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Do you believe Death is the end?

Death ...

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Since I'm currently in the process of writing a book relating to that question, I was curious how the current NeoGAF community feels about this. We've had political leanings polls, but afaik not that question.

So let me ask, and don't be afraid to answer truthfully, no ridiculing each others believes! Respectful debate is ok, ofc: Do you think death is the end to your existence or is there something thereafter?

It'd be great if you could elaborate *why* you think a certain way and *what* exactly your stance entails.

Dark Star

I'm a very spiritual person, but not a "religious" person. I like to meditate in the woods and connect with mother nature. I believe in a higher-power that is beyond our comprehension and understanding. We are not supposed to know all the answers, or understand the fabric of the universe, and perhaps that is the point. IMO our purpose is to learn and practice love and compassion for ourselves, other human beings, and wildlife.

Once we fulfill our divine purpose as human beings, we transcend into the next "phase" (whatever, wherever that is). Perhaps our consciousness floats into the ethereal when our bodies and brains stop functioning, like a "heaven" of sorts, where we can finally rest. Perhaps the soul is real, and reincarnation is the next divine step, most likely in another dimension/universe. An infinite cycle that never ends.

Either way, I believe there is SO MUCH MORE to existence than our puny bodies made of a flesh and blood here on Earth. I think whatever we are experiencing right now is just a blip in the grand scheme of things. IMO we really are the universe experiencing itself.
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For this life yes. But there is infinite time and infinite new universes to come, which means that anything which is technically possible WILL happen at some point. Infinite new lives will come in to existence and ‘somebody’ has to fill those shoes.

So I believe ‘you’ will have the consciousness of a new life at some point. Could be anything, not necessarily another humanoid. And it could be a zillion years from now in a totally different Universe.


Your brain and body is gone, I know that much.

If there’s some kind of essence left that we don’t understand, I think it’s got to be very different from what we are when we’re alive.

What part of our being isn’t created and defined by our physical form? Rhetorical question.


Someone put it like this....

You know that bright light people say they see during death? What if it was the light you see when you are re(born) when the doctors are pulling you from your new mother and all that crying and screaming is you because you’re in an unfamiliar place and then you realize you have been born again!

Ever see anyone new born baby and think to yourself or say out loud that this child has been here before?


i expect nothingness, part of me hopes to be wrong.
but it could be said living forever would be a true hell and that death is a release from the pain of existence.

In nature you see patterns of cycles everywhere which makes me think maybe its not really the end. death and rebirth.
although its probably something extreme like the entire universe restarting with a new big bang.
time is possibly not linear, just the brains attempt to explain the unexplainable

but as a logical person death is worrisome. the brain thrives on control.
anxiety is the loss of that control and thus death is the ultimate anxiety.
some medical evidence suggests the brain actually fights hard to not accept the concept of self death.
I was certainly much happier before in my ignorance, but childhood has to end sometime
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I have severe anxiety about this, not gonna lie. The idea of being consumed by a black void and nothingness is genuinely terrifying to me. The idea of no longer seeing my loved ones is even more terrifying to me. I like to think there's something; whether it just be my brain flooding my system with endorphins to help me "pass on" peacefully or a genuine afterlife. I don't really care what it is, I just want something. I probably seem silly for hoping for it, but, I gotta do what I gotta do to keep myself from freaking out about it all the time. 🙃🙃


Gold Member
I don't know who cares our bodies can go back into the Earth if we let it and be used by other organisms for nutrients and to sustain themselves. Lion King circle of life our nutrients and minerals get recycled and reused it's only right to give back since we take so much it's a fair deal. We can go back into the Earth and continue to sustain life but in a different form.
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No, I don't think there is anything. Humans are so arrogant, we invent "meaning" and expect there to be an external one already in place.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be surprised but I'm living this life as if it's the only one I get.


Of course it is. You in death is the same thing as you before conception: Nothing.

At least for now.
We'll probably all juuuuuuust miss the cutoff for implanting our minds into computers, and living for ever.

DMT is interesting. I believe in life after death.
I've experienced DMT well over a hundred times.
If anything, it completely solidified my atheism and disbelief in an afterlife.

I find it interesting that you had a different result.
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Yes. People want to act like it isn't because they desperately don't want to believe that one day they'll just no longer exist. They can't handle a bad ending.
Same way that people pretend their friends and relatives are watching over them or whatever. Like no they're dead. Move on.

idk i'm just living my life right now to the fullest.
fuck any haters
*bends over*
Someone put it like this....

You know that bright light people say they see during death? What if it was the light you see when you are re(born) when the doctors are pulling you from your new mother and all that crying and screaming is you because you’re in an unfamiliar place and then you realize you have been born again!

Ever see anyone new born baby and think to yourself or say out loud that this child has been here before?

That's actually very interesting. I never thought of that "guiding light" to be such a thing. Consider my mind blown.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
I believe we return back to an energy.


What did you experience before you were born? That is what you will experience after you die.

What we are is little more than a series of electrical surges throughout our brains. Once our brain finally stops, we cease to exist. We cease to be.

There will be no afterlife, no reincarnation, and no endorphins to let us replay our lives forever. These are all man-made concepts to distract ourselves from the truth: There is nothing after death. Not even a black void, there simply won’t be anything because you won’t exist any longer. There won’t be a “you” left to experience an afterlife.

There is nothing we can do to change this, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. There’s only three things we can do:

lawyer up
hit the gym
delete facebook
As what I voted for...is hopefully not the end, but I don't have a hard stance on it. Life is full of surprises, and as such. Anything is possible I think. My ideal after death would be something like a "debug mode" for real life where you can like fly around wherever you want, undo mistakes, experiment and see how undoing a certain action would change the entire fabric of the universe in various ways. But it doesn't have to be so serious either. Imagine like, being the ultimate troll by like scaring people as a ghost or something within this "debug mode" after death XD


Of course it is. You in death is the same thing as you before conception: Nothing.

At least for now.
We'll probably all juuuuuuust miss the cutoff for implanting our minds into computers, and living for ever.

I've experienced DMT well over a hundred times.
If anything, it completely solidified my atheism and disbelief in an afterlife.

I find it interesting that you had a different result.
I believe dmt proves there is another realm/dimension.

Texas Pride

I have severe anxiety about this, not gonna lie. The idea of being consumed by a black void and nothingness is genuinely terrifying to me. The idea of no longer seeing my loved ones is even more terrifying to me. I like to think there's something; whether it just be my brain flooding my system with endorphins to help me "pass on" peacefully or a genuine afterlife. I don't really care what it is, I just want something. I probably seem silly for hoping for it, but, I gotta do what I gotta do to keep myself from freaking out about it all the time. 🙃🙃

You only last as long as the people who remember you. If that holds true you'll never be forgotten. Dont give into hopelessness Mel. We fuck hopelessness in the ass. Never.Give.up.
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Someone put it like this....

You know that bright light people say they see during death? What if it was the light you see when you are re(born) when the doctors are pulling you from your new mother and all that crying and screaming is you because you’re in an unfamiliar place and then you realize you have been born again!

Ever see anyone new born baby and think to yourself or say out loud that this child has been here before?
The transferring of the soul to a new vessel doesn't really take into account what happens to the newborn if you were to come back from almost dying. That bright light could be like how when you fall asleep you sometimes see faint lights moving beneath your eyelids as if passing through a tunnel or down a well. Except in death it happens all at once and is therefore much more intense.
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I believe dmt proves there is another realm/dimension.

I'll go with you on dimension, but not on afterlife. I'm still firmly rooted in the idea that life and death are wholly opposite dynamics.

I believe it proves the brain is far more capable than we make it out to be.
Once you recognize that everything DMT does for you is rooted within your brain, you start to realize how tiny our interpretation of reality truly is.

I think DMT proves that there's a massive field of reality out there that we simply cannot process, or see, or even fathom. It's all around us, at all times, yet we don't have the capability to even process it. We're like ants trying to see the stars: There's a whole realm of infinite universe out there which we - by the literal definition - cannot even begin to comprehend, because it's so far beyond our scope of interpretation.


I have severe anxiety about this, not gonna lie. The idea of being consumed by a black void and nothingness is genuinely terrifying to me. The idea of no longer seeing my loved ones is even more terrifying to me. I like to think there's something; whether it just be my brain flooding my system with endorphins to help me "pass on" peacefully or a genuine afterlife. I don't really care what it is, I just want something. I probably seem silly for hoping for it, but, I gotta do what I gotta do to keep myself from freaking out about it all the time. 🙃🙃


The question of death is one that for me doesn't make sense in the first person. It presupposes that you have a continuous existence, i. e., you are today who you were say 5 years ago. The statement "I will die in 20 years" is meaningless to me.

Death makes sense from the third person perspective only. The death of loved ones, for instance. This is because this perspective is very low in resolution so that it makes sense to see others as existing continuously.

Another scenario which might make sense is imminent death, but I can't fear that which I cannot predict. It would make life unbearable.

Finally, as I get older and imminent death is more likely, I don't expect to care much at all.

As to what may happen in the event of imminent death, from the first person perspective anything goes. That's all that matters since the only reality we can interact with is subjective.


I have "religious beliefs" about it ... but it's evidence based Christianity, and has nothing to do with the religion of Christianity.

We were intended to live without death on earth.
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Since I'm currently in the process of writing a book relating to that question, I was curious how the current NeoGAF community feels about this. We've had political leanings polls, but afaik not that question.

So let me ask, and don't be afraid to answer truthfully, no ridiculing each others believes! Respectful debate is ok, ofc: Do you think death is the end to your existence or is there something thereafter?

It'd be great if you could elaborate *why* you think a certain way and *what* exactly your stance entails.
Yes. I believe it is the end and it does not scare me at all.
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Gold Member
What did you experience before you were born? That is what you will experience after you die.

What we are is little more than a series of electrical surges throughout our brains. Once our brain finally stops, we cease to exist. We cease to be.

There will be no afterlife, no reincarnation, and no endorphins to let us replay our lives forever. These are all man-made concepts to distract ourselves from the truth: There is nothing after death. Not even a black void, there simply won’t be anything because you won’t exist any longer. There won’t be a “you” left to experience an afterlife.

There is nothing we can do to change this, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. There’s only three things we can do:

lawyer up
hit the gym
delete facebook

how long has ur bloodline been around??? centuries brah our bodies are vehicles for our genetics and DNA/bloodline. ur not an individual ur an entity made up of trillions of living cells. ur a team of cells working together and communicating to each other constantly. each of our cells have their own organs, can feel pain, they eat and produce energy and then leave metabolic waste products behind that needs to be disposed of. they live, they die every day. new cells are born everyday. if the cells living in ur hand gets burnt, u can bet the cells living in the brain will hear about it and do what needs to be done to eliminate the pain. we end up replicating ourselves when we have babies. sperm cells and egg cells are living cells brah and

when egg and sperm fuse, a diploid cell (the zygote) is formed, which rapidly grows into a new organism.

eventually our bodies break down yes but when we have babies we have replicated ourselves & continue to live on through them. they started life and grew using our cells and no one else. trillions of cells will be created from that one sperm and egg cell. ur brothers and sisters grew out of ur mama and papas cells as well. and their children will grow from their cells.

when i went from 165 pounds to 130 billions/trillions of cells were killed off. i'm back at above 180 and billions/trillions of cells have been born. but eventually this body will wear out & the cells will die, but if I had kids then I know that they're made up of my cells along with the mamas and that my cells continue to live on. so i'm not really dead. its hard to explain/understand but ur never gonna die unless the last of ur bloodline perishes without reproducing


I expect death to be precisely the same as before birth. Oblivion.

If there is a continuation of life after death, it will manifest in new form, entirely removed from any previous existence aside the physical recycling of my remains.
To those saying it's like before birth: I think it's significantly different to go from not-existing to birth, OR from being being alive to not-existing. It's too easy imo to just say 'well, that's the same'.


Someone put it like this....

You know that bright light people say they see during death? What if it was the light you see when you are re(born) when the doctors are pulling you from your new mother and all that crying and screaming is you because you’re in an unfamiliar place and then you realize you have been born again!

Ever see anyone new born baby and think to yourself or say out loud that this child has been here before?

So whenever someone gets resuscitated at the last minute and sees the light then that’s a dead newborn.
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