Scoundrel amulet.How well does magic find amulets sell?
Put this one up at 15mil no buyout, no idea if that is a reasonable price.
+188 Dexterity
+44 Lighting Resistance
Critical Hit Damage 98%
Magic Find 40%
I recently got an EF. Should be visible here: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ammostiel-1897/hero/5563575How much would I be looking at for a Echoing Fury with a socket? Should I look at one around 1k dps?
Also is Witching Hour a good belt to go for?
Thanks for the help guys.
I have no idea I guess it's through Breath of Heaven - Serenity and globes but you're right I have no sustain.
How much would I be looking at for a Echoing Fury with a socket? Should I look at one around 1k dps?
Also is Witching Hour a good belt to go for?
I recently got an EF. Should be visible here: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ammostiel-1897/hero/5563575
887.4 DPS. 158 dex. +0.22 aps. 73 chd. Socket. 23M buyout.
The flat APS bonus really does help.
If you want one with 1K DPS and native chd with socket, I think you're looking at 50M+ price right now. Bargains are probably in the Furies that have 900 DPS but have +0.24 or +0.25 APS and >50% chd.
Witching Hour belts are great for raw DPS and I think it's the only belt which gives IAS. I share mine between my Wizard and Monk, and it adds something like 15K DPS to my Wizard by itself.
I got my Echoing for around 7 mil. 1050 DPS and just a socket. Anything else like native crit damage or lifesteal will drive it into tens or hundreds of millions.
Witching hour is a great DPS boost but also costs a fortune and you need the defence boost. You can easily boost your DPS for cheap (well, cheaper) by looking at your weapons, rings, gloves and bracers.
My junk mail is filling up with these.
It should, yeah.-3k Life
+3k Damage
I'm guessing if I socket it the damage would go up a lot more right?
It sucks I have no interest in DH. 80% of my monk gear would transfer over. All I would need is a DML and a Decent Bow / Helm. I'm pretty sure I would have a rather rocking DH rather easily without spending much.
Maybe if a 2 SOC manticore ever drops for me I'll roll one.
I don't know why I'm not interested in a barb. Maybe because I played my monk so much the other melee class doesn't appeal to me. I don't want to be just another barb too I guess. Also I have to get a whole new set of gear. I would roll a DH before a barb because of that. WZ can use my WD gear.
I'm up to 81k dps unbuffed now with replacing my bracers + gloves for 2.5mil total.
How would I upgrade my offhand weapon the one with the socket?
HC Barb is on Belial atm, think I'm going to wait till I have 40k dmg, don't want to risk enraging him... Also need tons more HP and resists, but so far it's been going pretty smooth.
Took me quite some time gearing up in act1, act1 mp0 with no MF is pretty shitty loot and it's not like the gear on the HC AH is cheap or there's a broad selection...
Thats such a high DPS. You should be doing tons of damage why feel like a third wheel? Most players roll with ~100k. Although if you want to help the party put on Marked For Death as that gives everyone else the bonus damage too so you're adding a bunch of support damage in, or they can benefit from your sentry areas I think. If you play with like a freezing wizard choose beastly bombs the one rune that does like 3000% weapon damage. It stays in like one place but the thing is if they are frozen they wont move and theyll take most of that damage, which is an insane amount. (Hopefully they dont have RD lol)
I dunno, my DH has quite a bit less dps than that and short of a running with a well geared ww barb who can outrun me I don't feel I'm lacking for kills when running in a group. Maybe I just don't play with what you consider decent groups.
DH's do come up short for ubers though imo, mainly due to the size and makeup of the ubers not really lending themselves to kiting and DHs not being much of a role player for those battles. You can gear for pure dps but then you are at risk from getting one shotted by magdha flies, arcanes, zk fireballs, rocks, etc and being more of a liability when someone has to raise you. You can gear for a stun lock build but wizards freezelock much better, you can gear for a tank build but monks/barbs do that much better, you can bring a pet for distraction but wd's do that much better.
Late response, but I think the third wheel thing comes primarily from the fact that when you're playing on low MP, enemies die super fast. Even with 24% MS, by the time I get to enemies and can get off any attacks the Monks/Barbs are sprinting and shit all over the place and enemies are either dead or about dead by the time I get to anything. On higher MP that's less of an issue though.
HAHAH ... When I farm on lower MP, my monk has 34% movement speed and enemies go down fast. If you only have 12% you're getting left in the back as you described.
Farmed MP7 last night and found 5 legendaries. All garbage. 3 went to the vendor and 2 went to the salvage pile.
I have 24% MS, but same difference practically speaking. It is baffling that the DH movement passive doesn't let you break the 25% cap.
How many passives let you break the cap? I thoght it was just the monks.
You are going to destroy Belial and you have no worries about the enrage timer, IMO. I did Belial with ~500 all resist, ~45k hp, but the kicker: 10-12k dps tops lol. Edit: I'm almost positive I was at 10k...I think I hit 10k+ in Act 3...I think you will be okay as long as you avoid green explosions. Your damage will not be an issue at all.
How many passives let you break the cap? I thoght it was just the monks.
I think just the monk's as it stands, but no one besides DH even has one. Also, the DH's is on a conditional (be at full hatred, I think), so the fact that it doesn't break the cap is ridiculous.
Also don't Barbs have some sort of attack that lets them move faster, I think not WW but something else? I swear I've seen Barbs moving all over the place before, but I could be mistaken.
Weapon damage rolls/armor. Otherwise, no differences.
Aw, I've been skipping lvl 62 items for a while now. Should have picked them up. Thanks.
Aw, I've been skipping lvl 62 items for a while now. Should have picked them up. Thanks.
I got sidetracked for the past week or so while I finished up far cry 3. Great game, btw. If you have a decent PC you should play it. Anyway...back to the Diablo grind. Did I miss anything the past couple weeks?