More Fun To Compute said:I don't know. I don't own a PS3 and wouldn't buy one if it had 100 more multiplayer shooter games as I have access to more than enough of those on the PC.
JB1981 said:I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a multiplayer shooter kind of gamer. I wanted to broaden my gaming horizons but I am always coming back to shooting people in the face. Really, I should save myself a lot dough this fall and just buy Uncharted 2 and MW2 and call it a day. I won't even finish the other games.
So you're basically like a bizarro version of me.JB1981 said:I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a multiplayer shooter kind of gamer. I wanted to broaden my gaming horizons but I am always coming back to shooting people in the face. Really, I should save myself a lot dough this fall and just buy Uncharted 2 and MW2 and call it a day. I won't even finish the other games.
Narcosis said:The shitty state of RPGs on any non-DS console this gen has little to noting to do with the FPS market.
yeah i think im getting uncharted 2, mw2, and halo odst for the holiday season. and gt5 if out in america.JB1981 said:I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a multiplayer shooter kind of gamer. I wanted to broaden my gaming horizons but I am always coming back to shooting people in the face. Really, I should save myself a lot dough this fall and just buy Uncharted 2 and MW2 and call it a day. I won't even finish the other games.
FishSquared said:If the PS3 has too many shooters I don't want to know what the 360 has.....
Sonos said:about the same amount counting the multiplats. the idea that the xbox is a shooter only console died in 2006.
Boombloxer said:Under this, Ratchet should also be in there, when it's a mix of shooting and platforming.
Sorta debatable. Folklore, Flow, Linger in Shadows...the RPGs I can agree with pretty easily.
Jive Turkey said:What's with all the goofy PS3 threads today?
Slow news day or something?
shintoki said:Today is the day of "Let's see who can make the worst thread about the PS3"