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Do we need another revolt against Games' Journalism?


Just ignore these 'journalists' and other attention whore toxic idiots, don't give them clicks and attention. Unfollow them and don't support their work.

If you tell them something, do it to only ask them politely to stop ruining the life of people without showing the receipts and facts, depending on the accusations ask them to do them in the court instead of in Twitter or gaming websites and ask them to stop being toxic, bullying people and ruining people's life.

Counter the online bullying/cancel 'culture' of this gang by publicly supporting with love those cancelled ones, specially those who are targets of false accusations and cancelled due to dumb reasons, and support their job or help them to find a new one if were fired due to these toxic idiots. And please, tell the ones who received big false accusations to sue the idiots if affects them in an important way like losing their job.

We need to reduce toxicity, online bullying and polarization on both sides instead of creating more in one side or another.
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People and companies need to ignore and stop supporting the majority of these so called “gaming journalists” now. I feel they rarely, if ever have anything meaningful or interesting to say about gaming. They probably can’t get into real politics, so they want to use gaming as a platform to spew their opinions.

I really miss the genuine and passionate gaming journalism from the older era. Now, most reviewers and journalists care more about inclusivity and politics over fun and gameplay. What makes it so bad now is if you don’t agree with them or have a different mindset, they want to cancel you. It’s not just gaming though. It is literally everywhere. Look at the movie industry for example.
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No, because the people complaining about this will never be happy about any type of “sjw” critique.

So who cares? Just ignore the pointless enthusiast media. It’s pretty easy.


I would suggest you should inform yourself about her motives behind that. If you work for such a FUD network your motives aren't that you want to make something better, you only work there to get as much attention as possible.

That is also the problem about spreading FUD all the time, even if you might have a point, no one believes you. And I really don't want to fact check all her arguments. This is way to time intensive with such sources. And in the end it is still, she might have some arguments but wrong motivation behind it.
This is just a cowardly way to dismiss what people are saying.

"Her motivations..." Dude, what are yours?
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Dr. Claus

I would suggest you should inform yourself about her motives behind that. If you work for such a FUD network your motives aren't that you want to make something better, you only work there to get as much attention as possible.

That is also the problem about spreading FUD all the time, even if you might have a point, no one believes you. And I really don't want to fact check all her arguments. This is way to time intensive with such sources. And in the end it is still, she might have some arguments but wrong motivation behind it.

So you are full of shit and just trying to derail. Got it.


The only game journalism I watch is Digital Foundry. I can't relate to or find many of the current game journalists, woke or not, all that interesting. Must be being in old-gaf.
There's no difference between most gaming journalists and influencers that are paid to promote stuff. They all follow guide lines from their sponsors and they all have their personal feuds.
This point really demonstrates why professional game journalism is in dire need of higher standards.

If any Twitch/YT influencer can review a game and even provide early coverage, what value do professional journalists have?

Maybe if game design education/experience becomes required of journalists going forward, their opinions will be more informed and hold more weight than your average streamer’s.


Since basically anyone can make a site or youtube channel in the internet age the quality has dropped significantly when compared to the era of gaming magazines.There's a huge amount of misinformation,hypocrisy and hidden agendas (small and big) all over the people who are spreading information on the internet right now.

The only solution is that everyone should be responsible of himself/herself on which gaming sites and which Youtubers they watch and subscribe.
If you don't like a particular site or Youtuber and still click on them you only have yourself to blame.

Stop giving them clicks just to win presents and giveaways (as if you were beggars) if the content they provide is bad. Usually the people who are giving you "presents" and giveaways constantly to subscribe to their channels and post on them are usually those with the worst content in terms of integrity.
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A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
They chase after developers and try to ruin their careers for the most minor of slights, referring to them as bigots over huge misunderstandings.
So, saying some bigoted shit is just a minor...uh, huge misunderstanding.

Sure, Sophia WhoeverTheFuckYouAre.

Or, maybe don't say ignorant shit and try to excuse it.

Yeah. That sounds better than Gamergate 2: Electric Boogaloo.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Journalism in video games are the scum of society, it is far from the 90's where it was written with passion and they invited you to try games.

Currently they only complain about things of little importance and in an unjustified way..

Thanks to them, many valuable companies have been destroyed.

I am very against and am an enemy of video game journalism.


I watched a preview, review for the Outsiders demo and just sat there shaking my head. I dont want to say who it was but they kept hanging their hat on the dialogue, story and use of "ass". I played through the demo 3 times and like the 90's Stallone/ Arnold type vibe it provided. Its pretty pathetic and has been for a decade from these urinalist. Best part was one only 1 of the 4 finished the demo but they talked about it for :30 minutes. A site i used to respect with ethics and demeanor has turned into SF lazy tsitfel.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
You have any evidence that what was stated was "bigoted shit" or "ignorant"? Or are you just going off of your Reeeturner logic?

Why you trynna label me, dawg? Lol

I don't know details, I am commenting on the rhetoric, though.

Also, I'm not interested in some internet forum turf war, so don't bother.

You do seem threatened by "Reeturner" types encroaching on the status quo by getting people shit canned for saying stupid shit.


The majority of the people getting "cancelled" are simply suffering the consequences of their own shitty behavior.

And the people defending that behaviour and condemning the culling of those who hold and have expressed shit ass opinions seem suspiciously intent on keeping harmful views normalized.

You can't help but notice a pattern of fragility and mental gymnastics from people on the one particular side when they take issue with the current political climate.

And it's funny. It's like people can't identify with their hobby anymore because of those darn Reee types are changing things.

If only the reasons coming from a certain type of people explaining their issues with the current state of events didn't boil down to basically siding with the shitty opinions because... freedoms... or some other bullshit.

Skip the bending over backwards and just get right down to it.

People don't care to change the things that don't affect them, and the only way they seem to be able to identify with their hobby anymore is doubling down and playing dumb to the harmful bullshit.


Ignore the press when it gets particularly shitty with woke politics, or intentionally overly negative to toxic reviews (it became a thing over at RPS and drove people away).

Also ignore the pointless articles, which are unfortunately many, and click baits.

So mainly this leaves very few interesting articles with actual research work and/or investigative work in them, but I am thankful those still exist. Every once in a while you get some real gems there.

I have little doubt that the current policies on most of the press outlets are rotten (and poisoned with CRT / woke stuff). It's not just politics of course. It's heaps of articles that are completely pointless, or present a very biased (possibly sponsored) view on games / gaming hardware.

I don't think a loud "revolt" would do anything good to the press. It is a beast that can adapt and confuse, obfuscate, misinform (intentionally) and occasionally drive mobs (or fan the flames). They won't get better, they will attack back and in the process gain more clicks because people love drama and scandals.
Just support the good content and stop paying for the bad content. Install an ad blocker and don't give the shitty sites clicks.

There's a good reason Colin Moriarty became wildly successful after leaving KF, meanwhile Kotaku UK is gone. Money talks. Vote with your wallet.
Yet sony won't even reply back to him (colin) or let them on their panels despite having the largest ps podcast. Sony has been infiltrated and cucked. Sad.
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I have an answe: be a normal human being and ignore stuff that really won’t change anything in your life.
It's not just a MSM media thing. Weirdo BLM/Antifa rioting, cancel culture and social media idiocy is a left wing thing.

But you guys got to look at why. Take a look at them.

Typically total losers. And they know it. Putting up a brave face in a Twitter pic is overshadowed by their miserable life off camera. Shit job (if any job), artsy academics (assuming they even graduated), drugged up, pinked haired, nose ringed, tattoo faced dead beats. Their last bastion of attaining glory is the internet which lucky for the world is accessible as long as you can pay for monthly bandwidth.

You don't see the typical career minded and family men and women who strives to balance making money, caring for kids and paying a mortgage get involved in cancel culture, doing Seattle CHOP zones and slapping people in the back of the head walking down the street. They got more important things to worry about. Even taking the kids to soccer practice on time is more important.

And you also almost never see great looking popular men and women do it either. Think of all the good looking people you know, especially ones who have a decent job. I bet none of them do weird lefty shit. They love their job, love putting in effort to looking good, great to chat with at a pub and most people think they are great people.

You don't even have to be good looking or even have a great job. Just be a decent person and don't look and act like an asshole, and people will like you.
Just wanted to let you know to not be so triggered, you can erase all of that post except the last paragraph. In my view none of the people who were “canceled” fit your last paragraph.
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I would suggest you should inform yourself about her motives behind that. If you work for such a FUD network your motives aren't that you want to make something better, you only work there to get as much attention as possible.

That is also the problem about spreading FUD all the time, even if you might have a point, no one believes you. And I really don't want to fact check all her arguments. This is way to time intensive with such sources. And in the end it is still, she might have some arguments but wrong motivation behind it.

I have zero sympathy for GamerGate, which IMO degenerated into silly internet feuds, threats, etc. That said, RT is a state-sponsored broadcaster like any other, such as Al-Jazeera, NHK, BBC, and *gasp* Voice of America! Do they have their own agenda? Yes, of course. So do they all. But as with Al-Jazeera occasionally doing top notch journalism, RT occasionally does put out some good stuff. They do have actual journalists amidst the KGB apparatchiks and intelligence types.

I am not even saying I agree with Sophia Narwitz (I don't), but one shouldn't discount an opinion because of the paper in which it is printed - unless of course it's something completely out of the bounds of civilized discourse, like Stormfront or KillAllJews/Blacks/Latinos.org
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Dr. Claus

Why you trynna label me, dawg? Lol

I don't know details, I am commenting on the rhetoric, though.

Also, I'm not interested in some internet forum turf war, so don't bother.

You do seem threatened by "Reeturner" types encroaching on the status quo by getting people shit canned for saying stupid shit.


The majority of the people getting "cancelled" are simply suffering the consequences of their own shitty behavior.

And the people defending that behaviour and condemning the culling of those who hold and have expressed shit ass opinions seem suspiciously intent on keeping harmful views normalized.

You can't help but notice a pattern of fragility and mental gymnastics from people on the one particular side when they take issue with the current political climate.

And it's funny. It's like people can't identify with their hobby anymore because of those darn Reee types are changing things.

If only the reasons coming from a certain type of people explaining their issues with the current state of events didn't boil down to basically siding with the shitty opinions because... freedoms... or some other bullshit.

Skip the bending over backwards and just get right down to it.

People don't care to change the things that don't affect them, and the only way they seem to be able to identify with their hobby anymore is doubling down and playing dumb to the harmful bullshit.

Formerly prolific poster that left after the exodus. You return to try and spout baseless claims and refuse to back it up with any evidence, only to double down with handwaving and ignorance. It isn't a label. Its just a fact. You are a sad little manchild from ResetEra.

Provide the evidence that they are saying "shit ass opinions" and keeping "harmful views normalized".

Otherwise I will continue to think you are a mentally challenged infant with no ability to discuss like an adult.
I choose to ignore them. I mostly get my gaming news and opinions from this site, YouTube and friends. Nobody I know actually reads reviews anymore. Only by generating rage clicks do these people still make money.

What gets annoying is when those woke politics of forced diversity start to impact media that I enjoy. Although in games it is less annoying than in TV shows or movies since it usually involves some optional character creations options you can ignore. Pandering garbage like TLOU2 I happily leave on the shelves.

This is the issue I have with far left and right activists. Both as bad as eachother. I don't understand how Tlou2 is 'pandering' because the main character was a lesbian in the first game. Obviously the character has grown up since the first game so the logical progression of the game is to feature a relationship of some sort.

The whole game got huge backlash from the start where Ellie kissed the girl in the trailer, way before even the game released. I remember the neogaf thread well... It had a ton of right-wing snowflakes....but I never heard of other games that featuring men and women kissing get the same sort of backlash.

I agree that journalism has been annoying of late with all the Harry Potter fiasco and that stupid article on how 'zelda made me realise I'm bisexual' crap.
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This is the issue I have with far left and right activists. Both as bad as eachother. I don't understand how Tlou2 is 'pandering' because the main character was a lesbian in the first game. Obviously the character has grown up since the first game so the logical progression of the game is to feature a relationship of some sort.

The whole game got huge backlash from the start where Ellie kissed the girl in the trailer, way before even the game released. I remember the neogaf thread well... It had a ton of right-wing snowflakes....but I never heard of other games that featuring men and women kissing get the same sort of backlash.

I agree that journalism has been annoying of late with all the Harry Potter fiasco and that stupid article on how 'zelda made me realise I'm bisexual' crap.
I didn’t mind Ellie being lesbian, although it didn’t really add anything to the story either. My main issue was how coldly Joel was dismissed. Basically the story sucked compared to part 1. But if you mentioned that, you were some kind of sexist bigot (sandwich) according to "journalists".
I didn’t mind Ellie being lesbian, although it didn’t really add anything to the story either. My main issue was how coldly Joel was dismissed. Basically the story sucked compared to part 1. But if you mentioned that, you were some kind of sexist bigot (sandwich) according to "journalists".

Why does Ellie being a lesbian have to 'add to the story'. You never hear anyone complain:

'I don't mind Marcus from gears of War being straight..... But it didn't add to the story'
'I don't mind Nathan drake being straight, but it didn't add to the story'
'I don't mind kratos being straight.... But it didn't add to the story'
I don't mind snake being straight... But it doesn't add to the story'

Ellie being a lesbian wasnt really the central plot either.... Revenge at all costs was the central theme.

The criticisms of the story of TLOUII's, story were legit criticisms though. The story was no where near as good as the first. In fact the cycle of revenge theme got a bit tedious for me towards the end too. I wouldn't rate it 1.... But I wouldn't rate it 9 or 10 either. Between 6-8's would be fair. But let's not deny that there were many criticism of the game before it even launched and thousands of 1 star reviews 5 mins after the game came out. That means the game has NO redeeming qualities, like graphics, soundtrack, sound design, voice acting, etc.
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Bait thread is bait but yes. These developers have to pander to these sjw lunatics for review score purposes, which unfortunately is tied to their bonuses and stuf. Characters, story beats, marketing, it’s all aimed at appeasing sjw values. Look at the total dud battle field 5 was for example. Nobody wanted what they were selling but instead EA doubled down and attacked gamers and it backfired big time.
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It is pointless to listen to these people, they are a waste of time. They didn't let us know about Cyberpunk, what good are they? They will cover things up to protect their access. They are comrpromised.

No revolt is really needed. Just cut them off, stop giving them attention. Turn to other sources. There are thousands of people covering games.

Why waste your time on these people who continually lie to us and consciously stir the shit?
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I don't think there's any real need to fight them, Game journalists already ruined their own reputation, they are dying out for a reason. They became real culty in recent years and seem to pop up in some of the worst attempts at "journalism" I've ever seen, they leave and attempt to write about tech or some other nerd adjacent media and its always about stoking drama, twitter politics and pushing the same narrative. I would be interested in why they all became so ideologically possessed in exactly the same way at exactly the same time despite living in different parts of the anglosphere. I wonder if the origin was actually this forum.


Bait thread is bait but yes. These developers have to pander to these sjw lunatics for review score purposes, which unfortunately is tied to their bonuses and stuf. Characters, story beats, marketing, it’s all aimed at appeasing sjw values. Look at the total dud battle field 5 was for example. Nobody wanted what they were selling but instead EA doubled down and attacked gamers and it backfired big time.
I don't think they're pandering to sjw lunatics, they are sjw lunatics themselves.
Nothing has changed if you never trusted them to begin with. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's one thing to speculate on things based on what was said, but game journalism's primary use case for anyone with any sense is getting specific details on new and upcoming games. I can do without their opinions of those games and what they think about them. Just give me the hard facts and any footage if you have it and let me do what I do since I'm a better judge of my own gaming preferences than they all are.
Nothing has changed if you never trusted them to begin with. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's one thing to speculate on things based on what was said, but game journalism's primary use case for anyone with any sense is getting specific details on new and upcoming games. I can do without their opinions of those games and what they think about them. Just give me the hard facts and any footage if you have it and let me do what I do since I'm a better judge of my own gaming preferences than they all are.

This. Just tell me about new games. Dont care about your opinion.
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