i saw one on ebay for like $300 starting bid
$1225 USD

i saw one on ebay for like $300 starting bid
The thing is in esports these things are very different. In soccer, taking your jersey off is a yellow card offense, but you can't do something like that in Dota that is outside the bounds of the game. The only things that even come close are BM in chat or any kind of external cheats such as maphacking, Meepo Poof scripts,'s the MOBA equivalent of a penalty for excessive celebration in football or a technical foul in basketball or code violations (racket throwing etc) in tennis.
it's not really the dumb MOBA wars "wow they were fined for exploring emergent gameplay? DotA 2 by Valve Corporation totally encourages that, shameful!"
if you think it's stupid to fine a team $300 (which is less than a slap on the wrist) for something like that, cool, but it's hardly worth the snickering condescension it's getting
Is stutter stepping not an appropriate term for a game that is running in the SC2 engine?
I had no idea it was a SC2 term![]()
I once praised Riot for paying their players a base salary and thinking Valve should do the same to support people who aren't EG/Secrekt.
Well don't I feel stupid now.
what are you even talking about? that ruling had nothing to do with "throwing" or match fixing. It was a ruling based on lack of sportsmanship. It's still dumb, and Riot has demonstrated they are far too trigger happy with fines, but at least read the article.
Conceptually, LCS is fantastic. Issue is Riot has demonstrated themselves to be less effective at running their league than a dead cat.
What are the regulations on all chat BM at Valve events anyway? We've seen Moon taunt plenty of times so those seem to be allowed.should teams be penalized (even in a minor way) for allchat BM?
I don't think so, but I would totally understand if Valve wanted to codify regulations for it. That's essentially all that was.
Why are Dota players so mentally unstable
Good lord these are the best games. Level 25 with all hard carries duking it out
Teammate Slardar gets triggered hard from the last game.
Cliff jungle Medusa gets triggered hard and starts allchat flaming.
Enigma rage quits, Medusa rage quits and comes back
Meanwhile I get to afk jungle skeleton king. Usually never top GPM on my team, but I finally did it.
Medusa writing a fucking novella
edit: ez 500 compentium points
Why is Battle Fury still in Underlord's top 5 most purchased items according to Dotabuff (it's shown as #6, but TP is within the top 5 so that doesn't really count)? I haven't tried it, and haven't seen anyone try it in one of my games, but it seems like total garbage in theory. You only have that damage in fights. You don't have significant damage to farm with it, you'll only get a bunch of damage AFTER you already won the teamfight, and in that case you want to use that damage to hit buildings. Sure you get a little from creeps, but I don't think its anything to buy a BF over.
Magnus Empower is another story, but BF just seems like a total waste of money when you could get so many more items that are actually useful.
Is there some hidden attraction of it that I am missing, or is it really just garbage that people think is good but really isn't?
3-4 camps is already the majority of the jungle, and that makes it sound like extremely diminishing returns, plus unless you are blinking, you still lose some of that when moving camp to camp.It only takes 3-4 camps to get 50 damage. Still probably bad though.
Mistakes were made. Stupid Void Mace and Invoker Cape. Didn't even get the Lina item![]()
How much is that in monetary terms?My friend levelled up his compendium to 3,500.
What if he bought levels during the sale?$1750
My friend levelled up his compendium to 3,500.
How much is that in monetary terms?
9 Game win streak, longest I believe i've had and all as Rubick. Feels fucking good man.
I had no idea it was a SC2 term![]()
I have like, a 20% winrate on lich. Dotas hardest hero bar none said:What an incredible year it has been.
OG started out as an idea to form a team with a few fundamental principals: Friendship, trust and hard work. I finally was able to use the what I've learned over the years to feel confident as a captain with this new team, but not in an imposing way - I always strive to learn and become better every day, along with my teammates.
We had amazing success, and then a downfall.. but we survived through that and just like before, we repeated our pattern where we rose quickly but had another big fall when it mattered the most.
Winning big tournaments affects your mentality, and when we got to TI we were not able to reach the same level of fire and motivation we had for Manila. It felt like we were just playing the game, and I can see the people we played against would yell and scream and jump with excitement while we were mellow... I tried to instill motivation the best way I know, but in the end it did not work.
In the end, we were 5 players who are not all completely the same. While we did start out the team with these fundamentals, over time people changed a little bit, and it didn't feel the same as when we started the team.
Cr1t- and Miracle- are both very young and have a lot of potential. This was the first year for them playing in the highest level of dota, and I think they just want to try out new things while they can, its a growing process and I understand it, and Im not going to hold them back.
With Moon it was a bit different, but out of respect for him it was not because of his talent nor skill that we parted ways with him, sometimes people have different personalities and don't work as well together.
Making a team is a very delicate procedure, there are so many factors involved that you can't just simply choose 5 players you think are good. It's extremely rare and hard to find people who will be on the same page as you, and it's something you also have to work for as a team, it doesn't just click right away. You really have to understand the other people on your team to be able to play the best together.
After being in several different teams, I can say that this was the best experience of my dota career so far. I don't think the 5 of us were completely on the same page, but we were very closeit showed with our success. Even tho we parted ways, it does not mean our friendship ends here. I really wish that Cr1t-, Miracle- and Moon all have success, because they are all incredible players, and I respect them.
Like some smart people said, don't be sad its over, be glad it happened.
So what comes next?
I am on vacation at my fathers place, and I talked to him yesterday. He used to compete in Judo, and he went to train in Japan.. and back then it was not simple for the Japanese to accept someone foreign training with them, so they would try to break him in any way possible. They would train for 8 hours, and after that they would have sparring matchesif you win, they throw another guy at you until you break. They just wanted you to go back home.
This went on for 6 months, and after that they finally started giving my father some respect, because he would not give up no matter what, he would fight on and would never quit.
After that they started calling him Tōshi, which means fighting spirit in Japanese, and even made him a Judogi with that written on it.
So like my dad, I am not one to give up easily. Even tho these changes are not easy, and things don't go your way.. Your plan A, plan B and plan C all fail, you still push on and find a solution, you don't give up. I won't give up. I aim to be the best and that won't change.
OG will stand, and I hope those who followed us will continue to do so, because this is going to be the beginning of something new, and something that will continue to be great.
I have like, a 20% winrate on lich. Dotas hardest hero bar none
Seeing as you guys are discussing some stuff regarding Riot and LCS I figured you would enjoy this one from a sponsor's point of view.
Top ladLich is one of the few heroes I can comfortably play hard support on, he's my go-to-hero when my pubs insta-lock 4 carries and a jungler. Try not to take your nuke at level 1 if you can, unless it will actually help you secure first blood at the rune fight at 0:00. Normally take sacrifice, eat the ranged creep from mid lane from the first wave and head to your safe lane from there. Harass the offlaner with right click (being careful of creep aggro! Ideally you'd be able to box out the enemy melee offlaner). Get level 2, level up nuke. Now use mana from sacrifice and nuke the offlaner on cooldown.
That should win your safelane 90% of the time.
From there: buy wards, TP when someone is getting dived, especially if you have Chain Frost up. I like getting Force Staff first on Lich since he does have mana problems casting his ult even with Sacrifice if you spam his nuke. Part of that might be that I like getting Tranquils on Lich instead of mana boots though. From there: buy normal support items like Glimmer if you don't already have heavy invis on your team. Aether lens is good, Aghs is not worth it generally, Sheep stick if you are balling out of control, etc.
If you are greedy like me you will max Sacrifice first, nuke next and frost armor last, but I think most people would recommend leaving sacrifice at 2, getting a value point in frost armor at level 4, and maxing nuke first.
Don't forget to frost armor towers/rax as they are getting beat on, it can win you games even if you are Mega Creeped.![]()
Also it's easy to forget this, but Chain Frost does a BKB piercing mini-stun on cast. Useful for when you absolutely need to interrupt a TP on the enemy carry, stop Black Hole, etc.
Seeing as you guys are discussing some stuff regarding Riot and LCS I figured you would enjoy this one from a sponsor's point of view.
make yousselfs useful, moof the payload
man, marc really opened up a can of worm didn't he
Some shit like that has happened internally. There was a big riot (kappa) about pros playing hearthstone during downtime between pub games etc.I'm surprised they didn't pull this shit with Twitch. Hey you guys are streaming that other MOBA. Stop it or we'll . . . uh fine you.
Some shit like that has happened internally. There was a big riot (kappa) about pros playing hearthstone during downtime between pub games etc.
I remember this...
looks like Moo got kicked from DC. why is everyone in pro dota so stupid
It feels like any time Marc says anything on Reddit it ends up opening a can of worms.
wut why
yeah true. "spectate faker" - drama + trying to reveal icefrogs identity didn't sit well with the league subreddit either
truly an idiot, geniunely surprised the pr department hasnt put a muzzle on him yet
Marc's one of the founders of Riot isn't he? I imagine your boss wouldn't take too kindly if you told him to shut up.
Enjoy playing with ixmike and those self-destructing NA stacksmoon for moo is abit of a downgrade imo, that being said its rumoured that dc are moving to eu and he was the holdout
It's useful to some degree, especially in the regions where VC hasn't come in and boosted player salaries to unsustainable levels in the current ecosystem, and laying a backbone for stability is good. The fact is that that base pay should not limit what players/orgs/talent can do. There's a wealth of information and organizations out there now that do things properly.I once praised Riot for paying their players a base salary and thinking Valve should do the same to support people who aren't EG/Secrekt.
Well don't I feel stupid now.