Out of habit, I just bought a Skorn for my alt WD on the cheap.
It's a bit weird to realize that I won't need to worry about gearing multiple characters any more once shared paragon hits.
I'll keep some mid-tier gear on everyone but I bet a lot of people are selling off alt stuff in favour of playing their current P100 main again.
You can beat the game on Inferno now without grinding or using the AH. Especially when Loot 2.0 comes it will be even easier.So, it looks like the whiny little AH haters got their way. They had to go and ruin it for everyone.
You know, some of us have actual jobs. Some of us are married. And that means some of us don't have 12-16 hours a day to sit in front of the computer to grind for gear. The AH was a great way for those of us who could only play for an hour or two to have a shot at getting decent gear. There is NO WAY I could have even beaten Inferno with the one character who has made it that far without the AH. My computer's RNG hates me, as far as items. So I'd save up my gold, sell what little I could, and eventually I got good Barb equipment. Not GREAT equipment, but enough to beat the game. As it is, I can still only do up to MP5 without dying frequently.
And while Loot 2.0 sounds interesting, I harbor no illusions that it will fix the problem completely. Those of us with limited time to play will get screwed.
But yeah, instead of just shutting up and playing without the AH, now no one will have that option...
Diablo 3 to remain always-online, despite planned auction house closures
I would imagine most people will be switching to ladder, which means there isn't much reason to play right now.
I would imagine most people will be switching to ladder, which means there isn't much reason to play right now.
I do not plan on taking my original monk on a ladder. I probably will do a ladder but not with my main and the amount of paragon I've accumulated. If I do a ladder it will be my alt WD or another alt I get to 60 before the EXP.
Anyone else with a p100 character planning on ditching all of that?
I do not plan on taking my original monk on a ladder. I probably will do a ladder but not with my main and the amount of paragon I've accumulated. If I do a ladder it will be my alt WD or another alt I get to 60 before the EXP.
Anyone else with a p100 character planning on ditching all of that?
Ladders end eventually...
I do not plan on taking my original monk on a ladder. I probably will do a ladder but not with my main and the amount of paragon I've accumulated. If I do a ladder it will be my alt WD or another alt I get to 60 before the EXP.
Anyone else with a p100 character planning on ditching all of that?
Out of habit, I just bought a Skorn for my alt WD on the cheap.
It's a bit weird to realize that I won't need to worry about gearing multiple characters any more once shared paragon hits.
I'll keep some mid-tier gear on everyone but I bet a lot of people are selling off alt stuff in favour of playing their current P100 main again.
LoL I don't think you know what Ladders are. It's a fresh start for everyone... NOTHING carries over.I do not plan on taking my original monk on a ladder. I probably will do a ladder but not with my main and the amount of paragon I've accumulated. If I do a ladder it will be my alt WD or another alt I get to 60 before the EXP.
Anyone else with a p100 character planning on ditching all of that?
Wait, shared paragon?
I know it's a fresh start. I figured I would just forfeit my past paragon. So each ladder would require a new character?
Correct, and it's now infinite.
Right. A ladder is basically an entirely different mode, so only characters that were made in that ladder season can play with each other. So the economy is reset every time as well.
And characters created for the ladder end permanently with only the paragon transferring over to the main accounts?
what the wallach doin in hear
Nah the characters you play in Ladder get added back to your regular pool along with EXP earned and gold. If you were playing Hardcore Ladder then it will all go into your Hardcore pool.And characters created for the ladder end permanently with only the paragon transferring over to the main accounts?
There are hardcore and normal ladders. Once a new ladder season begins and the current one ends, they'll probably get moved to the "default" mode where they'll exist with all other non-ladder characters.
I hope there are Ladder exclusive items and quests too.
This reminds me... they'll need to increase character slots as well. At least 2 more to accommodate the new class and then maybe 3-4 for the ladder seasons. And while they're at it, another stash tab or two please. /QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere (Diablofans, I think?) around Gamescom that we were getting both of those. I don't remember if they actually said how many tabs/slots we would get though.
One run of field of misery:
What's your Paragon Level? And MP level?
Paragon 98 on MP10.
Fuck no! I haven't played it as much as I'd love to (KH HD and GTAV showed up) but it sure as hell has been more fun than the PC-version!Do you hate the console version yet Yoshi![]()
I'm pretty sure with loot 2.0 (smart drops) and MP0 you should have no problem beating the expansion on inferno whatsoever. Even now I can't imagine anyone having too much trouble beating MP0 inferno with self found gear. Basically, there will be NO WAY that you CAN'T beat inferno with loot 2.0.
Yeah, and then you start over. Which is my point.
Here's how I see things playing out - let me know if I'm missing something since I didn't play D2:
- I'm buying stuff cheap, gearing up my alts to mid-tier levels, levelling up paragon all around since my main's at P100 already
- expansion hits, all the paragon experience gets rolled into account paragon. I'll probably hit p175 or so. (this part was confirmed to be how it'll work, as the plans stand today at least)
- ladder season starts, I make new ladder characters. Play ladder, get some ladder-only drops (I assume), and get some levels on my ladder-specific paragon pool.
- ladder ends, ladder paragon exp goes back into main account paragon exp (also confirmed), and my ladder characters come back into the main pool
- I load up my main account characters with whatever gear the ladder crew brought back with them
- next ladder season starts up, I make new characters for that ladder, rinse and repeat.
So as time progresses, you're building up gear on your "main account" and starting fresh on new ladder characters each time a season starts. I'm not sure if there's any downtime between ladder seasons.
NV stacks available in normal mode in the expansion?
(skip to 5:15)
Powerlevelling just got a whole lot easier.
Here's how I see things playing out - let me know if I'm missing something since I didn't play D2:
- I'm buying stuff cheap, gearing up my alts to mid-tier levels, levelling up paragon all around since my main's at P100 already
- expansion hits, all the paragon experience gets rolled into account paragon. I'll probably hit p175 or so. (this part was confirmed to be how it'll work, as the plans stand today at least)
- ladder season starts, I make new ladder characters. Play ladder, get some ladder-only drops (I assume), and get some levels on my ladder-specific paragon pool.
- ladder ends, ladder paragon exp goes back into main account paragon exp (also confirmed), and my ladder characters come back into the main pool
- I load up my main account characters with whatever gear the ladder crew brought back with them
- next ladder season starts up, I make new characters for that ladder, rinse and repeat.
So as time progresses, you're building up gear on your "main account" and starting fresh on new ladder characters each time a season starts. I'm not sure if there's any downtime between ladder seasons.
Ok thing are much clearer now. Though if you only play ladders, who cares about what rolls to the main pool?
Are you guys only going to play ladder seasons or both? How long are the seasons?
Yeah NV stack pre 60 will be rad. Better drops and more exp. NV + hellfire + cains set + mp10 = one fast trip to 60![]()
What makes you think you can have a hellfire ring pre-60?
What makes you think you can't? lol
So I have a pretty decent Monk from pre 1.0.7. I have some questions about crafting:
Is there a 'best' farming route for the plans (I saw Keeps -> Ghom listed somewhere)? Are any of the items not worth crafting?
Any 'best' farming routes after I get all of the plans with crafting in mind as the goal?
Anything else major I should know since 1.0.7?
My monk for reference: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/prodystopian-1605/hero/29104444