You want to go through each Sony studio one by one to see what was purchased? Sony does the same thing just they did it years before. They are doing exactly what Sony did with obsidian, ninja theory and inexile. Buying smaller studios with good leadership and giving them resources and freedom to grow. Sure they could of went the Ryan route and spent 7 billion on timed exclusives but that be really shitty for everyone.
This is why what Microsoft is doing for smaller studios is good for gamers. It let's creative minds like Brian fargo make games not beg for money.
Industry veteran and InXile Entertainment boss Brian Fargo now gets to spend most of his time on the creative process after Microsoft acquisition.
"I realized today that it has been over 15 years since I've been able to spend 95% of my attention on the creative process. And before 2005 it was another 15 years before that. It's a great luxury."
Life as a mid-sized independent games development studio must be terrifying at times. Companies like Remedy or Ninja Th…
"At least 50% of my time is in fundraising and we have so little room for error. It generally takes a mega hit to break you out of the cycle and that is always hard to come by. A mid-size hit is nice, but the after-tax monies from that generally support another five to six months of payroll and leave you back on the hamster wheel.