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Dirt 5: Digital Foundry Console Comparison - PlayStation 5 vs Xbox Series X/Series S + Performance - Every Game Mode Tested


Neo Member
Get off my lawn!
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Resetera are losing their shit over this lool
Are Xbox tools behind ps5 : Timestamped

No I would not say that.

People damage controlling with the late tools defence, I send them this video from the horse's mouth refutation of that, and they either just ignore it or don't respond. It's remarkable how coping mechanisms shield the brain from thoughts it doesn't want to process :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Of course it can be used as a solution, it's a supported feature on Xbox hardware. Yes devs should do better as 25% tanking of framerate is unacceptable gameplay wise, your going to feel that with no VRR.
I just got a VRR set and it makes Valhalla and Dirt 5 perfect with no tearing or stutter to deal with. Shouldn't give devs a pass but at least I have it to give me the best performance.

Saying, “but VRR makes it perfect” is no excuse. That means nothing to 99% of the user base currently. I hope VRR becomes ‘standard’ as it is great technology, but right now it is a nice to have.


Identifies as young
Started from DF iirc. Then Xbox influencers in social media started pushing it, and ended up spilling to everyone in the forums.

Found it. What is said is hardly definitive at all. Some have complained about the GDK while others seem fine with it.

The Dirt 5 guys said they were fine with the tools. So hard to take the "it is the tools" argument seriously when it is directly refuted by the developer for this very game.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
AS much as I like John (and detest Wichard), they really should lay off the editorializing. It comes across as being apologists for MS and DF already has a rep for bias. Just let the numbers do the talking, then report back with info from the devs. Don't make up theories based on no experience or data.

Also this looked like it was John's work and Wichard (the boss) sat in to make sure the message was not too positive for the Ps5 :)
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It's baffling how Series X blatantly stronger than ps5 is performing worse.
There's definitely something going on in the background api wise.


I am really disappointed in DF here. I have defended them for months, but there is simply no excuse for them downplaying this. First they started this nonsense tools excuse, and now its a bug. Like what? they have a very good repertoire with codemasters, why didnt they get confirmation before saying its a bug? they said they told codemasters about this, but surely it would be easy for codemasters to say hey its a bug, we will fix it.

the nonsense about downplaying the difference in image quality modes and the framerate in the resolution mode is also weird. When the PS4 had worse AF in every game, we just assumed the PS4 was bad at AF. So why are we not assuming the same about the xsx underperforming in virtually every game? Why not assume that the xsx is able to keep up in the 120 fps mode because of the downgraded graphics?

I cant help, but wonder if they have boxed themselves into a corner here by running ludicrous articles and videos downplaying the PS5 hardware and are trying to save face. If you have proof that its a bug, fine. Show us the proof, get us a quote from a dev. It really shouldnt be that hard. if a console version is doing poorly in other modes, recommend the other.

This shouldnt be that hard. It's their one job. to recommend one version over the other, and they end the video saying its a wash. Like come the fuck on. What if codemasters doesnt patch the 120 fps mode? what if the patch doesnt fix the image quality mode? Will they still recommend people go buy the xsx version?

This is the 3rd direct comparison they have done where xsx is doing poorly. surely, this is a precedent. they havent covered watch dogs or cod but we have seen the ps5 do better there in other comparisons. Their dev sources already told them that the PS5 was more capable and that was before launch. Maybe it's time to stop making excuses and call up Microsoft and ask them just wtf is going on.

I feel you. I always had faith in them because I enjoyed most of their work. But man, it’s not only the fact that they downplay anything PS but lick MS’ ass so deep and so hard it’s unbearable now.


Unlock my damn thread

Daaamn that thread! I would like Stuart360 Stuart360 to apologize for you 🤣


Tools can be fixed the hardware can't.

With that said time will prove which one is the issue.

Well, the same GDK for 5700 XT RDNA1 on higher ultra settings averages 68fps with 58fps min in 1440p

So It cannot be the development as 5700 runs it fine at 1440p in ultra (IQ mode)

So its either XSX api or software specfic to the XSX, or the hardware where its designed to be a server running 4 games and a console. Take your pick.


Can we all just agree that NXGamer's API video had some merit? So many "couch experts" were almost attacking him after that video. Now the same people are shouting his message from the rooftops.. funny.

It's quite clear MS' GDK is not as mature compared to Sony's solution, so a good thing they have VRR to fall back on in the meantime. With that said tho' all the 12TF people need to learn that a renderpipeline isnt going to be better if you throw more shaders at it. (shading is never the bottleneck, as long has you have enough for the sweetspot)
You could actually make a GPU with "nothing more" than shaders.. the TF would be through the roof, but the rendering pipe could be on par with a last-gen GPU. Now, no GPU designer would make such a card for gaming, but this is why AMD have made two different GPU's to hone in on both markets (gaming/servers) Their server side CDNA offerings have more compute (and then more shaders) compared to their gaming offerings. So to all you TF people; upping the TF usually has no benefit if you can't support them with the rest of the hardware.
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I'm confused. Do you play games or just look at them? :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Thats actually how I feel whenever I see these types of threads. Whole bunch of people arguing over which console performs better with regards to a game they more than likely will never play. I beat Miles Morales earlier in the week and Demon Souls last night tho lol

If you haven't figured it out yet im shitting on Dirt 5...how you got gaming in general from that is beyond me. So yes the argument still stands..anyone spending 30+ hours playing a Dirt game..thats a bad investment :messenger_tears_of_joy:


As they said in the video, this is probably because the wrong "gfx profile" were applied to the Series X version, and not a deliberate downgrade. I could be wrong though, who knows except the devs.
If that the case then the concern about PC, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Series S, Series X unified tools and cross-development is real.

Aka old hardware holding new hardware.
It could be a pain for devs.
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