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Do you actually enjoy trophy hunting or is it purely an OCD thing for you?

Dr. Claus

If you have 0 trophies earned in the game, you can delete the game off your list permanently.

I know, that isn't the issue. I am talking about games where you earned 99% of the trophies, but can't get that last 1% due to servers having shut down or the trophy being impossible to obtain due to a bug that was never fixed.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
Enjoyed them but dont really care anymore. Still have a gs of 280k tho

Flexing Hulk Hogan GIF by WWE
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I mainly enjoy it as something that tracks my progress and stays forever in my profile so I know what I've done. My gaming diary.

I'm not OCD, if a trophy is dumb and I don't wanna do it I have no problem ignoring it.
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Little Mac

Gold Member
I only go for the platinum if I really enjoy the game. Like if I’m grateful to have experienced the game I’ll honor it by going the extra mile and getting the plat.
Thoroughly enjoy it. I'm currently on the road to 100 (and above) platinums.

There's a great satisfactory feeling once you get that 100% and unlock a platinum. Especially, on a challenging game. Trophy hunting is kinda meta gaming in itself. It interesting to follow other people's stats and what they're striving for.
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Depends on the game/trophy. If it's mindless busywork (eg. collect 10,000 goblin foreskins), then I'm out. But fun challenges that take more than just time to achieve, I'm all there for.

On that note, Untitled Goose Game is great because it's only those kinds of challenges.
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If its a game I am really into- love it. Have around 22 platinum trophies and about 3,600 trophies. Almost 60,000 gamerscore. About 550 steam achievements.

I like trophies/achievements as a marker of progress in a game. The pops are part of the theatrics of gaming and without them, it just feels like i’m missing something.
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Gold Member
I usually only ever get the ones that pop during normal gameplay. I have to really enjoy a game to want to grind for digital kudos.
I usually just let the trophies happen naturally , or if I’m midway thru a game be it Open world or RPG I check to see which trophies I’m close to unlocking so I go out of the way then to get them . But the trophies that require multiple play throughs I don’t really care to get them because I don’t hunt trophies like that


What time is it?
I used to be really OCD about achievements, so much so that I'd avoid games if I couldn't "complete" them in that fashion. Thankfully I've grown past that. I never really got into Trophies and rarely look at them, though recently a buddy and I have been playing through all the Souls games together. I did platinum Bloodborne and I'll platinum Elden Ring when we wrap that up too.
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I enjoy having them, as they show a record of my progress through a game. However, I never intentionally try to get them. I think the only "platinum" I have is from the Spyro Trilogy, and that is because the games are fun to 100% on their own.


Identifies as young
Is there still no way to determine how many games on Xbox you have completed 1000/1000?

Dr. Claus

If its a game I am really into- love it. Have around 22 platinum trophies and about 3,600 trophies. Almost 60,000 gamerscore. About 550 steam achievements.

I like trophies/achievements as a marker of progress in a game. The pops are part of the theatrics of gaming and without them, it just feels like i’m missing something.

Do you use Exophase?

Wish these achievement/trophy sites would have proper applications to use for phones/tablets.


Gold Member
It took me 11 months to finish the game.
I have to be honest that I tried to find as many as I could w/o any aid - but once I reached certain point after 6 months, decided to go with the aid from some interactive map available.

Now I wish that the next Zelda game won't be as much collectathon like previous one - or at least give something really cool for it. :)
I don't think the Koroks are a problem in that game, I've seen some people complain about the number, but they are not intended to be collected, they're so many so you, by mere coincidence find some while exploring, that's the reason you barely need half to get all slots in the inventory. Damn people, play as it satisfies you, not to make some weird checklist is if you were working on a factory or so...


Absolutely Cozy
I think me skipping PS3/PS4 and instead going Nintendo only saved me from being hooked to trophies. I've been living with OCD my whole life so it was for the better. Nowadays with my PS5 I have trouble understanding the allure of them, they just pop up at random times and I'm like "oh, I did that, okay" and I move on.

But I've had friends who use them as goals and feel satisfied with games when they've retrieved all of them so I guess there's some entertainment value there.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I guess I am a little of both. After my 21 years in the Marines annd my wife annd I buying and renting homes in this crazy times have made it where I have to pay attention to small details on everything and making sure I accomplish a task once I have started it. It can suck on some achievements but some games have fun ones also.

I have like 6 or 7 platinums so I have done it. I’m working on Elden Ring now since oh about when it hit the street.


I think it's amateurs way of thinking, cause you originally aren't familiar with this stuff and when you get used to it it no longer matters.


Identifies as young
In the app, go to achievements then sort by most completed


Ah....ok. I wish they would do something like a Platinum trophy that counts the number of games 100% complete and put it next to the gamerscore.


I don't give a shit about trophies. I mean, they are nice n all but I'll be damned if I'm going to put of my for alot of em. 😅


Identifies as young
That would require them to actually care about the Xbox and its ecosystem. Microsoft has clearly shown they don't give a rat's patoot.

Throws cold water their "we listen to our fans" line they always throw out since they have admitted that improvements to achievements has been asked for. When you've got a huge Xbox fan like Gaz saying as much....

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I stopped doing achievement hunting back on 360. After I platted Call of Duty 2. The sheer misery I experienced then, forcing myself to beat that game on the hardest difficulty, completely turned me off. I saw no reason to force myself to stop enjoying the game for the sake of a digital pat on the ass.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Only for games I really enjoy. Not enough time to try and get all trophies/achievements in every game I play.

Dr. Claus

Throws cold water their "we listen to our fans" line they always throw out since they have admitted that improvements to achievements has been asked for. When you've got a huge Xbox fan like Gaz saying as much....


The sad thing is, Microsoft had an amazing idea that they just kept making worse and worse. A quick, simple UI with the 360, an easy to see grid layout of all the achievements, and a fast and easy way to compare and contrast different accounts and your friends achievements. 10/10, it was so good that Sony added it after the fact to the PS3. Even Steam added it and other features to help customize user identities, adding badges and the showcases.

Then came the next generation, Xbox One/PS4. Sony improved upon the Trophy base as they fixed the speed at which it updates, how easy it is to reach them, other QoL features that the 360 had.

But MS decided to get rid of the easy grid structure and instead go with an ever increasing list. They refuse to separate DLC into its own category, so you have sometimes 400+ achievements in a single scrolling list. On top of *that*, they made each achievement its own fucking wallpaper which just bloats the size and often looks *worse*. Then they kept hiding achievements further and further until it became confusing to actually reach.

Its absolutely baffling at how idiotic MS has been when they helped pioneer a very fun mechanic that I have loved since the 360 launched.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
I cared when I was rewarded for it, like when Sony gave you rewards points back in 2018-2019 (50 platinums in that time frame), or when MS did the same from 2019-2022 or so (probably 40 or so 100% in that time frame).

If they still did the rewards thing I'd probably still be completing a lot of games on console and may not have sold the PS5.

Without rewards attatched I don't care as much. On PC, some games don't even have achievements, which doesn't bother me. I did raise my Steam completion % by a lot this year though, but that is more due to me actually playing and completing a lot of games this year.
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After finishing the game, I take a look at the trophy list, to see if it's something I want to do. In the main, I like to go for the platinum, since I see trophies and achievements as an evolution on highscores. I do it for myself, though; I've no interest in posting results online, being part of some league table, etc.

This year, I've earned the platinum trophies on:

The Pathless
Spider-Man 2

(* - I exploited a glitch to finish the game on master difficulty for this one, since it was beyond my reach)

All were fun to do. Admittedly, Dredge was a bit of a slog in places.


Enjoyed them but dont really care anymore. Still have a gs of 280k tho

Flexing Hulk Hogan GIF by WWE
I enjoyed them between 2005 and 2009, then I dropped and started to not care so much. Also I play on PC, Xbox, PS, so having a good list on each platform is not quite possible.

Since more than a decade for me it all depends on the list of achievements. If this is basically : "finish the game, do all side quests", then I'll do that, since it is what I do anyway. If this is "in level 2 steal 120 cars, kill 393 people with knife 1, then with gun 2, then kill yourself by falling of a cliff, on easy then normal, then hard, then super hard" and you need replay 3 times the games and do stupid things that has no point in the game itself, gives no reward in game, then no. Best exemple of those are the achievements of the Gears of War games where you need to kill like 5 millions ennemies online (yes).
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Gold Member
I’d happily live without cheevos. I mean, Nintendo never had them in their games. Nintendo games have a completion rate number or starts or something next you your save file, and that’s that. Moronic fans have to tie themselves into knots to come up with some ridiculous 100% requirements for Nintendo games that don’t have an explicit completion indicator, just to make “I 100%ed every Kirby game in a week!!!” videos.

Still, some cheevos can definitely poke at your obsessive side. The good ones are those that are just out of reach and you figure, it wouldn’t take me that much to get it. I recently 100%ed Sekiro because it was doable, even if it still required some hours of grinding that in retrospect, were just wasted time. But those cheevos like “get a totally arbitrary amount of these items you can only get by playing PVP in a certain covenant and aren’t even a guaranteed drop” in Souls can fuck off. Same for MP achievements and trophies, especially in games which are first and foremost about SP.

If you want a bad example of achievements, look no further than Squeenix games. Theatrhythm is a great series, but its achievements unquestionably reward obsessive behavior.


Trophies are the high score of the current generation. For people who get a rush by challenging themselves or competition/keeping up with others.


A bit of both. I like the extra challenge. With the fun games I tend to go a little OCD and grinding that platinum.

If the game is average of the trophies are just grinding timewasters I don't bother


It was an OCD thing for me for many years. But in the last couple years i dont care at all.
Having 1,5 jobs a wife and kid leaves you no luxuries such as trophy hunting

Boss Mog

If I enjoy the gameplay and still feel like playing the game after I've beaten it, then I'll go after the platinum trophy provided I feel it's obtainable.
Some trophies can invite to play something you would naturally miss, an area or different playstyle, and so expand the experience, inviting you to do something differently. Those are usually interesting.
Sometimes even NG+ can be interesting, if they allow to ignore anything but the main story and you get the experience the game propably should be in the first place without the usual open world skill tree garbage all games seem to have today.

Collectibles are 99,9 of the time just a waste of time. Text logs should be a thing of the past anyway and some vases, coins, relicts, magazines or whatever shit is usually pointless and still requires someone to modell them for the short ..bling... you found this! celebration.

Dumbass do action xy a thousand times, can burn in hell, and I only do those if the time requirement is not too excessive and if it would be the last trophies for a platinum.

Time investement in general is a deciding factor if I try to care for any. eg F1 23 requires you to play at least a couple of weeks online against all the other people trying the same and competing for a rather limited amount of places. Some people fair, some stupidly aggressive and unfair, everything about that was the opposite of fun, so I aborted it in week 2 with just the first trophy of that type and saving my nerves some stress and probably 20 or much more hours of a merciless grind. Also assuming some PC players using cheat stuff, due to impossible behavior... In theory it could be fun and it was fun at the beginning, but once on level 3, with collisions active, the fun went out the window.


I rarely do it these days as it's less in your face on Steam than PS and PC means too much of a backlog to care, but if I ever do look at my trophies/achievements I will see if they're achievable without a grind that isn't fun. If they're about playing differently I might go for them. If it's not fun, I can't even pretend to care.

I remember things like 10,000 TDM kills in Resistance 2 and I had no interest in going for that.


I’m glad I just don’t get the appeal of trophies. Gives me 0 satisfaction to get one.

I do suffer from some completionist problems which have made me grind things in games that at the end of the day are just useless busywork, but luckily I couldn’t care less about trophies specifically.


Not like I used to. If I look at the trophy list and see alot of permanent missables then I dont give a fuck but good designed trophy on a good game mean definitely more fun to me.


Gold Member
In noticed I tend to go for platinum in games I really enjoy.

For example I have the Platinum in FF7 Remake but have no drive to get it for Rebirth, because I really disliked how the game kept taking control away from you over and over.

As someone who used to be all over Mario 64, Sunshine, Rare games etc I just see trophies as extention of collectibles... I was suprised when I got the platinum for ghost of tsushima and it actually gave me a unique dye pattern though, it made me wonder why more games didn't reward players outside of the trophy.

I also remember in the PS3 days that getting a Platinum in White Knight chronicles gave you a full white Knight armor set for your avatar in PlayStation Home, I rocked that thing until they shut it down... man I miss home.

But essentially to me there just a more visual representation of old challange systems games used to have, but I only do them in games I want to play more of, they give me extra goals to try and shoot for.
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