Valve will add genderbend skins to dota and use that to pay the settlement.
Why the fuck do I keep being put with shit players when I play as Bounty Hunter? I know how to play him and can do it well (in the context of unranked, anyway) but I keep losing because of other people either playing like shit or picking shit heroes. It boggles my mind.
I thought the hero would be an easy "one and done" for me with the hero complete challenge or whatever it is called - hell I even won a Pudge game in one go and I had never played that hero before then - but nope. 3 losses with the hero later, still stuck on it.
If the command works it means you're running in Vulkan mode.Vulkan Static Memory Manager Stats:
the white epic skin is pretty nice on mcree
rest is shit
the white epic skin is pretty nice on mcree
rest is shit
Yo I fukken did it
literally the bulldog build. Didn't watch replays but man blink makes NP so hard to catch. They stopped bothering halfway through.
Thanks G-Rod
i just want the fucking BH immortal. IDC about the others, unless they're super awesome. I'll pay 15 bucks for some cool ass BH shit.
What kind of Disables count for Tactical Pause? Is it just stuns?
They could still just add more stuff.
$60 to get a 2nd Treasure II @ level 98
$90 to get a 2nd Treasure III @ level 167
idk about rock bottom pricing, this compendium is very specific in the price ranges it wants to hit. Casual jimmy gets a taste for $10 but nothing more
http://i.imgur.com/XFKzVp1.png?1 [ /IMG]
Casino chip shuriken?[/QUOTE]
Appropriate for the grey market gambling all of valves games are.
Banes nightmare counts for tactical pause.
3 starring this scar quest is kiĺling me good grief..svens the obvious choice but good lord he is easy to control...
milk cant handle my awp
We came back from a 30k+ gold deficit the other day:
played like shit, still won![]()
Just pick Bane. EZ 3 stars.What kind of Disables count for Tactical Pause? Is it just stuns?
That Ogre build... *cringe*
Somebody needed to get a Diffusal on that team no?
milk cant handle my awp
i fkkn hate playing as TAnus
There's your problem. TA is not a hero you scurry around on, you blink into people's faces and one-shot them.puck and weaver (da gawd) are better "scurry around and fuck shit up" bros
why not try Overwatch, I hear it doesn't even show the scoreboard
Why hasn't kotaku picked this up yet?![]()
is matchmaking working for anyone? I been searching for like 5 mins in US West.
Did you play in the beta at all? I don't think it'll come as a shock to you guys but I literally hate everything. With every fibre of my being all I do is hate. I actively hate all Blizzard games. I hate Team Fortress 2. I had zero expectation that I was going to care about Overwatch in the slightest. Then I got in the closed beta and after a day of playing I couldn't wait to tell everybody I knew how much I loved it.i feel like i'm the only one in the world who just doesn't care about overwatch at all
I found first picking a safelane carry and just counting on the enemy counterpick being played by someone who's not as familiar with their hero worked pretty damn well.Hardest 34-3 Slark game ever.
Team kept getting caught out but the disruptor and cm really pulled through in teamfights and we slowly but surely managed to nab the win.
The whole slam pick the safelane carry first is really paying off. 3 wins and the one loss I had I tried to play a roaming bounty and my team was totally incompetent.
I find it so bizarre how many people seem to be having this reaction. Especially people who don't like TF2. TF2 just plays so much better.Did you play in the beta at all? I don't think it'll come as a shock to you guys but I literally hate everything. With every fibre of my being all I do is hate. I actively hate all Blizzard games. I hate Team Fortress 2. I had zero expectation that I was going to care about Overwatch in the slightest. Then I got in the closed beta and after a day of playing I couldn't wait to tell everybody I knew how much I loved it.
If you tried it and still don't care, that's fine. Nothing is going to be for everyone, but something about Overwatch transcends its influences to me. I can't really explain it, it's just too fun to play.
I find it so bizarre how many people seem to be having this reaction. Especially people who don't like TF2. TF2 just plays so much better.
The interplay between Overwatch's heroes is a million times more interesting than the classes in TF2. After playing each class in TF2 a handful of times I was bored with the game. In Overwatch there isn't enough time left in my life to play all of the heroes as much as I'd like to.