Guys, I'm at 60(14) and is it still better to farm gear/exp from Act 3 or Act 1 (Monster Power 1)?
gold is going up! made a billion gold on a manajuma knife and couple of stormshields sales yesterday![]()
patch notes said:Fixed an issue where Sweeping Wind was not actively updating its damage and attributes from the player
ATTN Monks:
Apparently they are doing this by updating Sweeping Wind much more often (possibly every strike or maybe on a counter). So it sounds like the Blinding Flash: Faith in the Light buff will only work for the 3 seconds it is active instead of for the duration of a SW cast. This is according to a few guys doing tests on the PTR with SW from the Monk forum on battle.net.
If this is indeed the case, I'll probably swap in some other skills for Blinding Flash and see which I like best.
Apparently some things still carry over from weapon switches. Dmg vs elites and life steal are among them. I wouldn't count on that making it through to the final 1.07 though
Question for you (and any others who have silly amounts of gold):
Outside of stupid blind luck finding an item worth hundreds of millions, are you pretty much forced to play the RMAH/gold AH trading game to get that amount of gold? I'm talking 500m+
I've played this game LOTS...got all 5 classes to 60, got my monk to plvl 63 or so, and the highest amount of gold I've ever had on hand was around 40-50m.
I did see a 10% crit stormshield with max block on the RMAH the other day for $2.50 which I figured was a crazy good deal, but by the time I worked through setting up paypal for the RMAH it was gone.
Do you pretty much just buy items for cheap on the RMAH then flip them on the gold AH and vice versa?
KMD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 99% of online ppls... your a total awesome
cat ;p
KMD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 99% of online ppls... your a total awesome
cat ;p
What did he do?
gold is going up! made a billion gold on a manajuma knife and couple of stormshields sales yesterday![]()
Does this mean the sweeping wind weapon swap trick has been nerfed?
cyclone strike 8 enemy limit breaks my heart
I liiiiive! Raticus79#1110 is me.
Yup, they were pretty thorough about it. The parts that they missed would give maybe a 10% boost for swapping compared to ~500% like in 1.0.6, and those leftovers will probably go away too.
Snapshot+swap still works on a few other areas of the game in PTR - for example:
- Tempest Rush - cast blinding flash before starting and it'll boost the whole run until you stop. You can also put it on a skill key instead of a click and do some swap shenanigans with 2h/1h damage, attack speed and spirit cost.
- Storm Armour
- Gargantuan
I tried it out and it doesn't seem to be any different, so I think that limit may have always been there.
I'm looking forward to the patch. I think group play might finally be the best way to level, if you get a good group and can crank up the monster power as a result.
Jay Wilson bows out: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/7592242994
Edit: already a thread for it in Gaming, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=508788
Have they removed the enrage timers from all monsters in the game (including bosses)? or is it just champ and unique?
Bosses still have timers (at the least the Ubers do, but it takes a while for it to kick in) and elites don't any more.
They also don't refill their health when they go out of sight anymore.
I liiiiive! Raticus79#1110 is me.
Yup, they were pretty thorough about it. The parts that they missed would give maybe a 10% boost for swapping compared to ~500% like in 1.0.6, and those leftovers will probably go away too.
Snapshot+swap still works on a few other areas of the game in PTR - for example:
- Tempest Rush - cast blinding flash before starting and it'll boost the whole run until you stop. You can also put it on a skill key instead of a click and do some swap shenanigans with 2h/1h damage, attack speed and spirit cost.
- Storm Armour
- Gargantuan
I tried it out and it doesn't seem to be any different, so I think that limit may have always been there.
I'm looking forward to the patch. I think group play might finally be the best way to level, if you get a good group and can crank up the monster power as a result.
Does a decent community still exist? Or is it barebones now?
I'm waiting for 1.0.7 to start back up full swing. I feel like time spent right now is a waste with the lack of the new mp exp bonus.
Snapshot+swap still works on a few other areas of the game in PTR - for example:
- Tempest Rush - cast blinding flash before starting and it'll boost the whole run until you stop. You can also put it on a skill key instead of a click and do some swap shenanigans with 2h/1h damage, attack speed and spirit cost.
- Storm Armour
- Gargantuan
I'm waiting for 1.0.7 to start back up full swing. I feel like time spent right now is a waste with the lack of the new mp exp bonus.