No, dude, it's not even juicy conspiracy stuff. It's just depressing.
Edit: Top of the page, you gotta do it now
No, dude, it's not even juicy conspiracy stuff. It's just depressing.
No, dude, it's not even juicy conspiracy stuff. It's just depressing.
No, dude, it's not even juicy conspiracy stuff. It's just depressing.
Pls share.
I picture Riot as having a bunch of out of touch fat cats at the top, with the bloated infrastructure doing not much of anything, and the few passionate people that want to make the game better are unable to do so because the brass think they know better than everyone else and don't want outside input.
If any UK gaffers are voting leave they should do just that.UK dotogaf are you voting on brexit?![]()
If any UK gaffers are voting leave they should do just that.
voting to remain cos i'm not insane
if it's anything like what happened in the scottish independence referendum, most of the undecideds will just stump for the known (remain) rather than the unknown in leaving
(he says hopefully)
voting to remain cos i'm not insane
if it's anything like what happened in the scottish independence referendum, most of the undecideds will just stump for the known (remain) rather than the unknown in leaving
(he says hopefully)
I too enjoy financing the Greeks and Italians and their spend free ways. RIP G.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I fucking hope so. I do not trust the general public at all, I am going to be pretty scared watching the results tonight...![]()
These are the kind of morons I fear!
Agree. This vote terrifies me: the fuckers might actually leave the EU.
Is he a celebrity?
After 18 wins in a row the inevitable happened. One player double randoms into Lycan, the other 3 by far lowest mmr players all take carries, one of which ruins my off-lane and the rest is history.
It's a joy to watch your tinker TP into a lane and blink...on top of creeps and get omnislashed by the nearby juggernaut.
What's weird is, is that the game that didn't end up counting because of disc during pick phase apparently got removed from the recent games list, I guess because those don't get saved as long. With one more win I could've had my full list of green wins after all >_<
Well, now I can finally pick other heroes! If I want to, that is.
Masterful insight on the european political and economical situation
Ready for ZTD in 5 days?Is he a celebrity?
I can add an overwatch.gif too if this is too high level of a discuss for you.
Steam sail todayReady for ZTD in 5 days?
I amReady for ZTD in 5 days?
Steam sail today
The slow-motion crisis of the European Union, refereed to as E.U. hence forth, is the big story that rarely gets the attention it deserves. There are larger political, economic, and social problems that have long plagued the project of unifying the countries of Europe in order to harness its collective economic power, and to avoid the bloody internecine strife that stains its history.
The 2008 Great Recession exposed the incoherence of the E.U.s economic structure, particularly its single currency, which is held hostage by the diverse economic policies of sovereign nations. The data tell the tale. The E.U.s GDP grew 1 percent in 2013, anemic compared to the United States' 2.2 percent. In December 2014, unemployment in the E.U. averaged 11.4 percent, while in the U.S. it was 5.6 percent. In the U.S we are troubled by our labor force participation rate of 62.7 percent, a 36-year low. But in the E.U., it was 57.5 percent in 2013. The U.S. recovery from the recession may be slow by historical standards, but it is blazing compared to the E.U.s.
The E.U.s economic woes have many causes, but intrusively regulated economies and outsized government spending on generous social welfare transfers are two of the most important. Despite the rebuke of such policies delivered by the recession, government spending as a percentage of GDP has actually increased in the E.U., from 45.5 percent in 2007 to 49 percent in 2013, even as many Europeans decry the harsh austerity measures called for by countries like Germany. Greece, the E.U member increasingly in danger of being forced to exit the monetary union and thus risk its unraveling, has nonetheless raised its government spending from 46.8 percent in 2007 to 59 percent in 2013.
Socially, the E.U. is troubled by two trends: demographic decline and the presence of concentrated populations of unassimilated and disaffected immigrants. Europe is an aging people; by 2030, one in four Europeans will be 65 years or older, reflecting the Europeans failure to reproduce. Not since the 1970s have European women averaged 2.1 children, the number necessary to replace a population. The rate in 2014 was 1.6. In countries with low retirement ages and generous benefits, an aging population means more and more money taken from the productive young and investment in the economy, further reducing competitiveness, innovation, and growth.
The result has been large concentrations of immigrants segregated in neighborhoods like the banlieues of Paris or the satellite dish-cities of Amsterdam. Shut out from labor markets, plied with generous social welfare payments, and allowed to cultivate beliefs and cultural practices inimical to liberal democracy, many of these immigrants despise their new homes.
All these economic, social, and political problems are no secret. But the proposed solutions to them usually focus on policy changes or technical adjustments to the structure and functioning of the E.U. Yet this begs the fundamental question that has troubled European unification ever since it began with the Treaty of Rome in 1957: What comprises the collective beliefs and values that can form the foundations of a genuine European-wide community? What is it that all Europeans believe?
More important, from its beginning, the idea of the E.U. depended on the denigration of patriotism and national pride, for these were seen as the road to the exclusionary, blood-and-soil nationalism that fed Nazism and fascism. Yet all peoples are the product of a particular culture, language, mores, histories, traditions, and landscapes. The postmodern abstract E.U. ideal of transcending such parochial identities was destined to collide with the real cultural differences between European nations. These differences have become obvious during the economic crisis of the last decade, when hard-working, thrifty Germans have been loath to subsidize what they see as indolent, improvident Greeks, suggesting that there is more that separates than unites those two peoples. That sense of belonging to a community defined by a shared identity cannot be created by a single currency.
The E.U. is fundamentally undemocratic.Consider Portugal. With unemployment rates at dangerous levels, and its economy to contract by 2.3% its third straight year of contraction under austerity policies in 2013 the nations Constitutional Court struck down several austerity measures enacted by the government in compliance with European Commission requirements. That prompted Commission officials to pressure the countrys government to simply ignore the ruling, under threat of losing badly needed funding prompting a constitutional crisis.
In such ways, EU officials are inserting themselves into the governance of member nations. Yet the ordinary people whose lives are seriously affected by such measures have no recourse they cant vote to throw the bums out as we might say here in the States. This lack of democratic accountability poses a serious problem for member states and the system as whole.
As for political tensions, a system whose officials are responsible for the regions faltering economies but who are not accountable to the tens of millions of unemployed people in them, is obviously exacerbating those tensions rather than alleviating them.
Moreover, by giving up their national currencies, member countries who experience wage inflation can no longer temporarily deflate their currencies to make their exports more attractive. Those that fall into an economic slowdown or recession cant print money to finance their safety nets for people who are unemployed or who face extreme poverty. Having your own currency may not be such a bad idea after all. Fears that the use of such tools will lead to runaway inflation and interest rates have proven completely unfounded.
I can add an overwatch.gif too if this is too high level of a discuss for you.
My sister is getting married in a few hours at the place I work at.
I will need to be pretty drunk to actually agree to dance.
where do you work that your sister would get married there lol?
A place where people get married, have bar mitzvahs and so on...
Is outright copy/pasting year old Hoover Institution drivel a form of discussion to you?
Hold on let me find some left-leaning think tank garbage that disproves your article.
We can really discuss things then.
Nice POTG meme though.
Instead of using your own words to talk aobut the matter at hand you copy-paste some article with a clear political bias that also manages to transpire an american sense of superiority, while containing more than a few blatant lies. Well done.
Cute gif though.
sounds a lot like the issues they're having in American cities like Detroit where democratically elected mayors are replaced by "emergency managers" who are not elected and consequently not accountable to the people for the often times harsh and bad decisions they make.
It's one of the reasons Flint, MI had its water crisis. Unelected officials who neither live nor work in the communities they now oversee, making decisions with money as their motivator and the care of the people a distant second.
International resurgence of xenophobia throughout the western world is frankly disgusting.
Pls share.
I picture Riot as having a bunch of out of touch fat cats at the top, with the bloated infrastructure doing not much of anything, and the few passionate people that want to make the game better are unable to do so because the brass think they know better than everyone else and don't want outside input.
kvk don't do it
I have no interest in that game, the soundtracks aight though.sorry homie
i'm buying VA-11 Hall-A
and nobody can stop me
I'm actually enjoying reading these discussions on economics and the EU, please do carry on.