Deified Data
About how long would a SP campaign last?
About how long would a SP campaign last?
Teleport it!Haha, sometimes this game makes me feel a little dumb. There's a chest on the pier past a robe but I can't figure out how to cross it.
Haha, sometimes this game makes me feel a little dumb. There's a chest on the pier past a robe but I can't figure out how to cross it.
Finally spent a little time with this, it's pretty fun, but like someone said the npc talking can get old quick. I just got to town and there's a boat on fire can't figure out how to put it out any tips?
Click on the chest to walk there, and the game will give you a hint.
Teleport it!
Of course! good thing I saved itAnswer:Do you have a Rain scroll? Use it over the ship. You can find one near a corpse north of where you start the game. There is a second one in the tutorial dungeon near the part where the game taught you about using water barrels or spells to put out fire.
I mean literally, with the teleport spellHehe, should have thought of that. Neither of my characters are strong enough. I tried manually attacking the rope and burning it, lol
I mean literally, with the teleport spell![]()
Are you using 0.8 gedosato? I had to use that.
Probably GOTY.
Suck it, dragon age.
How useful is telekinisis?
You fuckers I still have 4 hours of work. Then 3 hours of taking care of baby. Don't grow up.
I played for 4 hours or so now, and so far I'm incredibly impressed. The UI, the battle system, the level of interactivity with the world, the humour (both in the scenarios in the game and developing naturally in co-op) and the sheer magnificent scope of it is all just as good (or even better) than I expected. And I expected a lot from this game.
Sadly, my co-op partner is a responsible person and so I need to stop playing now.
So good.
I'm not a veteran of the old-school PC RPGs, but I did donate to the Pillars of Eternity kickstarter and I'm excited for that. Would this be a nice little warm up for that? This actually looks really interesting.
I'm not interested in co-op or multiplayer, I don't really know anything about this game. Just saw it pop up on Steam. So I guess I'm most interested in how it plays by yourself.
Try this also. Durante suggested it.
please check the value "LoadAppInit_DLLs" in the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows".
You have to go to regedit.exe.
Set the value to 1. That fixed it for me.
Edit: Another screenshot.
So how's the dialog writing quality in this? On par with the old Black Isle crpgs? Decent amount of humor present as well?
I'm not a veteran of the old-school PC RPGs, but I did donate to the Pillars of Eternity kickstarter and I'm excited for that. Would this be a nice little warm up for that? This actually looks really interesting.
I'm not interested in co-op or multiplayer, I don't really know anything about this game. Just saw it pop up on Steam. So I guess I'm most interested in how it plays by yourself.
You fuckers I still have 4 hours of work. Then 3 hours of taking care of baby. Don't grow up.
Done again until the Germany match finishes. This game is astounding, a true successor to Ultima. I'm loving every second.
so is there a concept of farming for loot or is it just level up this char and then level up this char?
just kinda curious for end game stuff