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Did you enjoy your teenage years?(Bullying, Girls, Sex, Drive, Games)


This is my class as a teenage solitary guy.


My old photo, in a brazillian school from West Santa Catarina(Saint Catarine) State.

Wha kind of memories, you prefer to keep in mind, or forget ?
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High school was great times. I had great friends I'm still in touch with today and achieved great academic and athletic feats (I could throw a football clear over those mountains).

I like to think I haven't peaked, but high school and college were high points for me


High school was great times. I had great friends I'm still in touch with today and achieved great academic and athletic feats (I could throw a football clear over those mountains).

I like to think I haven't peaked, but high school and college were high points for me
those girl's nike shox they are wearing were funny :messenger_tears_of_joy:
speacially here in Brazil...
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I had abusive parents, so my teenage years were rough. I graduated from high school early at 16, while working nights, trying to get into college away from home so that I'd have a stable place to live. Spent the summer between semesters that year living in my car and couch-surfing at friends houses. Finally made it into college, but they fucked me over on my "full ride" scholarship after my first semester, when they learned I was under 18 (and therefore my "contract" I signed for them for the scholarship wasn't valid). I moved to a part of the country with a low cost of living (Alabama) and got a job in a factory to make ends meet.

Nope, not too many happy memories there. But at least I didn't have to worry about bullying, girls, etc.


High school was good, had a few decent friends, was actually really good at football (soccer) and had dreams of making it pro. It was also when I got my first gf. The gamecube/ps2/xbox era was in full force and thanks to burnt dvds my broke ass teen self got to experience many awesome games.

The sad part came when I broke my femur twice, both playing, same bone. The second one was an open wound fracture and I got to see the bone sticking out of my leg lol. Had to go in for surgery where I got a metal rod inserted in the bone and a long ass recovery path that saw me relearn how to walk for about a year. Pretty much ended my sports career ha. I still play amateur from time to time and have incurred into many more injuries like a torn ACL that needed knee surgery and chronic shoulder dislocation issue but I'm rambling now.

Anyhow, yeah I liked high school, my friends from highschool are still my friends to this day eventhough we are spread around the world mostly now :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


I think I had your usual mix of weird shit, awkward shit, and fun shit. High school was pretty good for me especially junior & senior year.


I hated my teenage years. In fact... honestly, I don't know I'd really I "enjoyed" any significant part of my life. I started working at 15 (dropped out of school to work full-time, to help with bills when my parents split up), and had a mentality of "work hard and I'll enjoy life later". Well, that never really happened, so at 35, I honestly have a lot of regret of not pursuing personal ambitions a little more (like pursuing a career in game development, which really feels like it was my "calling" in life).

But yeah, I think my teenage years were really saddled with too many expectations and responsibilities a bit too young. And since we moved around a lot, I was always "the new kid", so I just never had any confidence. That's something I still struggle with sometimes.


They were alright. I stopped getting bullied after middle school because i became confident and stopped trying to be one of the “cool kids”. I made a great group of friends who I’m still close with 15 years later. We all sort of dated each other at one point or another lol. My biggest problem was that my priorities weren’t great. I did horrible grades wise, and I didn’t care because I was more interested in my friends, girls, and video games than getting into school. Then we all graduated, my friends who actuallly tried went off to four year schools and i fucked around in community college for 3 years. Then I took a year off because I didn’t know what I wanted. Something happened in that year though, a switch flicked in my head, i said i cant do this anymore. I can’t wait for my future to come to me. So I went back to community college, took it seriously and graduated on the deans list. Then I went to a four year school, and got a bachelors, again on the deans list. I did this years later than the rest of my friends, but I had finally grown up


Gold Member
It was great overall and the one person that tried to bully me when I was a 5’3” 135 lb freshman in high school shut up pretty fucking quickly when I saw him as a 6’3” 225 lb senior when I was 18.


Gold Member
This is my class as a teenage solitary guy.


My old photo, in a brazillian school from West Santa Catarina(Saint Catarine) State.

Wha kind of memories, you prefer to keep in mind, or forget ?
The nerdiest one I think is the second from the right, the one who is squatting down
is that you


Gold Member
I worked a full time job during high school. I didn't have much time for typical high school things. It kept me out of trouble.


Eh it was ok.
I was an awkward teen: Skinny, long hair and the useless type of nerdy (as in videogames and anime instead of math and good grades).
But I still had good friends, luckily never really had issues with bullying and it was still nice not having many worries.

If anything I guess I wasted those years but I don't look back to them in a negative way.


Gold Member
I remember the friends and relationships during that 14-17 year old time in my life. Fooling around at that age felt like it was a big deal. I don’t miss the paranoia and the stupid set backs I let myself put me in. My parents divorced, so I had no real guidance beyond my dad. He was a good dad, but he got home late and went on business trips. When he wasn’t there, I achieved everything a young hormone driven teenager had ever dreamed about doing. There was a period where I felt young adolescent love and felt what it was like to be accepted by your peers. Some days it was all about hopping in a friend’s pickup truck, lighting up a cigarette, driving nowhere and waiting until your girlfriend was free to hang out.

For as many good times there were, there was even more bad times. I struggled with severe depression, relationships didn’t last long, I had acne, I was taking meds for ADHD, seeing a therapist every week, an abortion with a girlfriend, arrested for something my friends told me to do, and a lot of dark times after friendships failed and bad break ups. All those friends weren’t really my friends and God only knows what the girls thought about me. It was like a story book. Life was a journey and it felt much bigger than it feels now as an adult. I went from being the closet geek to being a complete sell out just to get the girl. I don’t think I’d ever want to relive those years, but I’m glad I survived.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

No but I was bullied mercilessly and one reason why I would not want to go back to my teenage years. What I would like to do is go back to my mid twenties. That was a much better time for me.

The Stig

While I didnt have a particularly traumatic teenage period I dont miss it. I didnt enjoy school very much. I didnt want to be there.

The extra freedom of university was much nicer.
My teenage years sucked. I got encephalitis when i was 14 and spent the next ten years waiting for the fog to lift. I was rarely at school, usually did my classwork with a tutor at my house. My brother got married and moved out that year and a week later my best two friends I had left started dating. The girl told me after they inevitably broke up "I didn't think you'd ever speak to me again." So you knew it'd hurt me enough to never want to speak to you but you still did it anyway? It hurts even now thinking about it 25 years later. And the guy raped her. 🤷


Being a kid in the 80s and HS in the 90s was.. ok. There were definitely highs (loved video games and comics, surprise surprise I was a giant nerd) but being a geek before it was "cool" was kind of a drag. Of course I bonded together with a bunch of the other low-self-esteem outcasts at school, high school became MUCH MORE tolerable once we found each other. Burned a lot of time, making dumb jokes and bumming around town all the time. Working menial jobs just to get some scratch, but it was all fine. The future wasn't terribly exciting (my world view was extremely sheltered and small) but it was what it was.

Going to college IMMEDIATELY blew my eyes open, on the other hand. A little bit of freedom, finally, for my sheltered-ass-self - plus engaging in what was interesting to me (I was an art student) life went from "whatever" to "oh damn this is exciting" pretty quickly. I still had little to no game, but just being out and part of the world and left to my own devices was such a charge. Then from there to my early 20s, starting my career, moving on a whim to the exciting west coast/etc - it was all quite a rush..

But happy? Hard to say? I reflect back on the high school years and my nerdy friends, many of who I still talk to in a pretty diminished capacity, and maybe see once a year if I am lucky (when I am home visiting for a few days) - honestly those were some of the best times. Yeah we were all dorks and had nothing but each other back then, but now I cherish those memories and really miss the meat and potatoes of those days. Just hanging out and watching TV or strumming a guitar and going over our endless dumb, tasteless, raunchy, or just plain stupid in-jokes. Driving around the burbs late at night stealing people's recycling bins and what-not. Chilling out in my room and listening to a Monty Python CD and playing F-Zero endlessly. All this mundane stuff but I would pay any amount of money to have that be my life again, it feels like..

The past is what has made you what you are, good and bad. Best not to dwell on it too much, but also good to keep an eye on it and see where things are in your life now (as an older adult) and compare and contrast what was going on and "seemed so important at the time" vs what the priorities in life are like now (and shall be, down the road). You can always cherry pick stuff from the past (good and bad) but overall, it's just THE PAST. Get on with things today, and hopefully they will lead to things being better tomorrow. Or so I am hopeful, they will be..


Middle school sucked shit. No friends, nobody with anything in common since I went to a private school meaning there were far less kids per grade so not much variety, all the guys cared about were sports and cas.

High school was at least better in comparison. I took group therapy to help me socialize better. While I didn’t really become close to anyone at school, I at least got along with them better, and I did become close friends with one guy from my group therapy.

Once I got to college, it was far easier to make friends. Everyone was just so chill in my dorm, I made like eight close guy and girl friends and we’d all hang out all crowded every weekend in one of our dorm rooms (to be fair, our dorm rooms had a pretty decent size).

So yeah, very little nostalgia from me for teenage life. God, IIRC it was Will Wheaton who once comforted this preteen girl at a Q&A who told him how lonely she felt having no one to talk about nerdy stuff, and Will empathized with her and assured her that as she got older she will absolutely find people to talk about this stuff with and things will get better. And it’s so true. I mean, nowadays nerd stuff is far more accepted generally, so maybe modern preteens/teens do have an easier time finding people with similar interests, but yeah once you hit adulthood it will get easier. Hang in there, young people, things will eventually get better.

Hbo Finger Guns GIF by SuccessionHBO

Dr. Claus

Nah, adult life was so much better. The only thing I miss from the teenage years was the lack of social media presence. If you wanted games/geek news you watched G4, looked at some forums/websites and that was about it. Online gaming communities were far more tightly knit back then as well. A guild in WoW was something you were in for the better part of a decade, especially as a raider.

Not the case these days - but I now have the money and freedom to travel and get away from shitty people. So it isn't all that bad of a trade off.


High school was awesome.

Had a lady, her parents loved me, built my first and second cars (both classics), my parents were economically stable, lots of friends, parties every weekend, played on the basketball team (the b team), and swam like 5 days a week.

It freaking ruled.

SF Kosmo

Absolutely not. I was a depressive, overmedicated mess, I felt unwelcome in my home, and while I always had friends I never felt like I belonged anywhere.

College, on the other hand, was a revelation. I felt like I could form my own path, and I wasn't beholden to the insular social dynamics of a small school, and girls started to pay attention to me. Really the difference between senior year of high school and first year of college was night and day.
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9th Grade Fun Rating : C- (No Car, No Girl, Parents Busted Balls)
10th Grade Fun Rating : B- (Got shit car, shit part time job, average girl)
11/12th Grade Fun Rating : A. (Decent Car, Great Friends, Better job, Better Grades, avoided all the girlfriend drama and got along with Parents better!)
Biggest takeaway I had was life only gets harder. Have as much fun as you can while still graduating. No one is gone a give a shit if you had honors 5-10 years later. Enjoy your time with friends before adulthood takes everyone in different directions.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It was fine. Good times and bad. Highlight was winning state championship In basketball. Lots of people were mean to me, but I handled it. It was awkward at first because I came from home school into high school.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I wouldn't want to relive my younger years...but.
I'd definitely would relive the late 90's and 00's.
Just not my life.
Edit: this may seem like I had bad experience, but it's nothing like that.
Just uneventful 🥱
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I have regrets but honestly for material stuff it couldn’t have been much better.

I drove a 99 Subaru 2.5rs and my girl was smoking hot but on the crazy graph.

Moved and sort of had the same situation my jr and senior year.

It was fine. Good times and bad. Highlight was winning state championship In basketball. Lots of people were mean to me, but I handled it. It was awkward at first because I came from home school into high school.
Yeah I was into sports too and won team on track and field and then foot ball the following fall. That was after moving from a real small town to a bigger place.
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teens? No. 20's? Kind of, yes. I don't miss the ridiculous 24/7 of constant hornyness though. I can definitely think clearer in my old age instead of the constant need to fuck every waking hour of the day.

I had a blast in my 20's though. It sounds exhausting now, but from time to time I think it would be fun to re-live some of those moments. I remember we didn't even get to the bars until 12:30am sometimes. Now I'm in bed by 10pm every night. I can't even tell you the last time I was up past midnight.
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No car and lived in the boonies. Boring as hell until we had stable internet. Half my school classes were alright, and the other half were a waste of time. Debatable if my time was better spent reading schoolbooks at home. Bus ride was also an hour each way
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I always felt like I got somewhat screwed over because they opened a new high school just in time for me to start as a freshman. That ended up splitting my friend group going back to elementary school in half.

Freshman year was okay because the friends I did have stuck together mostly, but towards the end I could already see cracks forming due to different interests and people making new friends.

Sophomore year was pretty lame, as my old friend group completely fell apart and I was left scrambling to find new friends. My dad was also very sick during this time.

Junior year was the worst year of high school by far, but thankfully, my dad's health recovered at the beginning of this school year. I remember being so depressed at one point that I wanted to be home schooled or even drop out. It was mostly my fault because I just had a completely shitty attitude about everything. It was peak teenage angst.

Everything turned around during my senior year. I knew it was my last chance at having a decent high school experience, and it helped that my face/looks had matured nicely over the summer, so I felt far more confident in general. I dated a couple of girls, and one of them ended up being a long-term 2+ year relationship. I also had a job during senior year, which further brought me out of my shell.

Even though my senior year was good, I still have a lot of regrets about high school. I just sort of "existed" for most of it. I had friends and got good grades, but I wasn't in any clubs, didn't play any sports, and really didn't make an effort to stand out in any way.

I recently saw someone post a picture of all the kids who got "superlatives" on Facebook and many of them were actually kids I had grown up with but drifted away from during high school. It was oddly painful to see it despite being in my mid-30s now.



It was always fighting at my school, had a good stable group of friends so it was pretty fun at the end, sadly the learning ruined the experience.

Girls, nope, i don't think anybody in my class hooked up. Most people where social awkward and frankly i didn't like any chick in my class.

Sex, nope

Drive, nobody has cars on high school here as its 12-16 years old sometimes 17. Had a little scooter that was about it.

Games, hell yea, went to university's as some friends mom worked there to play on lan party's with way older kids. Fucking loved that shit.

All with all high school was great, but not something i would want to redo.
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Gold Member
I was so incredibly stoned the entire time it's nothing but a blur.
I know the feeling. I was a super, super senior. I was too busy getting stoned with my friends. I can totally see how the baby boomer gen got through Woodstock and came out ok. I stayed in school because I wanted to graduate, but I was also 19 graduating. It was weird, but I stuck it out. The crazy thing is, those years are pounded into you as being so important. They are and yet they’re not, if you make it later on then it only mattered that you succeeded. I have two college degrees now.


I used to bully the bullies.
More fun, most back down when confronted.
Girls, I had girls who liked me but I was too immature to do anything about it.
Drive? My grades were driven heavily into the ground, I just didn’t care.
I don’t think I realised I was actually smart until years after leaving school.
Games? Lots of drinking games, woke up in hospital once after drinking too much.
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