What else can you really do with them. Not much.Worth using a blood some on Alfie?
What else can you really do with them. Not much.Worth using a blood some on Alfie?
So has anyone in here actually already finished the game to say something about playtime, how many areas there are etc?
I did this, but not equally -- maxed Scoundrel skills first, then branched into Marksmanship in the mid-game while keeping Lockpicking/Sneaking/Pickpocketing at 2 each and boosting them with items when needed. I started doing it because I got a run of really good bows/crossbows but zero worthwhile daggers, and was happy to find that the special arrows added a lot of versatility. Didn't bump One-handed past one point or Bows and Crossbows at all, though.Smart to specialize in daggers and bows for a rogue?
This ability sounds insanely fun, I can't use it because I don't have anyone with Scoundrel though
How do I get to the? I'm looking but finding no clue whatsoever.Troll King
I want to try this... but I'm still on my first game and don't want to hit a wall
Yeah, I figure before I fight this dude, I want to level once or twice.
Also, does respec ever open up?
Progressing further into the second map, I did not like theat all. Running aimlessly around while I'm not even sure what I was looking for with invincible guards patrolling. I guess I stopped reading some of the journal/npc texts. What didn't help was missing the part that I couldtenebrium mines.whack the wall just to the left of the entrance to get to the totem I needed. Didn't realize I could do that
SO I'm in the underground temple and just fought the poison and fire demons and now I'm downstairs trying to get into the room with the diary. I found 3 buttons but I have no idea how to get into that room!
Help a brother out
Yo Goblin, let me ask you something
SO I'm in the underground temple and just fought the poison and fire demons and now I'm downstairs trying to get into the room with the diary. I found 3 buttons but I have no idea how to get into that room!
After an hour of looking everywhere, I found it. Thank the heavens!
It is bullshit. If you're going to do random loot, have strict parameters on what you give. The way this game works, you could save scum and end up with various equipment, or diamonds, or worthless items like thread. It's even worse that lucky charm doesn't seem to factor in at all when opening gear chests (i.e. usually ones that are locked and have keys).I agree that the vendor randomization is bullshit. You might have figured this out already but here's an easy way to game the system:
Wait until one character levels up. Now that you leveled, all vendor stock will shuffle but this only happens the next time you speak with a vendor. So save right after leveling but before you talk to a vendor. Check the vendor's stock, reload if you don't find what you're looking for.
While the game would be even better with more hand-placed loot, I don't cheese the drops/chests. I have no problems with savescumming the skillbook vendors though!
Is Steam the cheapest place to buy this?
Out of curiosity, I was wondering how people managed to go about dealing with Bicky the Bomber. What I did wasbut that seems kinda messy.teleport him out of the room into the hallway, where he exploded
Out of curiosity, I was wondering how people managed to go about dealing with Bicky the Bomber. What I did wasbut that seems kinda messy.teleport him out of the room into the hallway, where he exploded
Needs Tenebrium damage boostThe damage amplifier abilities could probably use diminishing returns of some sort.
Crafted gear could use a slight nerf as well. Czech this out:
My buddy and I walked up to the second chapter boss and stacked oath of desecration, rage, power stance, and the leadership bonus on one character and then used flurry. With the crafted axe in hand, he hit him for 2500+ damage, which was about 95%~ of the boss' health bar.
Needs Tenebrium damage boost.
I'm beginning to think that the murder quest is bugged for me. I got the four suspects already but talking to all of them yields nothing. I've looked up walkthroughs online and I've tried them but things don't seem to be moving still.
I started with a Knight and a rogue. I'm doing fine but I never got the impression I couldn't have managed some part of the game if I was using different characters.For those that are familiar with the game by now, which two classes should I choose? I want the easiest noob-friendly playthrough possible. I generally suck at games lol
For those that are familiar with the game by now, which two classes should I choose? I want the easiest noob-friendly playthrough possible. I generally suck at games lol
, but it is a bad one. Right now I'm just running around, finding uninteresting little story after uninteresting little story. The encounters have gotten worse too. Seems to be relying more on stuff popping up around you instead of being able to somewhat plan ahead.I guess hunting for the witch is the plot
I started out with witch cleric and 2handed fighter. Witch pumps up the fighter, blinds, and heals. Just get henchmen later.
Are there 4 maps?
I'm beginning to think that the murder quest is bugged for me. I got the four suspects already but talking to all of them yields nothing. I've looked up walkthroughs online and I've tried them but things don't seem to be moving still.
This is what I want to know.
Are they all as big as Cyseal? Cos I've barely even set foot outside the town yet, and I've racked up hours already. Maybe because I play these games like Kleptomaniac Simulator 2014
Is there a resurrection spellbook available in Cyseal?
Is there a resurrection spellbook available in Cyseal?
Can you make spellbooks from scrolls? If so, how?![]()
I'm having trouble findingCan anyone point me in the right direction?the captain in the first city. they won't let me into the crime scene until I talk to him, but I have no idea where he is.
4 maps comparable in size to Cyseal.
6 smaller.
There's no book for resurrect. Scrolls only.
No, Arhu has an infinite supply of resurrection scrolls though
For those that are familiar with the game by now, which two classes should I choose? I want the easiest noob-friendly playthrough possible. I generally suck at games lol
What is he the captain of?
Where would you think the captain of what he's a captain of would be?
Check your map, check all the buildings...
Sounds like plenty. =)
Plans for any more? I looked around to find out, but couldn't find anything in regards to future plans. (Hindered somewhat by the web filters on my work PC)
Went through that thought process.I checked the legionnaire's camp, where they have all the tents, and the mess hall/kitchen. I thought I had checked all the buildings, but I must have missed one.
You definitely missed one.
You were on the right track.
There's no book for resurrect. Scrolls only.
I'm stuck on the 2nd map, so I'm posting here hoping that someone may be kind enough to enlighten me. It's about the Silverglen Mine:
I'm at the part where you escape the Death Knights after meating Leandra. I managed to get away with the teleport mirror, but now I'm stuck in a loop. Specifically, I've been to the Library, Crypt, Entrance Hall and Office, but that's all the destinations I have. I figured I'd need some stuff from the office to trigger an extra option, but even after finding & reading all 4 notes, the book and spell, nothing changes.
I also talked to the ghost in the crypt, but he's of no use. I suspect I need something to trigger extra responses or something, but I can't for the life of me find out what it is. As far as I can tell, I really have picked up & read rverything, but maybe I'm missing something.
There is- Witchcraft, level 16 iirc.
You sure? From all I've read it;s only a scroll and not tied to any spell school at all.
You sure? From all I've read it;s only a scroll and not tied to any spell school at all.
Did you run in both direction in the entrance hall?
Yes i can confirm it. I found the book as well.