Lé Blade Runner
So glad to see this game getting a great reception. Because it is pretty darn amazing. One playthrough won't be enough for me.
What the hell is Ultra Nightmare??
I think the lesson here is Bethesda let them reboot the entire thing like three times and wouldn't release a sub-par game onto the market.
How long was this in development for? 7 years?
Blind bought this in PS4. I bought it for the SP, but wondering how the MP is.
He was only 21 when the original Doom came out. That may be technically an adult, but really that's still a kid. Let it slide dude.
SnapMap might have sold me on the game.
Infinite co-op missions to play? Yeah, I'm interested.
fuck it I'm buying it
Red boxed the xbox one version.
Has anyone else run into huge audio glitches? One of the "cutscenes" had a character talking (mouth was moving) but no words coming out. I didn't have subtitles on at the time. Then next level boots and subtitles play but I can't hear the person over the radio.
Quite annoying, but amazing game so far despite this hopefully minor issue.
It's like $47 at Frys and Neweggfuck it I'm buying it
It's like $47 at Frys and Newegg
So is nightmare even enjoyable? Deciding between that or ultra violence.
Red boxed the xbox one version.
Has anyone else run into huge audio glitches? One of the "cutscenes" had a character talking (mouth was moving) but no words coming out. I didn't have subtitles on at the time. Then next level boots and subtitles play but I can't hear the person over the radio.
Quite annoying, but amazing game so far despite this hopefully minor issue.
So does Doom not have Private Matches or am I missing something?
Hey look I found a Doom football helmet
Is your Xbox sound config right? If you've set the sound options to Surround but don't have surround or your middle speaker is broken, this happens.
Hey look I found a Doom football helmet
Commander Keen!!
So is nightmare even enjoyable? Deciding between that or ultra violence.
Proper launch options for Doom (Properties -> Set Launch Options):
Code:+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +set m_smooth 0
No long intros and mouse smoothing off.
How are you choosing Nightmare right off the bat? It's not available to me yet here on PS4...
One question, does this game SP has weak as shit gun sounds like WTNO?
Ultra Nightmare is locked. Nightmare seems that way because it's red but you can choose it. I'm on ps4 btw.