i think the campaign is going to be far more enjoyable than Diablo 3. not just in terms of story presentation but gameplay. i know the game wont really start until after the campaign but this is a big step up so i'm really looking forward to playing through the entire campaign. the map looks huge

and the ingame map isn't even showing all of it. maybe i missed some areas in the beta but it seems i could only access the area in dark blue:
i get why they added a horse/mount to the game. i'm wondering now how they will handle combat when mounted. is it just going to be a way to travel quickly or will we be able to kill mobs while riding? i don't know if any info on that has been released yet.
so hyped for the game! i was thinking about going back to Diablo 3 but i think I should give Diablo 2 a shot. i bought it but never started it. during its beta i played it for a bit but not much.
i don't know about that cutscene but i've been skipped most of them since the one Lillith appears at the start (around the same time as the cart scene i think). if you're on pc just hit ESC.