That goes for any hero, including Pudge.I dunno what game your playing if you can just "ignore a bad rubick"
how do you just ignore the dude not doing anything all game looking for sick spell steals and feeding
That goes for any hero, including Pudge.I dunno what game your playing if you can just "ignore a bad rubick"
how do you just ignore the dude not doing anything all game looking for sick spell steals and feeding
That goes for any hero, including Pudge.
Is it hard to see why a hero that can hook enemies out of danger/allies out of a kill or into a bad position and must himself be put right next to an enemy to kill them MIGHT be more likely to hurt his team than a ranged support with all ranged spells?
????? Chill the fuck out man.Are you fucking high?
I would suggest you learn how to play a pudge and a rubick... and pay particular attention to how positioning affects them when they are casting spells
one is more likely to feed when casting spells than the other... i'll leave it upto you to figure out which
nice edge case.. also lmao ranged spells...
read my post again and pay attention to the positioning when the spell is cast..
who is likely to be amongst the enemy when they are casting spells... rubiks spell steal cast range isnt as large as you think it is, conversly pudges hook range is larger then you think it is....missed hooks (wrong person hooked or otherwise) are a annoyance, they dont lead to feeding the enemy when trying to make some sick yapsor plays
Got my finals badge today. Yay
Also, can someone send me a link to the discord, assuming a 2.5k scrub is allowed
Wuts on the back?
ye im done... dead cats all over the place.
Are you fucking high?
I would suggest you learn how to play a pudge and a rubick... and pay particular attention to how positioning affects them when they are casting spells
one is more likely to feed when casting spells than the other... i'll leave it upto you to figure out which
Valve, give groups and schedule pls
Arguing over why one champ is better than another champ in dumpster tier for $35 hats
Arguing over why one champ is better than another champ in dumpster tier for $35 hats
They won't reveal the groups until the day before, as to give all the teams a fair chance in terms of targeted prep.
They should be able to reveal a generic schedule though, without revealing the teams.
Well, last year groups were comprised of 8 teams, so 7 sets played per team. There were 14 scheduled match times, so 2x7.
With 9 teams this year, there will be 8 sets played per team, so we should assume 16 scheduled match times.
The big difference is these matches are played over 4 days instead of 3. So instead of 5/5/4 I'd expect something like 5/4/4/3 to allow for a tiebreakers if needed, but they could just go 4/4/4/4.
Dipped my toes into Siltbreaker for the first time today.
... between DCs and no coordination, this is tough with randoms.
I wonder why my mmr keeps dropping with no sight of improving... hmmm
I wonder why my mmr keeps dropping with no sight of improving... hmmm
I wonder why my mmr keeps dropping with no sight of improving... hmmm
Look, take this from someone that used to be a notorious teammate blamer in here, you can ask anyone in here if you need evidence of that.I wonder why my mmr keeps dropping with no sight of improving... hmmm
Look, take this from someone that used to be a notorious teammate blamer in here, you can ask anyone in here if you need evidence of that.
I get that it's frustrating when your teammates are bad, have a bad have, just make one critical fuckup or whatever. However you have to look at what you can do to win the game. You aren't playing your teammates heroes, you are playing yours. You should focus on what you could have done better to win that game, because that gets you more results than saying "My team sucked" and queueing again.
Maybe it was actually your teammates fault, maybe it wasn't, but the only thing you can directly change is how you play your hero, so figure out what you can do there. Also encourage your teammates and communicate instead of calling them noobs if they feed first blood. This applies to every single game, even if the rest of your team all goes 30 minutes Midas with no boots.
As for that game specifically, I'd have to watch it, but others have said good advice on it in here.
Looks like the game didnt have too much action, you got out farmed by slark and you/your team didnt counter pick him.
you're not gonna get any pity points in this thread for blaming your teammates, if this post is what I think it is.
Purely based in the scoreboard, you probably need more kill participation and more farm, but I didn't watch the what could I have done as a riki with bootless silencer rushing refresher, wk rushing radiance, tinker pick after nyx + slark + lc
It's way better now than it was at launch. It's possible to get past the first two areas with randoms now.
Valve needs to stop reading redditMaking the TI7 courier having an Evolving Style is pretty nice, and unexpected.
After I posted, I made it with a random group all the way to the giant scorpion boss! And then we died. Tips/tricks?
It's way better now than it was at launch. It's possible to get past the first two areas with randoms now.
I'll have to try again tomorrow thenI've finished it many times with randoms.
It's really not that hard now.
I've finished it many times with randoms.
It's really not that hard now.
I'll have to try again tomorrow then
Same and three starred most of the campaign too.
Feels bad when all your friends stop playing the game
It mostly comes down to hero comp and micro, from my experience. The more times you're hit by the shockwaves that create the rocks, the more hosed you are the longer the fight continues, and then it's easy to get screwed by a bad juke or misclick.
Also, while completing Siltbreaker with randoms seems possible, I have yet to get a three star with them, so it's pretty diminishing returns from the achievements/loot side of things. I'm hopeful Valve is taking the time to calibrate Part 2 so it's a bit more enjoyable for the vast majority of matchmaking players.