enemy team took one set of rax, fountain dove, died, bought back one by one and died again and then we won
gotta love dota
there is a surrender button after all
enemy team took one set of rax, fountain dove, died, bought back one by one and died again and then we won
gotta love dota
nothing tops the originals but the dotacinema ones were good
is, is that an animate pile of shit and an unicorn.![]()
script update here ->
All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
that doesnt look anything like anime
unless you're trolling I can't really tell
All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
So do we have a consensus on Treads vs Phase on PA after her latest changes?
All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
paging hylian7
you should try out the persona series
is aquila not a must-have for agi safelaners now?
i've been skipping it sometimes and it's kinda been working out, losing one armor for 1 damage doesn't seem worth it
i used to get it pretty much always
i wish there was a way i could remove this game from my account so I could never play it again
All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
I don't hear or get any notifications/alerts when I get an invite while I'm alt-tabbed out of Dota 2. Should this be happening? Can I change these settings somewhere?
Do you eat shit?All my idiot weeb friends like these zero escape games. This looks embarrassing even by the already impossibly low standards of anime.
Weebs check your fucking heads please.
meepo first picks
medusa junglers
20 minute midas' on mid heroes
"wd is carry, no need buy wards"
kill me pls
i'm going to mass pick tinker to get out this funk
I'm starting to become a believer in that weekend dota is cursed. Spammed it up over my 3 day weekend and came out 6-8, despite having a 60% winrate in ranked this past month.
perfect chance to remind everyone eva is overhyped garbage
I feel you on that41% winrate with tusr
I'm going to trySo who all here is going to be playing Overwatch in 16 hours?
Why treads over phase boots? The extra damage helps the critical, and although PA's attack speed is pretty bad you've got Phantom Strike. I'm not a fan of Battle Fury, because it's pretty expensive and you're effectiveness is greatly reduced when you're farming for it.
I am going to try Dragon Lances on Slark.
The Starks are all such miserable failures. Just one failure after another trying to outfail the others. #teamwhitewalkers