What video Cherno exactly watched?This has to be a bug from the unified dev environment.
The wrong preset settings were loaded because thats a stark stark difference that couldnt be accounted for even with dev environment bottlenecks.
You just forgot what Forza 4 looked like (and at what Res) which is why you think this looks like a mobile game.
Im assuming you are agreeing with Chernos outlook on the game if not be more clear with your posts.
There are clearly CPU problems on XBox. Every CPU bound scenario has abysmal performance (even when other modes are better than PS5 like in DMC5). That drops cannot be explained by hardware differences especially that XBox CPU is in theory faster than PS5 one. Even with PS5 optimizations like offloading IO it should be around same speed.At this point it is clear that MS API fucking suck.
They need to put engineering departments of the studios the bought to work on DX12 n bringing it INTO SHAPE.
Went from "Worlds most powerful console" to "Worlds most powerful Xbox"Xbox marketing, guess which console win?
RDNA 2.5 machine.
Xbox and Phil Spencer should have delayed the launch of the two consoles as both are underperforming massively and its looking terrible for them.
At this point it is clear that MS API fucking suck.
They need to put engineering departments of the studios the bought to work on DX12 n bringing it INTO SHAPE.
Will put the thread on ignore now.
If you ignore resolution, AF and textures in the others modes yeap it looks basically the “same”.So basically the same between PS5 and Series X, outside the 120hz bug.
Series S is...well...not great, must admit.
PS5 absolutely the definitive place to play the game, thanks to the controller.
Will put the thread on ignore now.
La what.*Image quality mode
■Ce mode focuses on improving the details of the world.
■Les shadows in high res, ambient occlusion, display distance.
■Toutes versions target 4K in dynamic. So from 1440p to 2160p.
■La S series reaches 1440p but mainly 1080p or much less.
■La PS5 version has a medium resolution and higher texture filtering.
*Resolution mode
■Cible the 4K and most often comes close to this resolution.
■La S series is most often in 1080p.
■Les details like ambient occlusion, shadows... etc. are lower than the image quality mode.
■La S series has other cut areas such as amount of grass.
*Performance mode
■Cible the 120Hz with dynamic scaling.
■900p at 1440p on average on PS5 & Series X.
■570p for Series S.
■Le level of detail on PS5 is much higher than the two Xbox versions in this mode.
■Les car details, geometric details, grass, tessellation, environmental geometry take a big hit on Xbox consoles.
■DF thinks this may be a bug. They've been told that developers are looking into it.
It is a Spanish translation from the summary I stole from ERA.La what.
So basically the same between PS5 and Series X, outside the 120hz bug.
Series S is...well...not great, must admit.
PS5 absolutely the definitive place to play the game, thanks to the controller.
Will put the thread on ignore now.
This has to be a bug from the unified dev environment.
The wrong preset settings were loaded because thats a stark stark difference that couldnt be accounted for even with dev environment bottlenecks.
Abou that.
That's like a generational leap in graphics.Abou that.
Oops, devs accidentally used Nintendo Switch settings for XSX.
His Dirt 5 video obviously?What video Cherno exactly watched?
IMO I really don’t see anything that looks better than PS4/XB1 racing games... the opposite Dirt 5 seems to have worst graphics than Forzas on Xbox One and GTS/DriveClub.
And yet, the performance isn't improving as much as it should even running with lower quality, right?
Framerate mode on XSX seems to be running at XSS settings. Once that bug is fixed, the XSX is still the best console to play this game on if you have a VRR compatible TV. I love my LG ngl.
Riky was out earlier with his lawn mower
This has to be a bug from the unified dev environment.
The wrong preset settings were loaded because thats a stark stark difference that couldnt be accounted for even with dev environment bottlenecks.
Remember when PS4 had minor issues with low AF in some game?
Abou that.
That does looks like a bug.I just spilled my tea. Thanks![]()
Im curious about what they said sony is doing with torn frames. They said that ps5 is adding in duplicate frames after torn frames? How does this improve visual quality? How does that affect the frame counting?
Is this happening on other games too?
So what happens when the PS5 gets VRR?
Will both versions be the same then?
And for those without VRR screens which versions should they pick up?
Resolution modes are unnecessary in my eyes as image quality mode always looks better and is very close to what the native resolution mode puts out anyway.
Soo I'm my eyes on console versions get rid of frame rate mode as next generation consoles are too weak for 120hz and get rid of native resolution mode as its pointless.
Yet again, another win for the best place to play multiplats.
thugstools vs professionaltools
Dude these are launch titles. Launch titles are never the most optimized games.This is definitely the biggest win so far for ps5 as the series x version looks broken without anisotropic filtering and texture details.
The 120fps mode of ps5 though looks awful.
So again both versions have plus points and minus points.
Ps5 needs vrr.
120fps modes on these "next generation" consoles are garbage in comparison to how I've been playing 120fps games on my high powered pc.
Xbox and Phil Spencer should have delayed the launch of the two consoles as both are underperforming massively and its looking terrible for them.
If the improved api or whatever some are saying doesn't come out soon then its over for Phil Spencer.
Unfortunate bug, hopefully be fixed soon.
How about PS5 framerate tanking to the low 90's though, in 120hz mode it gets outperformed by both Series X and S, I saw as low as 91fps in that one race, shocking drops and with no VRR would make the game unplayable.
The Series S is a joke of a console, dropping below 1080p on launch titles? Imagine when more graphically demanding games start being produced. Microsoft should've release a digital X instead.