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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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You should be trying to get keys at mp5 or higher. Best chance of getting them while also being manageable. For the ubers I honestly would do mp3 or mp4 at highest. I did 3 mp6 uber runs yesterday (2 in one go) and got jack shit for it. Felt like I wasted massive amounts of time.

Make a lot friends is my best advice. My tag is Danthebadass#1260.


He measures in centimeters
No key either?
Yes, the key drop was quite the tease since I haven't looked into that quest/event at all. Demolished that warden and 5 yellows and the key drops...totally thought I had a legendary drop...oh well. I fought the warden simultaneously with an elite pack. Is that normal?


4 legendaries in one day... that's a record. 3 was a record as well!

All of them ware crap except for some fire walkers that are nice for all the extra stats like MF and movement speed


So me and a friend are talking Demon Hunters. I was considering playing one but I always balk at the fact that some of their abilities require a bow. My wizard can equip swords, shields ect and all my abilities work but a DH needs a bow. He thinks that when you play a DH more bows drop. Is there in fact a mechanic for that. Do different classes get drops more aimed for their class, even if it is just a slight percentage?


Got another organ from a triple machine run today, but it's one I already had. I still haven't had the spine drop from Leoric/Maghda. :( Got another machine, working on 2 more, then I'll give it another go.
I don't understand this: doing mp8 with two other people and Siege/Kule is doable, killed them in 5 tries.

Then one left and the two of us tried mp 8 again, finishing off Leoric/Maghda and Ghom/Rakkanoth in our first try. Then all of a sudden Siege hits very hard and Kule keeps blasting us, the first 8 tries our so we didnt even get them to 50% health. Quited after 15 tries. Strange.


I don't understand this: doing mp8 with two other people and Siege/Kule is doable, killed them in 5 tries.

Then one left and the two of us tried mp 8 again, finishing off Leoric/Maghda and Ghom/Rakkanoth in our first try. Then all of a sudden Siege hits very hard and Kule keeps blasting us, the first 8 tries our so we didnt even get them to 50% health. Quited after 15 tries. Strange.
What class was your other partner? Maybe it was a Barb/Monk with some extra resistance aura.
2 barbs, 1 monk. One barb left. I really believe some runs are a tad harder then others. Like cruising 5 runs without dying, then all of a sudden this run kill you 6 times.
Legendaries drop way to much after 1.05. Got like 7 legendaries in 2 days. I reckon the mid tier rolls items are going to get cheap really fast.


2 barbs, 1 monk. One barb left. I really believe some runs are a tad harder then others. Like cruising 5 runs without dying, then all of a sudden this run kill you 6 times.

Maybe the 3rd Barb was carrying some extra damage mitigation. eg. Threatening Shout (enemy debuff) or the aoe rune on Endure Pain.

edit: What kind of stats do it take to hit mp8?
lol, bought two semi-identical rings, 32-65 damage, 70 dex, 4% critical, 30% critical damage. One for 12m, the other for 18m.

Overall gave me 12k dps all together, which is a HUGE improvement for me :) im really happy with my purchase!!!

The next closest ring had a buyout of 60m lol.

I'm really happy, i have now 92k dps with my monk WITH shield. I tested a decent off hand and was at 103k dps, but my shield just gives me too much damage / protection to drop it =P


So haven't played game in months and went to see how power level is..why and where did this annoying MICRO STUTTER come from? This has to be the least demanding game installed on my machine (even maxed it looks okay) and it freak micro stutters.

My PC specs:

i7 3770k

What is causing this?


Just tried power level 3..I don't see a difference.


Just got my first set item :D

How much is this thing worth? I can't check the AH right now

I imagine not a lot since the stats are pretty crappy but it does have a socket

Just found this:


Primary stat, vit, crit, high damage roll. Ridiculous.

Holy shit

That's monstrous

Thinking about either gearing up my Wizard or getting my WD to 60 then gearing him up. Which one would be cheaper to do to say; farm MP5?


it always has a socket

You should get at least 10m, max 20


Man, so many hours as WD and only recently discovered how awesome Gruesome Feast is.

After farming MP1 several times with MF gear, 400% MF with 5 NV, and not getting any legendary, I got tired of it.
I put on my normal gear and changed to MP2, so I could at least get a better XP boost but still farm effectively.

My base dmg = 70k dps
With PtV = 81k dps
With scoundrel crit bonus = 84k dps
With 5 stack soul harvest = 107k dps
And finally with 5 stack gruesome feast = 159k dps

Now, gruesome feast effect doesn't last long, but when it does I get about 10k dps increase per health globe which is pretty good(plus you get a mana increase as well). When there are lots of monsters you get health globes very often so you get that boost almost all the time.

I tried MP2 once, but it became too easy for me, so I have been playing MP3. At MP3 I get some resistance from elites/bosses but I can farm it at a good rate. I might try MP4 just to see how that will work at farming at a good rate.

The fun part is that at MP2 with around 200% MF including NV, I got two legendaries at my first run. One was a pretty good rolled Fire Walkers and the other was a crappy belt.


hi guys, i figured id play dome more d3 now with the latest patch. I would like to at least beat diablo inferno this time...

My main is a ww barb like the rest of the world. I have about 1.6 million gold, any pointers on what the lowest hanging fruit in term of upgrades are? I assume my dps especially is really bad, but i love(d) the 2k loh which i suppose is not as useful anymore with the proc nerf.



The game set back your graphics options. The micro stutter can be avoided (at least for me) by disabling the fixed (max) framerate and enabling v-synch.

Makes it less but game still runs annoyingly. It interferes with the actual game-play. Guess I will just shelf the game again. Its not fun micro stuttering especially with how "dodging" works. Fighting elite packs is just annoying with micro stutter.

**I have almost got rid of it..I turned off my antivirus lol.

***Now the game does it with elites only. What gives!? This game looks liek it was made years ago =S why does it dooo this.

Yes I am raging cause this shouldn't be happening


Makes it less but game still runs annoyingly. It interferes with the actual game-play. Guess I will just shelf the game again. Its not fun micro stuttering especially with how "dodging" works. Fighting elite packs is just annoying with micro stutter.

**I have almost got rid of it..I turned off my antivirus lol.

***Now the game does it with elites only. What gives!? This game looks liek it was made years ago =S why does it dooo this.

Yes I am raging cause this shouldn't be happening

NVIDIA card? Turn off adaptive power management in the advanced 3d settings (d3 profile) put it on max performance, should help.

Disable max and minimum framerates (in the options) and enable in-game VSYNC, you still might get it but it should be better.



Uhm, nice! :)

Shit, double post :(

looted these this morning;

Wonder how high they'll go, put them up as 15mil start bid, even if they just go for 15mil that will be the biggest sale on the AH I've ever did, amazed someone bid 15mil so fast cause the STR roll ain't great...

Had 2 setpieces and 6 or 7 legendarys drop since 1.05, love it. :) (One of those setpieces I actually used for a while, c r a z y)
Legendarys were all trash though. Besides a DEX skorn all the rest was straight up vendor/brimstone, wonder if I'll be able to sell that dex Skorn, do monks actually use that?


Haven't played much since that uhh, valor patch or whatever it was. Going to give this one a shot. I'll assume that my monk can't handle mp3 lol.


The 12% life is awesome. That's probably 10-30 mil.

This seems to be pretty standard on these helms. I wish it had AR :(
There are a lot of these on the market with prices between 10-20M

I put mine with bid of 10M and buyout of 25M knowing it probably won't sell, but hoping for some luck

If anyone from EU is interested to get it with a GAF discount or trade for a WD or DH item I'll be glad :)

I seem to get less legendary drops than before the patch the past two days.

I'm in a dry spell.


Seems to be the opposite for me... already at 3 legendaries today (4 yesterday), but the other 2 I found are a crappy Wizardspike and some gloves that are so bad I'm actually offended they even put them in the game :p
Uhm, nice! :)

Some weird stuff is going on. People are starving for gold, so there is this race to the bottom with legendaries if they don't have that 1 affix roll that makes them godly. That Triumvirate for example, would have been worth somewhere in the 30-40m if it had AP on crit. People aren't even pricing on how much the item is worth relative to rares, just the rest of the not-godlike legendaries. So now there's this distorted view of what a good item is

For a grand total of 439k gold I scored these



Finally they've updated the armory to show the hellfire ring.
Also yay my Diablo 2 Battlechest came today *installing* :D
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