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Doom Eternal is the most disappointing game I have ever played.

Astral Dog

Honestly, i don't get the complaining about too much story, i been playing a good time and there has been like, a few minutes of short skippable cutscenes? 🤷‍♂️

Most of the plot is on random documents and enemy description, like i get it its DOOM and all but even DOOM 2016 has some context on why you are doing things this isn't much different.
If anything im surprised with how little there has been, its expected of a modern game

Both games are amazing, i can't put Eternal down lol, its definetly different because the learning curve is much higher, lots of mechanics, abilities, im sure there is a sword? I don't have it yet.
Definetly emphatize with the low ammo crowd but when you get used to it its not so bad there is an element of resource managment but thats what makes Eternal unique among countless fps, in the end the team was more ambitious than simply rehashing DOOM 2016, there isn't a single weapon i don't like because everything has an use
Yup agreed OP what a huge let down this game was.
I want to shred zombies not be play ammo manager simulator 2020
The absolute dumbest part of doom 2016 was that dumb tower jump bit.
What do the devs do? Super doom eternal 64.

lovely. Also now with more story. Because that is what doom is about.. A STORY!

"Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but its not that important" - John Carmack

oh shit never mind
In principle I agree with the OP. Doom eternal was much much worse and less interesting than Doom 2016. I have finished Doom 2016 twice while I stopped playing Doom Eternal half-way through since it was so underwhelming.

So you never even played through half the game but concluded it's "underwhelming". Got it. It exceeds 2016 in every single way, from the combat, to the environments, to the level design, to the scope, so not sure what aspect can be defined as underwhelming.

As to the OP's complaints, I figured out very early to use fodder enemies as ammo refills, just chainsaw one every few kills and you'll never have an ammo issue. Not that hard.


Even after finishing the game a few times I just couldn't really get into it

Too many buttons and cooldowns to keep track of, the new hub and platforming sections somewhat hurt replayability for me, I would have much preferred to just play all levels in one go without too much fluff in between them

Confusing plot that really takes away from the mystery by attempting to explain the Slayer's origins, 2016's lore was mostly rooted in dark sci-fi, but Eternal decides to go near full Destiny and really cranks up the fantasy elements

Everything from the story to the new gameplay mechanics just muddies the simplicity of 2016

Hoping for another sequel or another reboot in the next 20 years or so at this point


I liked the 2016 version. But this one??
The game is pure rush. I know that every time I die is because I did a mistake. Love the loop in the gameplay. One of my favourites in the last few years.

for better or worse this game is not for everyone. And for this big shout out for the developers that had the balls to shake the gameplay of this iconic FPS.

Huge fan of them!!!!


lol i'm sorry, but doom eternal is one of those games that expose if you are nasty with how you play games, or you are a milk toast vanilla guy who picks soldier in overwatch and can only play grounded FPS where strafing and aiming is mechanically how you play. DOOM 2016 lends itself to the strafe and shoot gamer, hence why they like it more.

It's like people who LOVE souls, but can't play bayonetta or DMC. they aren't sick ass gamers capable of doing badass shit lol which DMC and Bayo requires of you to enjoy it to its fullest.

you have a shooter with insane mobility, dashes, air control, you can control when YOU want ammo etc and you can't figure out how to make that shit sick? Doom eternal exposed you, and I bet if I was sitting there watching you play, I would want to kill myself.

in fact OP, do you have any youtube footage of you playing? I swear to god if you are trash and then have the nerve to have an opinion....
Fuck yes!

I will say this is exactly what the problem is. Why, I was doing exactly that for the first 25% of Eternal. Then I watched a friend play, and was like, "Holy shit you can do that?!" My gameplay fun factor improved 200%. Realizing the run-n-gun playstyle was notched up into double jump, air dash, and weapon combos just .... wow!

In fact, how I play now?
Example: Mancubus.
1: meat hook in (time slowdown & fire chain to activate combo)+ point blank double shotty for armor
2: air dash away before fire belch and suck in armor shards + switch to Ballista
3: shoot an arm out
4: switch to shogun
5: grenade shot the other arm + switch back to Ballista
6: headshot to gib

That is drastically more involved that run up and double shotgun the bastard to stagger it and perform a glory kill. The playstyle is exactly like an FPS version of DMC in how you CHOOSE to dispatch your enemies with combos. In fact try meathooking around the map like Widowmaker using the cannon fodder zombies / sergeants as hook points. You feel like a god. In fact you are one. lol. Hell I would welcome a combo ranking system much like arcade mode in 2016 was introduced.


I have played some shit games in my gaming life. I know some will instantly say Git Gud but that wasn't the Doom Eternal problem for me. I didn't die a lot, I didn't have health problems.

I seemed to always have ammo problems and perhaps more importantly, I do not have a coke problem. And it feels like you need to be spun up to play this, or at the very least a gallon of Red Bull injected directly in your dick hole *Women can have dick holes too bigots. So not discriminating*

Being up front, I like Doom 2016... a lot. Loved it. And I liked retro Doom. I even like Duke Nukem. I've found value and enjoyment in games that have been panned by other players (Operation Raccoon City, Battlefront 2 at launch, Jedi Power Battle).

But holy dog shit Doom Eternal isn't for me. I made it to the point of picking up the Rocket Launcher. I then quit and uninstalled.

I feel like the game is punishing me for not playing how it wants me to. I legit believe the A.I. is rolling its eyes at me.

It isn't my fault tho. I enter an arena and start killing, run out of ammo before I've killed everything and have to search for more with enemies just chasing me. Or I chainsaw.

It got to a point where I just stopped killing the lowly zombie ones. They just weren't worthy of the ammo.

I honestly feel that the game would be enjoyable after I played it and could memorize the arenas/levels. Because it feels like the game is punishing me for not having knowledge of where everything is.

Even then I probably wouldn't be playing fast enough to satisfy the game lol. Everything about the game was tits. The music was awesome, the player movement was good. The game visually and performance wise was great.

Doom may run on a pregnancy test, but Doom Eternal isn't worthy of running on my PC. I rather play Duke Nukem Forever.
Seems like you've not grasped the loop of how to acquire ammo/health/shields since you mentioned skipping the lowly zombie enemies.
You're right that the game wants you to play a particular way.


Doom Eternal is one of the best games that came out recently. using a combination of guns, flamethrowers, freezing grenades, melee power punch to slaughter hordes of enemies is super fun. The level design in this game are one of the best in the doom series. You can't run out of ammo when unless you're a complete brainlet and can't use basic functions in game to do a simple task. Armor is abundance with the skills you unlock. Doom eternal is a simple game, just run around and kill things with your arsenal not that hard unless you just suck.


What time is it?
Doom Eternal is one of the best games that came out recently. using a combination of guns, flamethrowers, freezing grenades, melee power punch to slaughter hordes of enemies is super fun. The level design in this game are one of the best in the doom series. You can't run out of ammo when unless you're a complete brainlet and can't use basic functions in game to do a simple task. Armor is abundance with the skills you unlock. Doom eternal is a simple game, just run around and kill things with your arsenal not that hard unless you just suck.

Unlocking skills isn't very Doom-like.

Unlocking skills isn't very Doom-like.

Lol you arent nasty...

Non nasty gamers like you ruin games for the rest of us. Here you are downplaying a shooter that finally gives us dope shit to do mechanically and here you are talking about the title before it that was more boring mechanically With LESS mobility. People like you ruin shit for everyone else woth your lack of creative energy and ability to do cool shit lol
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What time is it?
Lol you arent nasty...

Non nasty gamers like you ruin games for the rest of us. Here you are downplaying a shooter that finally gives us dope shit to do mechanically and here you are talking about the title before it that was more boring mechanically With LESS mobility. People like you ruin shit for everyone else woth your lack of creative energy and ability to do cool shit lol

Tweens like you ruin gaming because you need constant gratification of progress bars going up and unlocks for that dopamine fix because you haven't experienced success in real life. If you think Doom Eternal is a bastion of mobility, I pity your ignorance.
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At first I was wondering if I would like Doom Eternal as much as I liked Doom 2016, but I ended up liking it better. I think it was the better game even though it was quite different than Doom 2016.


People asking for different play styles in Doom? DOOM? seriously? This forum has some of the most ludicrous people on it eh?


At first I was wondering if I would like Doom Eternal as much as I liked Doom 2016, but I ended up liking it better. I think it was the better game even though it was quite different than Doom 2016.
I am loving the emphasis on platforming and making real use of the entire space in battles. In Doom 2016 I remember turtling at the entrance of a combat encounter and spamming rockets - DOOM Eternal makes me feel like I'm part of this ballet of destruction and pain. I love it. :)
I'd probably never say this about another fps, but I think infinite ammo could potentially benefit the game. At least in my eyes.
Crank up the difficulty and use the most extreme arsenal possible as a means to survive.
Is there a code for that?
oh yeah just nonstop spam the BFG, that would be fun
It's the best playing game I've ever played. Feels so good. Absolutely love every single thing about it. I don't really get how someone could love 2016 Doom and not like this one, but eh.

The game plays flawlessly, so it lets you focus on strategy. I love the feeling of entering a combat arena, being able to easily assess the layout and combatants, and come up with a strategy on the fly. I feel like I'm thinking three moves ahead at any given time, and it just works because you don't have to fumble with the controls, sluggish movement, or muddy visuals.
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I loved it. It felt more like actual DOOM than the first game. It's intense and running out of ammo definitely made it chaotic but that's what made it fun. You definitely have to be in the mood for that kind of gameplan and it's not for everyone. I wouldn't want every game to be like it but on its own, it stands out.


It's not that bad, but I found the gameplay loop to be fairly basic and not particularly fun after a while.
It's almost like an old school twin stick shooter in that regard, but personally I find those to be better constructed as they don't force you to travel so much between sections.
I'd much rather see something like Doom set in a single room with much more enemy variety. If you're not going to use level design in any creative way regards exploration, don't bother. The original games flowed so much better, and I miss the shocks and scares.
Tweens like you ruin gaming because you need constant gratification of progress bars going up and unlocks for that dopamine fix because you haven't experienced success in real life. If you think Doom Eternal is a bastion of mobility, I pity your ignorance.
Lol right, because the things i listed that were positives about the game were the progress bars. Chill with the stock arguments that dont apply to the post you quoted.

And no there arent many modern single player FPS with the mobility of doom eternal. Name one recently, name one in the last 2-3 years even. You act as if we all arent playing the same games.

Go strafe and shoot somewhere you boring fuck lol
I saw it early in the morning. This is dope shit. I hope that an army of slayers gets into the game, and this demon-Shogo-Armor-thing is really in the game

I hear that. But one thing I really want to see make a come back in the 2016 Arcade mode. Just feels like this game was made for an Arcade mode to rack up points and dunk on your pals score.


Good aim/shooting combined with proper mechanics at your disposal. If you know how to do both and manage it you never need to stop to find health/ammo/armor. Such a great game when it came to the combat.
Lol right, because the things i listed that were positives about the game were the progress bars. Chill with the stock arguments that dont apply to the post you quoted.

And no there arent many modern single player FPS with the mobility of doom eternal. Name one recently, name one in the last 2-3 years even. You act as if we all arent playing the same games.

Go strafe and shoot somewhere you boring fuck lol
Rage 2, Wolfenstein: TNC, Killing Floor 2, Shadow Warrior 2, Dusk, Prodeus.... To name just a few.



People actually complain about not being able to play how they want because more ammo can be gotten by chainsawing?

Then neglect the fact that there are a bunch of different weapons/alternate firing styles?

To me that sounds like someone who would
complain in Titan Fall that it makes them use wall running to get through certain sections.
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