Do you think they should have quest markers too, as an option?
Not even remotely comparable. Optional quest markers would mean that the game would be somehow balanced with them in mind, affecting even those players who choose not to enable them.
Do you think they should have quest markers too, as an option?
Not even remotely comparable. Optional quest markers would mean that the game would be somehow balanced with them in mind, affecting even those players who choose not to enable them.
Ligning spells ? which school of magic ? there is none in the beginning.
Ligning spells ? which school of magic ? there is none in the beginning.
Ligning spells ? which school of magic ? there is none in the beginning.
So since you basically get 10 stat points to dump...should I just dump into one stat? My Cleric...who I want to be a healer (god help me find books that I can use) I so far put one into int (8). Her STR is 7 and she can't really use any decent 1h..should I put one into STR to bring it up to 8?
AeroLigning spells ? which school of magic ? there is none in the beginning.
So since you basically get 10 stat points to dump...should I just dump into one stat? My Cleric...who I want to be a healer (god help me find books that I can use) I so far put one into int (8). Her STR is 7 and she can't really use any decent 1h..should I put one into STR to bring it up to 8?
Yep. Just talk to animals with that one.I assume having Pet Pal on just one of my starting characters is sufficient?
Seems like you meet the minimum requirements:
You should be fine at least on low settings. It's turn based combat anyway so it's not some framerate instabilty occasionally would greatly impact the experience.
Not if they add them now, after the game is complete.
It wouldn't really be the same game with markers, though, and you'd be missing out on a lot if you had them turned on.
air has many lightning spells, you can choose it at the very beginning, at character creation
If you're not going to melee don't put anything in STR.
quest npc's, it's a poor replacement for a simple skill check, bad idea to keep it for not coop scenarios
How's the character interaction in this game?
Do the things I say or do affect how party members/NPCs treat me?
Are their relationships? I DON'T NECESSARILY MEAN ROMANCES - I guess this ties into my previous question, do the things I do affect my party members/NPCs to the point where they "like" me and will be friendlier/more helpful or to the point where they will despise me?
Story is pretty linear and works around a large central hub in each Act. Lots of side quests though.What's the story like? Is it linear or are their different paths to take?
Thanks, bud.
Yes to all the above including romance options. Characters will even leave your party over disagreements sometimes.
Yes to all the above including romance options. Characters will even leave your party over disagreements sometimes.
Story is pretty linear and works around a large central hub in each Act. Lots of side quests though.
umm.. then you can still do a skill check. if you hit Space at the RPS screen it skips the mini game and just does a skill check.
Is this a gradual thing or scripted for those specific conversations? Because both companions are dumber than a bag of bricks and I disagree with them about practically everything, but they sure are useful in a fight!
This is awesome. I love when games do this.
I'm so tempted to buy this right now. I might bite, but I'm probably going to hold off until August 1 and buy it once the bar exam is over :/
umm.. then you can still do a skill check. if you hit Space at the RPS screen it skips the mini game and just does a skill check.
It's random, though.
As far as I can recall, it doesn't do a skill check, it just gives a random outcome to the RPS game.
I'm currently doing the quest.where I have to investigate Source activity in Sacred Stone. Got in the northern dungeon and I am getting owned hard by the two demons-two imacculates boss fight. All my melee classes seem to miss every hit which may be an indication that my party (currently lvl 11) is too low level for this fight. Are there any Silverglen questlines that I can do to level up my party?
I don't believe it is. It's based on your charisma rating. Which also gives you an advantage if you choose to play the R/P/S game instead. For example if you have 2 points in Charisma you'll get double the points towards a convincing the person each time you win a match.
The levels of the second zone go like this, imo :I'm currently doing the quest.where I have to investigate Source activity in Sacred Stone. Got in the northern dungeon and I am getting owned hard by the two demons-two imacculates boss fight. All my melee classes seem to miss every hit which may be an indication that my party (currently lvl 11) is too low level for this fight. Are there any Silverglen questlines that I can do to level up my party?
It's random, though.
As far as I can recall, it doesn't do a skill check, it just gives a random outcome to the RPS game. I lost by doing this with 4 charm to someone who had 3.
Nope, I tested with reloading saves.
2 times I won, 1 time I lost.
The guy had 5 in charisma and I had 3.
I've literally jsut got to the same spot at level 11.
Killing the level 13 immaculates patrolling the area will help you level up a bit, but aside form that I can't find any side quests to boost me for this fight.
About to set up an intricate system of vase corridors to funnel them down.![]()
right. I said it's a skill CHECK. D&D opposing skill checks you still roll. In the d20 system both would roll d20 and compare their die roll plus skill. My guess aeana is a significantly higher charisma greatly affects the skill check. So 3v4 is still going to be close... but say 8v2 you'll be much more likely to win.
I mean even the RPS game works that way.. 3v2 in that hardly guarantees you a win. However if you have say 6 and they have 3 or less you are very likely to win. I'm betting you get the same likelihood if you were to leave that one up to skill check also.
Is there no way to sell items that are stored in a bag other than moving them out before initiating trading?
mind = blown. Nowhere near as cool, but there is a feather fall spell also that can be used as a mini-teleport.Whoever suggested using the pyramids as an in-combat teleport is a goddamned genius. Use stealth to place one of the pyramids at the other end of the battlefield before the fight even begins and you now have a fast way to get a melee character to the soft targets without blowing a skill cooldown.
Don't get me wrong. The RPS game is broken. For instance I have NEVER tied (i.e. both the same choice). Ever. Out of dozens of conversations I have never once selected the same choice as an NPC. So that leads me to believe that it is in no way random, well aside from random as in "not the one you selected".Sadly, the RPS game is really busted as it is. Most of the time I've done it, I've found that once I find something that beats them, I can just keep clicking that and I'll keep winning. I even did this with 2 charm vs. an 8 charm person earlier in the game. I'm actually not a big fan of the system because it means that I don't have to worry about the skills, it's possible to win with any skill level, and it isn't that hard.
I'm currently doing the quest.where I have to investigate Source activity in Sacred Stone. Got in the northern dungeon and I am getting owned hard by the two demons-two imacculates boss fight. All my melee classes seem to miss every hit which may be an indication that my party (currently lvl 11) is too low level for this fight. Are there any Silverglen questlines that I can do to level up my party?
right. I said it's a skill CHECK. D&D opposing skill checks you still roll. In the d20 system both would roll d20 and compare their die roll plus skill. My guess aeana is a significantly higher charisma greatly affects the skill check. So 3v4 is still going to be close... but say 8v2 you'll be much more likely to win.
I mean even the RPS game works that way.. 3v2 in that hardly guarantees you a win. However if you have say 6 and they have 3 or less you are very likely to win. I'm betting you get the same likelihood if you were to leave that one up to skill check also.
you do know you how RNG works right.. Your example does nothing to disprove that (whether either of us is right or wrong)
I don't believe so, no. Similar to how you have to load up a single character with everything you want to trade for a single trade transaction as you can't swap inventories in the middle of a trade.
I never said people were wrong or I was right about this, I just told my experience I had.
Sorry if I didn't write : "Nope, it wasn't like that for me".
Sadly, the RPS game is really busted as it is. Most of the time I've done it, I've found that once I find something that beats them, I can just keep clicking that and I'll keep winning. I even did this with 2 charm vs. an 8 charm person earlier in the game. I'm actually not a big fan of the system because it means that I don't have to worry about the skills, it's possible to win with any skill level, and it isn't that hard.
Did you skip the witch quest? You are 2 level lower than i was at that point. It is one of the harder fights buti found the after that even harder.
But yeah, skipping mobs with stealth is more punishing in the long run in my opinion. If you skip too many quest/mobs you will end up underleveled.
Yes just noticed that I skipped the witch quest. Thought that I had to do the immaculates quest first.
I am a bit confused.
I just realized, that whenever you use a bloodstone, you unlock a new room in the homestead.
but the problem is, arent they very limited?
wha if I need them for a quest, like healing alfie?
I think thats a bit odd
Enjoying it tremendously.
I really feel the need for a "undo" button, even if there's the problem that it could be abused... too often I click on an enemy and get a misclick, moving my character where I don't want him to go. Also, finding the right spot for backstabbing is a tremendous pain.
I'm currently doing the quest.where I have to investigate Source activity in Sacred Stone. Got in the northern dungeon and I am getting owned hard by the two demons-two imacculates boss fight. All my melee classes seem to miss every hit which may be an indication that my party (currently lvl 11) is too low level for this fight. Are there any Silverglen questlines that I can do to level up my party?
Using a blood stone (for a quest or otherwise) immediately turns it into a star stone that's absorbed into your Homestead. Also, I found three or so extra blood stones/star stones than I needed to fully unlock the Homestead by the end of the game.
I only remember encountering two quests in the game that required a blood stone to solve and they're both in Act 2.
whats the second one?I only found the sick animal