So is max Sunray the build now or what. I haven't played Phoenix in a while.
Just make sure you actually show up to fights with maxed Sun Ray.
Fucking yugioh, the main character keeps inventing new mechanics mid match, now he putting extra cards in his extra deck mid match. Can't the protagonist just be good and stop cheating!
What do you do if there's a dude in your friend group who always picks carry but he's shit at it and hasn't improved in like, 2 years, but he continues to instapick it regardless?
Fucking yugioh, the main character keeps inventing new mechanics mid match, now he putting extra cards in his extra deck mid match. Can't the protagonist just be good and stop cheating!
What do you do if there's a dude in your friend group who always picks carry but he's shit at it and hasn't improved in like, 2 years, but he continues to instapick it regardless?
I'm just hating on main character Yu-Not-Gi or what ever his name is. Real Yugi and even that kid from GX were good at the game.u hating ont he best anime ever created?
i remember toon town guy. pegasus or whateverthe only thing i remember from yugioh is the glasses kid saying "SAY GOODBYE TO EXODIA" and Marik faces
Fucking yugioh, the main character keeps inventing new mechanics mid match, now he putting extra cards in his extra deck mid match. Can't the protagonist just be good and stop cheating!
This isn't even the old show, this is the latest and greatest, Arc V.Yea that cards don't even have descriptions for what they do in the show because they just make up random shit as they go or as the plot sees necessary. I remember being severely disappointed when I started playing the card game after watching a lot of the show back in the day.
Plus the cards not having text was due to US advertisement laws, they did in the original version. They still pulled out a ton of random shit for Duelist Kingdom, but once battle city started they stopped with the cheating and just invented OP anime only cards, or had combos that would require perfect draws.
No no, that was duelist kingdom. Battle city was the tournament Kaiba ran, with the goal of getting all 3 god cards. Battle City's rules were basically a copy of the rules in the real card game.Wasn't Battle City the tournament ran by Pegasus who exclusively cheated using his Magic Monocle?
Teach him how to farm efficiently (usually the problem with carries that aren't good). I'm talking stuff like watching the clock for stacks, blinking camp to camp with BF AM, etc.What do you do if there's a dude in your friend group who always picks carry but he's shit at it and hasn't improved in like, 2 years, but he continues to instapick it regardless?
don't invite them to your games and then delete them from your friends list
that's what POTA does))))))))
and then they improve while you rot in 1.8k hell)))))))))))))
edit: nvm you said "friends"
This too.I feel the thing bad carries usually lack are map awareness and itemization. To many get hung up on a single item build, and don't adapt to the game. Same with skill builds. But being flexible is not easy to teach. Map awareness is also really hard to learn, the best way to improve that is to play other roles.
Yeah, DC have a really strong roster. Though some people try to discredit saying they aren't a real NA team.DC just beat Shazam 2-1 and is a series away from Nanyang.
Still kinda odd how the new DC came to be and how they're doing extremely well in the NA region. Kinda want to see how they stack up against upper tier teams.
Manila will be interesting for them.
i miss my jacket so much
goodbye my fred perry bomber
Apparently Pokken is outselling SF5 in the US (For physical retail). That's pretty surprising.
Yeah hopefully they are given a Major
I mean Russia is one of their biggest markets behind China isnt it?
Shout outs to whiskeystrike for being my friend
Apparently Pokken is outselling SF5 in the US (For physical retail). That's pretty surprising.
I feel the thing bad carries usually lack are map awareness and itemization. To many get hung up on a single item build, and don't adapt to the game. Same with skill builds. But being flexible is not easy to teach. Map awareness is also really hard to learn, the best way to improve that is to play other roles.
My friend is a decent 1 Pos but makes me so mad for this reason. He just consistently does bad item builds. Like swearing Manta on Drow is still good (they had 0 silences and no Orchid carriers) and insisting Vanguard on AM sucks. Oh, he also refuses to get BKBs pretty often unless it's a hero that naturally gets one early like PA, and almost never gets Linkins outside of Morph, Weaver, and Medusa. When we're playing as a stack I have resorted to asking him how EE isn't his favorite player because he seems to have copied his desire to make every win as hard fought as possible.
Vanguard AM does suck though...
Vanguard AM is the goto build nowadays after treads and battlefury. No need to get vlads.
My friend is a decent 1 Pos but makes me so mad for this reason. He just consistently does bad item builds. Like swearing Manta on Drow is still good (they had 0 silences and no Orchid carriers) and insisting Vanguard on AM sucks. Oh, he also refuses to get BKBs pretty often unless it's a hero that naturally gets one early like PA, and almost never gets Linkins outside of Morph, Weaver, and Medusa. When we're playing as a stack I have resorted to asking him how EE isn't his favorite player because he seems to have copied his desire to make every win as hard fought as possible.
Good on him, fuck buying BKB.
I have thrown quite alot of games by not buying BKB... My friends always call me out on it, but I hate buying it for some reason...
Because it's kinda shitty.Good on him, fuck buying BKB.
I have thrown quite alot of games by not buying BKB... My friends always call me out on it, but I hate buying it for some reason...
Because it's kinda shitty.
I used to be all about the proactive BKB purchases, seeing how much lock down the enemy had and buying one quite early. These days I do it reactively, only if their CC turns out to be a problem and our team can't provide the control first.
Is he the sort of dude who will blame everything else before reflecting upon his own play?That's just it, he never does it reactively unless I am screaming it into his head for like 20 straight minutes. I'll watched him get kited around a fight, all of us die, and then he runs away and farms something stupid like a 3rd or 4th slot Moon Shard--he regularly get's that item before it's even remotely necessary.
Is he the sort of dude who will blame everything else before reflecting upon his own play?