Cross posting this from the TI thread:
MP is no surprise. He had the least impact on the team. Some games, I would forget he was there.
Is G.ZZZ perm'd?
Are there a lot of euros playing on gaf? I've been playing this overwhelmingly solo for 3k hours but maybe now is the time to play with someone else..
Lul because midone, khezu, yapzor had farm priorityMP is no surprise. He had the least impact on the team. Some games, I would forget he was there.
[citation needed]Lul because midone, khezu, yapzor had farm priority
Secret.babaev offlane
Secret.reso carry
Part of rtours problem relates to him winning mmr. He wants to win with meta heroes so he practices with winning heroes and cr1t draft priorities but is only confident with those. If he loses with those heroes he practiced it's over. Confidence is shot.more like
secret.Arteezy carry
secret.Zai offlane
just like TI5 secret xd
Misery to EG makes sense. He's one of the few experienced captains at this point who is a free agent. Esp if PPD ain't coming back.
Just need a solid carry player..
everyone officially giving up on Artour as a carry at the highest levels?
I'm just not sure. He was certainly unmemorable, but he was largely playing unmemorable heroes. I feel like their upper bracket games featured mostly RTZ on Visage, Veno, and lower bracket was what? PL and TB? So 2 heroes that don't make plays...then 2 more heroes that have largely been evaluated as weak in this patch (PL and PL even a hero in this patch?). Picking them into Sven to add insult to injury.
I would have liked to see him on something stronger. Heroes like Sven, Lifestealer, Lycan...even Slark, Clinkz, Drow, or Timbersaw would have been cool to me. Those heroes group and fight (some sooner than others), terrorize the map, and can make shit happen. Veno and Visage....super meh. Not that they're bad heroes; they just don't do anything of note, you know? idk. Just not sure I'm ready to wave the white flag on RTZ just yet. But maybe it's time.
Watch the PL gameYeah I agree with this. Give Artour a real carry and he does very well. I don't think Artour was the main problem with the EG TI run at all. rtz carried hard on that sniper druid game for example IIRC. I'm not ready to give up on my boy just yet.
To me, EG's real problem were the drafts, where they would try to pick very versatile heroes like Mirana so that they could try to outdraft their opponents and but set themselves up for an overall weak draft, with e.g. hard carry Mirana that ended up doing fuck all even with farm
you heard it here first.
Source?Ana kicked.
Lul ee has four ~10ish k players available to him
Watch the PL game
Watch the PL game
Ana kicked.
arteezy might be on secret again
At the airport yesterday, a neat little thing happened. I had time to kill and was at one of those long tables with power outlets, so I got my laptop and decided to play Dota. I was playing and this girl sits next to me, and is watching my screen. She then says "That QoP is pretty bad". I asked her if she was at TI, and she said she was. She said her English wasn't very good though, but I could understand her just fine, she was from Hong Kong, but currently living in the US. We talked about Dota for a while while I was playing, TI, etc. She was cheering for Newbee, but thinks they didn't deserve to win because they were playing terribly. She said "Their Anti-Mage should have bought A-stick [Aghs] and they might have won!" Where she comes from, they call Aghs "A-stick", and have names for other heroes or items. Generally this applies to stuff that came from Dota 1, so Lotus Orb, Dragon Lance, Hurricane Pike, Monkey King, those are all the same. It was an interesting conversation as she was watching me play. At first she thought it was League of Legends, but then saw Storm Spirit and realized it was Dota.
It's really cool to me how Dota brings people around the world together, even if there is a language barrier.
Sounds like the D gates worked out for you.
I had to go to the N gates, but there were people there playing too, even at 9 PM.
I'm at work, so fucking tired since I landed at like 1 am and had to be at work at 8 lul
i played a lot of dota, but it have a terrible thing for one guy in his game last 40 minutes! i really would like to restart playing, but a game must last not more then 25 minutes, or wife/son/job cant let me play it
After my son was born I get all my dotes on 10v10 in custom games.
You can quit anytime without penalty and even go afk for awhile.
Games are faster, some heroes are super op and gold gain passive is 2x. Lots of big team fights has sort of ruined me for regular 5v5.
Zai leaving EG would suck but he might want to go back to offlane and universe ain't letting that happen. Whatever the mix I hope Sumail lands on a good team he's by far my most favorite player to watch.
if ana kicked. og.midone sounds good.ana kicked, misery to eg, zai to secret
revealed by empire's manager on vk
i guess that sumail and misery tweet is true
ana kicked, misery to eg, zai to secret
revealed by empire's manager on vk
i guess that sumail and misery tweet is true
Isn't MidOne staying at secret?if ana kicked. og.midone sounds good.
is this confirmed or nah
that kind of dota its not dota...what is the best competitive alternative for one who want to play serious game of a moba, but with 30 min max duration?