The poll is as lopsided as the quality of SNES games vs Genesis and there's still like three people in here going: "Well AcKTHuaLLY" lol
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Why would anyone think a pure 2D game like DKC needs a super fx type chip? Toy Story has similar sprites-out-of-renders visuals and is fine on both SNES and Mega Drive. It's just 2D games like any. Purely pixel art/drawn 2D games of the era look much better than either this or DKC to be honest.Well the sales figures speak for themselves....you didn't need a 32x add-on to experience pseudo 32 bit gaming, when you had the likes of Donkey Kong Country running without a Super FX chip....
It was impressive indeed.Well the sales figures speak for themselves....you didn't need a 32x add-on to experience pseudo 32 bit gaming, when you had the likes of Donkey Kong Country running without a Super FX chip....
Meh, most of those commercial games wouldn't make it on real platforms with truly great retro games so they bank on Genesis (and other platform like Dreamcast) nostalgia to drive profits. There are more NES new games than SNES even, does it win over 16bit, especially given sales? Indeed?The Genesis is winning even today. New games are coming out constantly, with tools like deflemask and the SGDK people can easily get their homebrew up and running on it without needing to rely on knowing 68000 asm.
The SNES is just a frustrating abomination built around the 65816. A half retarded 8/16-bit piece of shit nobody sane wants to deal with.
Please guys, I love Sega but nobody in his right mind thinks Phantasy Star post 8bit holds any candle to the big JRPGs. It looks OK but the story's presented hilariously bad and the gameplay is nothing to write home about. I wish I liked it more but I was super disappointed when I finally got IV.Sega aldo did wonders with Phantasy Star 4
The 30.75M Mega Drives sold comes from the CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, the Japanese videogames trade association) reports, which are made with the data provided by their members. In this case, Sega. So yes, it's an official Sega claim. And it's the most recent one.SEGA did not claim anything, sales numbers are taken from incomplete periods and not WW. But this was already discussed in the thread, so simply read it.
I think we should all check various forums like this with many informations or fake news.The 30.75M Mega Drives sold comes from the CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, the Japanese videogames trade association) reports, which are made with the data provided by their members. In this case, Sega. So yes, it's an official Sega claim. And it's the most recent one.
Also Sega reported directly to Famitsu numbers like 26.46M in the fiscal year that ended in 1995 or 28.54M for the FY that ended in 1996, months before Sega discontinuing Mega Drive the next year. So it matches with the 30.75M data.
We have later numbers from Majesco (1.5M estimate) or Tec Toy (3M) but as I said we don't know how many of these 4.5M are included in the 30.75M data from Sega.
Sad that all these die-hard Sega fans didn't show up for the Genesis Mini compared to the SNES Mini.I think we should all check various forums like this with many informations or fake news.
It seems there were 2 millions Megadrive in Brazil in 2009 and 3 millions in 2012...
I also think licensed Megadrive (like AT) are still on the current market. It still growing...
Speaking of which...Sad that all these die-hard Sega fans didn't show up for the Genesis Mini compared to the SNES Mini.
The Sega Saturn has 3 times the library of the Nintendo 64 with much more balance...
Of course, Sega did mistake before the playstation but you don't realize how Sega could have performed two years without the PSX (N64 arrived in 97 in the US):
- No Textured Tekken to humiliate raw poly Virtua Fighter in the eye of the mainstream gamers.
- No inferior Psygnosis blockbusters like Destruction on Saturn, it would have been temporary exclusive and impressive for most people.
A multiverse without the PSX would have meant 2 years full of exclusives and without rivals:
A multiverse without the PSX would have meant 2 years full of exclusives and without rivals:
- Psygnosys AAA temporary exclusives for Sega (Destruction Derby)
- Tombraider temporary exclusive.
- A true opportunity for Sega Arcade Classics to shine on console (Virtua Fighter, Daytona, overlooked by many because less impressive than Tekken and Ridge Racer on PSX...VF2 impressed gamers though but it was a bit late for many people who already bought the Playstation).
Pob was Playstation did more or less the same with better graphics, better marketing and cheaper console.
That's it.
Well the sales figures speak for themselves....you didn't need a 32x add-on to experience pseudo 32 bit gaming, when you had the likes of Donkey Kong Country running without a Super FX chip....
Like a certain other company... SEGA never won a generation.
The Sega Saturn has 3 times the library of the Nintendo 64 with much more balance...
Of course, Sega did mistake before the playstation but you don't realize how Sega could have performed two years without the PSX (N64 arrived in 97 in the US):
- No Textured Tekken to humiliate raw poly Virtua Fighter in the eye of the mainstream gamers.
- No inferior Psygnosis blockbusters like Destruction on Saturn, it would have been temporary exclusive and impressive for most people.
A multiverse without the PSX would have meant 2 years full of exclusives and without rivals:
- Psygnosys AAA temporary exclusives for Sega (Destruction Derby)
- Tombraider temporary exclusive.
- A true opportunity for Sega Arcade Classics to shine on console (Virtua Fighter, Daytona, overlooked by many because less impressive than Tekken and Ridge Racer on PSX...VF2 impressed gamers though but it was a bit late for many people who already bought the Playstation).
What games are you talking about then ?
There are more racers on the Saturn than N64, there are enough Sport games (Sega + Visual Concepts who developed for the Saturn)
Fighters are ten times better on the Saturn.
FPS ? There are good games on the Saturn as well with the Lobotomy trinity : Power Slave, Duke Nukem, Quake...
Maybe 3D platformers, the Saturn is weak if you compare to Rare and Nintendo games.
For the rest there are enough genre on Saturn to seduce the US like they did with the Genesis...
Pob was Playstation did more or less the same with better graphics, better marketing and cheaper console.
That's it.
I think we should all check various forums like this with many informations or fake news.
It seems there were 2 millions Megadrive in Brazil in 2009 and 3 millions in 2012...
I also think licensed Megadrive (like AT) are still on the current market. It still growing...
But still like I said... never won a generation.Vectorman.
But that company you aren't subtly referring to did actually beat Nintendo, twice, and Sony once.
But still like I said... never won a generation.
EDIT: They never beat Sony.
They definitely won the 16-bit war but the Genesis did far better than it had any right to and competed well to the end. The equivalence would be the 360 coming out and then still managing to compete with the PS4 for a bit. Genesis (counting the Megadrive) came out 2 years earlier and tech changed wildly every year. For it to have a better CPU and manage to run games like Street Fighter 2 at 60fps was pretty amazing. SNES had the better color palette and sound chip but it's the Genesis CPU that really kept it alive and competitive.
Going by sales, Genesis lost ground quickly and Nintendo won by a healthy margin every year until...Mortal Kombat (also Sonic 2 if I remember correctly). When Sega started outselling them, they changed their tune quickly on violence and then caught up again and never lost ground after.
From personal experience, I had the Genesis when it came out and loved it but once the SNES came out, there was really no back going. I'd get the occasional Sega exclusive like Sonic and Golden Axe but most of my time was on the SNES. It just felt (and was) the more advanced system and an upgrade to the Genesis. I did however loved renting Genesis games to compare to the SNES version. Sometimes the Genesis version played better and faster thanks to the CPU and had interesting music but the color palette always turned me off and felt outdated.
Still the best generation of my life but it's totally nostalgia speaking.
Genesis did far better than it had any right to and competed well to the end.
Consoles were cutting corners for profits and to make money on the games so the weaknesses of the SNES hardware made sense, it was even made with expandability in mind from the start.
It really wasn't until the 3DO PSX generation where we started seeing loss leaders on hardware become the primary entrants. Before that consoles (outside niche ones) weren't doing that.
We aren't cause a higher priced PS3 that came out a year later caught and then surpassed that companies console.Very likely they did with the 360.
But regardless, you aren't making much of a point here, Sega not winning a gen doesn't explain it's performance gap with other machines that didn't win. Sega should have been 2nd with the Saturn and it wasn't close.
The 2017 AT MD was garbage but it seems the 2019 revision is ok.Regarding ATgames as far as I know there aren't sales data available.
What upset me the most was when Sega brought out the 32x. I thought - awesome. Now they are going to be able to compete directly with the SNES hardware if not surpass. Then you end up getting games that still looked and sounded like Genesis games. The color palette even though it was as if not more capable than the SNES, they didn't use it and despite the audio quality being improved, it still had the same Genesis sound chip. Just utterly disappointing when Sega really could have caught up if they invested in it.
Well you should check again because Phantasy Star IV is considered by many the best JRPG from this era (and Phantasy Star II is a 1989 masterpiece). Same with Shining Force II by the way. And then you have Lunar Eternal Blue on SEGA-CD. Nothing comparable was ever released in Europe on SNES, by the way...Please guys, I love Sega but nobody in his right mind thinks Phantasy Star post 8bit holds any candle to the big JRPGs
I think you don't exactly understand the concept of an "add-on". The 32X was never meant to be a full fledged console to begin with. It was made to work with the MegaDrive, and it was very cleverly built actually (like all SEGA hardware anyway). But even with this aspect taken into account, games certainly did not look like MegaDrive games at all. Unless the MegaDrive can handle 3D natively (Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing Deluxe, Star Wars...) which I am not aware off. Even super scaler games are mighty impressive on the 32X and absolutely unthinkable on the MegaDrive. And there is Doom as well...What upset me the most was when Sega brought out the 32x. I thought - awesome. Now they are going to be able to compete directly with the SNES hardware if not surpass. Then you end up getting games that still looked and sounded like Genesis games. The color palette even though it was as if not more capable than the SNES, they didn't use it and despite the audio quality being improved, it still had the same Genesis sound chip. Just utterly disappointing when Sega really could have caught up if they invested in it.
This source is completely questionable, displaying incomplete time period and missing regions. We don't have details by region by the way in this table (how convenient), because doing this would strongly invalidate the veracity of it.The 30.75M Mega Drives sold comes from the CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, the Japanese videogames trade association) reports, which are made with the data provided by their members. In this case, Sega. So yes, it's an official Sega claim. And it's the most recent one.
Also Sega reported directly to Famitsu numbers like 26.46M in the fiscal year that ended in 1995 or 28.54M for the FY that ended in 1996, months before Sega discontinuing Mega Drive the next year. So it matches with the 30.75M data.
We have later numbers from Majesco (1.5M estimate) or Tec Toy (3M) but as I said we don't know how many of these 4.5M are included in the 30.75M data from Sega.
It's a legitimate answer. Here's The Genesis on life support:
It is. The trouble with the Mega CD and to a point the Saturn. The ones with the most to say about them and hate them, tend to the ones, who ever owned them or didn't bother much with themThe Mega-CD is awesome by the way. Fantastic add-on and great hardware embedded, which led to many great games. SEGA really new their stuff back then. It was a great complementary offer next to the MegaDrive, with a big focus on content and quality soundtracks. It was certainly not making MegaDrive useless nor deprecated.
There's nothing questionable on it. It's posting the official numbers available in 2011.This source is completely questionable, displaying incomplete time period and missing regions. We don't have details by region by the way in this table (how convenient), because doing this would strongly invalidate the veracity of it.
Accepting the fact that we don't know for sure is a possibility. Rather than relying on wrong data.
Exact sales numbers are utterly pointless anyway. We perfectly get the picture that SEGA took half of the market in US and Europe from Nintendo.
Yes, they are official incomplete numbers. Latest official numbers are from March 1996. This is incomplete and we don't know how it accounts for the various models.They are facts, the real official numbers.
They aren't incomplete, they cover the worldwide market and are numbers they reported years later after discontinued these consoles.Yes, they are official incomplete numbers.
It doesn't matter anyway.
They aren't incomplete, they cover the worldwide market and are numbers they reported years later after discontinued these consoles.
This source is completely questionable, displaying incomplete time period and missing regions. We don't have details by region by the way in this table (how convenient), because doing this would strongly invalidate the veracity of it.
Accepting the fact that we don't know for sure is a possibility. Rather than relying on wrong data.
Exact sales numbers are utterly pointless anyway. We perfectly get the picture that SEGA took half of the market in US and Europe from Nintendo.
There's nothing questionable on it. It's posting the official numbers available in 2011.
Nintendo numbers and Sega official numbers posted after they discontinued their consoles on their own numbers from fiscal numbers posted on internal reports, Famitsu and CESA are not questionable or incomplete numbers. They are facts, the real official numbers.
According to Nintendo SNES sold LTD after having discontinued it 49.1M worldwide, 17.17M in Japan, 23.35M in the Americas and 8.58M in the rest of the world. According to Sega they sold LTD after having discontinued it 30.75M MD worldwide, 3.59M in Japan, 19M in the Americas, and 8.16M in the rest of the world. These are the official numbers: SNES sold more than MD in all markets even if they were pretty tied in the 'rest of the world', which includes Europe.
I -and most people- consider that numbers of other consoles like the recent minis ones or unofficial clones or retro consoles shouldn't be counted. I consider that licensed clones sold after Sega discontinued could be counted but we don't have a clear number, only the 1.5M estimation from Majesco and 3M from Tec Toy but we don't know how much of them were already counted in the Sega numbers because it's fair to assume part or them are from before Sega discontinued it. So the officual MD number is 30.75M but being very generous could be extended to aprox. until around maybe 35M. These are the facts, official numbers from unquestionable official sources.
Other than that we only have annonimous forum posters posting guesses mentioning numbers with no sources, so are questionable sources.
Yes, they are official incomplete numbers. Latest official numbers are from March 1996. This is incomplete and we don't know how it accounts for the various models.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Provide your source for official SEGA sales numbers dated from 2011 then.They aren't incomplete, they cover the worldwide market and are numbers they reported years later after discontinued these consoles.
What did you miss ?I though snes was the clear winner of 16bit era, what did i missed?
I already mentioned it, the CESA white paper from 2011 and previous years, posted and sold on their website (physical in the past) and whose related press release notes are reported every year in Japanese magazines like Famitsu. Sega didn't modify their MD sales number from 1998 which makes sense because they had their console discontinued and later posted instead Saturn numbers instead.Provide your source for official SEGA sales numbers dated from 2011 then.
You just need to read my opinions about switch and most nintendo games to know how much of a nintendog i've been since post gamecube era when they went for the gimmick way...What did you miss ?
In 2022, Snes is a sleeping beauty.
Genesis is still on the Market (via official licensed consoles) and receiving a shit loads of new AAA, masterpieces of pixel art and far better than big games of that era...
It's convenient for Nintendogs to ignore that second -super saiyan level 3 - life of the Genesis and convenient for the Sega lords to remind them how abandoned they are.
Don't worry i wasn't talking about you and i love dogs anywayYou just need to read my opinions about switch and most nintendo games to know how much of a nintendog i've been since post gamecube era when they went for the gimmick way...
Don't worry i wasn't talking about you and i love dogs anyway.
Top down action shooter from the Snes era:
Top down action shooter from modern SS3 Megadrive:
As you can see, indies on the genesis will blast process most of the library of that era in a few years.
Reason is simple, during the 16bits era many developers were just employees doing their job.
Indie games on modern megadrive is passion.
Yuzo Koshiro upcoming title will be absolute dope![]()
Never say neverI'm sorry but nothing on the megadrive is gonna surpass dk2 and yoshi'island as my favourite 16bit era games.
I have never seen official numbers provided by SEGA dated from 1998.Sega didn't modify their MD sales number from 1998
Calm down kid, huge fan saw them with Layne 3 different fucking times. Just letting the dude know that Layne is the complete fucking opposite of a CHADGo fuck yourself.
Calm down kid, huge fan saw them with Layne 3 different fucking times. Just letting the dude know that Layne is the complete fucking opposite of a CHAD
Now go sit in the back you fucking poser
How about no ? Actually, their consoles were extremely well designed.but their consoles were terrible